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The Poojer

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Everything posted by The Poojer

  1. enough of this crap...i remember smiling during the demise of circuit city....this is a job to them...this isn't life or death like we make it seem...sure I am pissed about this loss, but if you tell me that you haven't smiled during your worst days at work then you are lying....
  2. having not read anything on this board today...but why did we lose? not sure why we lost, but I guarantee our #1 receiver being caught from behind after catching a pass in stride has something to do with it.... we give up ONE offensive TD and sure we abandonded the run, but how many goddam passes did we drop???? as I said on facebook... AAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we needed this and should have won this game....secondary, receivers make plays this game is not in the wrong column...did we go away from the run, YES...but come on....lets make the plays we frigging run....i think i'd rather be blown out than lose like we lost today....because we SHOULDN"T have!!!! :wallbash:
  3. didn't see this until today, but Jimmy Fallon & The Roots did a pretty solid job during the Macy's Parade http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=V2-eKQXepNY Live Aid was such a spectacular event with so many killer performances, but you are right, Queen absolutely stole the show!
  4. One of the best! Saw them in '80, still a highlight in my musical experiences
  5. I saw that MMJ vinyl. Its just a 2 song EP, correct? The Newport Jazz recording with the chick from Alabama Shakes? How is it?
  6. i am 'that guy that waits for that guy so as to not be that guy'....
  7. I didn't want to be 'that guy' but my initial reaction was it had to do more with her recent drug arrest and was trying to spin it in her favor..
  8. "Ralph is cheap"...in fact...he wrote it
  9. I think Marino said at halftime he'd never shake Suh's hand because of his lack of respect. Went on to say in his day he'd be first in line to shake Bruce's or Reggie White's hand and vice versa
  10. I'm guilty of damning the species as a whole. Then I volunteered at the Richmond SPCA. I went in to hang with a pitbull and at first I had visions of her going for my throat, then..... she melted my heart. I played with her for over an hour. The sweetest most docile dog I'd ever seen.
  11. This news coupled with news of a new album of previously unreleased jimi hendrix is going to add some nice music to my collection http://www.nme.com/news/jimi-hendrix--2/67315
  12. Based on your Facebook post about working I thought you meant vernon-verona-sherrill
  13. I like Trombone Shorty.
  14. hard to argue with this http://espn.go.com/b...s-americas-team
  15. timely rolling stone article.... http://www.rollingstone.com/music/videos/band-to-watch-jd-mcpherson-20121120
  16. this is from the show I saw him at....his whole set just brought the place to its feet...
  17. saw him this summer...he is very good! ...but i guess you might already know this because of my previous post about me seeing him....
  18. Doesn't Namibia Media have anyone that can take a decent picture???
  19. do Matchbox count because I had a kid take a bunch from me as kids and I am still hot on his trail....just never able to trip him up....
  20. tough life dude....wife and her sister that good looking....you suck!
  21. wow....that really is pretty bush league...but in their defense...they did read scripture together before the game....
  22. usually a couple weeks before christmas...but never really anything elaborate...
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