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The Poojer

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Everything posted by The Poojer

  1. Dead and Company in Philly was amazing. NEVER miss a Sunday show. It was the last of my 4 city run with the band, at least it was the last planned show. Finding it difficult to not go to Citi field this weekend for the tours closing shows. This band has really come together over the past 6 or so years.
  2. That was a heck of an episode. I like how Mike actually tried to treat howard with a bit of 'respect' as he was being thrown in the pit
  3. Deep fried charcuterie board???? Um, yes please!
  4. The Bear on Hulu is pretty freaking good. Great cast, great story line, the music, the frenetic pace will leave you out of breath 😁. I blinked and I was 8 episodes in.
  5. His father didn't pass away, but did have a medical emergency
  6. Almost went up for the show. I just hope John was able to see his father in Hartford yesterday.
  7. Watched it last night. Mr Bean with dialog, he's so brilliant with that "mime"/physical type comedy
  8. I pissed in a urinal next to Robert Cray, we gave each other the obligatory head nod and went about our business
  9. Show 2 tonight in bethel woods on my Dead and Company summer tour roadie. Did the deer creek show Tuesday for show 1. Show 3 is tomorrow in foxboro, then a week off before show 4 back home in Philly.
  10. Not a fan of s'mores
  11. Wow, wow, wow. My kids went up to the game, they called screaming after judge walked off
  12. I liked it better than Ozark finale, and the Ozarks finale almost ruined my opinion of the entire series
  13. Well today sucked, especially after the arbitration outcome
  14. Story probably sucks as much as the movie. One of my list of opinions that could cause me bodily harm. Not getting Radiohead might be tied for the top position
  15. I was 2 days ago (Thursday) when I found out this song wasn't the Doors. https://youtu.be/YzHtePuz13U
  16. I watched it this morning, great for nostalgia, but pretty weak overall
  17. Need to keep our collective fingers crossed that arbitration is avoided before tomorrow. The Yankees need to give Judge a very favorable deal
  18. I started on netfixs' "gods favorite idiot". It starts Ben falcone and wife Melissa McCarthy, among others. I'm 5 episodes in and I'm really enjoying it. Interesting premise, pretty damned funny. Admittedly, I think Melissa McCarthy is absolutely hilarious, I know others don't. The episodes are short, there's a lot of humor outside of the 2 marquis stars.
  19. I need to seek out Jamie Jones in the Philadelphia area
  20. As long as he leaves that talentless wife at home 😁
  21. Concert season started for me yesterday with a street festival in my area, Melvin Seals and JGB, Jade Bird, Yellowman and a few others. I was there for Melvin and Jade, they absolutely killed it. Then today John Kadlecik (who played with Melvin last night) did a small acoustic set at a bar near me. A nice 4pm set to close the weekend!
  22. 2nd episode was much better than the first. I think the key is separating shoresy from both letterkenny shoresy and Wayne. He's a completely different character
  23. It is a rough one. One of the biggest issues with my parents is my Mom is 81 going on 50, she can’t slow her vibrancy down, frustrates the f*** out of both. I went up to help them out for a week a few weeks ago. I saw very positive progress in very short order, but with every great day comes a challenging day. New neurologist who specializes in movement disorders is coming on board next week. I’m looking forward to seeing what he brings to the table. My Dad was going to a Parkinson’s centric boxing class pre-knee replacement, he’s almost to a point to go back and that will be a huge milestone, both physically and mentally for both my parents
  24. My Dad is struggling with Parkinson’s/movement disorder. Otherwise healthy but damn it’s really slowing him down. Having knee replacement a month ago is adding to his woes, but he’s working with specialists to try and minimize the effects. Fingers crossed
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