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The Poojer

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Everything posted by The Poojer

  1. Jay, that may have been the full show he played at night. He played the noon show at World Cafe Live as part of the weekly free at noon, those shows are normally about 30-45 minutes in length, he only did 6 or 7 songs....
  2. Hannah McKay may be one of the hottest characters ever...she wears those boots VERY well!!!
  3. anyone see that drive to the hoop by Cooney last night???? holy cow! and what a game from Jeramy Grant and Coleman as well...slow start, but they started clicking big time. Nice to DaShonte having a decent game as well.
  4. check out this article by tim graham on the last 4 games and the improvement of the defense... http://blogs.buffalonews.com/press-coverage/2012/12/nobody-stuffing-runners-better-than-bills-second-half-of-season.html
  5. I read a report that he was battling alcohol and painkillers due to head injuries... for what its worth
  6. That's awesome
  7. http://www.hulu.com/watch/115713
  8. my understanding of the story is that the laptop had his latest recordings that he was working on...when it was returned the music was gone...his million dollar reward was offered in large part to returning his intellectual property...he didn't get that...
  9. unfortunately stub hub doesn't have a shopping cart, because of the nature of the business, and i was buying 4 pairs of tix for my son for some upcoming sixers games for christmas...so i had to make the purchases individually...amazon thankfully has a shopping cart, otherwise i would have had 11 separate purchases...
  10. its not all the time, like i said, today i made 4 seperate purchases from stub hub, and one from amazon all within 10 minutes, they have called me maybe 3 times in the past 3 years when there were odd purchases like that
  11. it was so cool to see them playing together...they looked like they should have been friends of my parents, in fact i really got a kick out of watching the guitarist, Martin Belmont...he was a cross between my father and Jim Boehiem, and just as nerdy looking, but damn was it great seeing them, even for a short 6-7 song set. and being in arms length of them was even cooler. You are gonna enjoy the full show, I guarantee it! here is a link to the stream: http://www.xpn.org/player/player.php?AudioGUID=b3c4d3bc-21b7-44c0-bf9a-26b202685f31&CategoryGUID=de7afc3b-9f23-4bfc-a5b3-abe769e017fc
  12. i don't know why everyone has trouble with their card protection...I use my debit card nearly 100% or the time for all transactions. I use the credit option rather than the debit option and my card fraud department calls when they see out of the ordinary purchases, which so far have been legit, except for one under $5 charge I could not confirm. Have NEVER had any money taken from my account...just made christmas purchases this morning on amazon and stub hub and within seconds after placing my last (6th) order got the expected phone call..they just wanted to confirm the charges were mine.
  13. 'Pop' rested some of the biggest names in the NBA and they only lost by 5...Miami is who needs to be fined.
  14. for those that care and aren't friends with me on facebook....what a great show, so nice to hear that distinct GP sound....and to see the rest of The Rumour together after 30 years... this isn't my video because my phone can't handle live shows, but my spot for the show was directly in front of GP's right side monitor... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Oi-1BmYm58
  15. I'm sure he's recognized but I bet he hates being called Ms. Diller... :-)
  16. I take it to mean that for this season they are safe. He knows that TODAY there is no better option. After the season I see Chan not being too secure but Fitz..sadly there is nothing on the landscape to unseat him. I also still believe that Fitz can lead this team with an experienced ol and a stouter defensive unit
  17. I've missed you, little rodent dude.
  18. that show cracks me up...that Bobo guy cracks me up...and tell me that chick isn't gettin' it from that group when they camp out in the woods....
  19. pretty sure your best option is to duct tape it to your back, under your shirt...that avoids all the hassles of having to declare it, check it..blah blah blah...thank you, Bin Laden....
  20. well played, it is!
  21. 'Belinda' was used in place of 'nm' or 'no message' in the reply...only the thread tile had content
  22. Hahahah... I cracked up when the replayed that yesterday!!!
  23. Now if 6 turned out to be 9...I don't mind...I don't mind... Wow...you are right...lyric comparisons prove how much better jimi was than tupac....
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