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The Poojer

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Everything posted by The Poojer

  1. if its cg, its VERY high quality cg...check out the shadows..both in regular motion and slow motion... [
  2. 9-11 http://youtu.be/0YOh-rpvjYg
  3. I thought we were pissing the night away...
  4. Holy schniekies! We need more laws outlawing eagles!
  5. The Syracuse sportscaster? What about him?
  6. and Kate Upton http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/18/kate-upton-antarctica-shoot-oreo-bikini-photos_n_2323124.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000003
  7. Her voice was sexy as hell in Elf!
  8. nope, that's not it...it had something to do with porn addictions i think
  9. what the hell does have to do with the price of tea in....crap...what's the place that's famous for...oh crap...nevermind...i lost my train of thought
  10. if you want to try it, here is a link where they usually have it in bottles and will ship to wherever it is legal to ship beer...$6/bottle isn't too bad, may be a minimum order, but he has a weekly email that gives his in-stock products... what area of the country do you live in? for anyone in philly, i highly recommend, http://phillytapfinder.com/, its a great resource to see what is pouring and its a very dynamic list http://www.winecommune.com/stores/item.cfm/storeID/148/lotID/17501912.html
  11. was it something about rootbeer? (bonus points if you know the reference without looking it up)
  12. Anyone else surprised Jimmy B didn't mention Bernie Fine?
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IO64urOFNaY&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  14. Weren't we just discussing this very subject yesterday????
  15. In a freaking heartbeat
  16. It wasn't pretty...but congrats Coach Boeheim
  17. i'm watching the knicks/rockets game(while cuse is in halftime) and they just showed the garnett/mchale exchange...very emotional moment
  18. they were an awesome band. I am looking forward to this movie grohl is putting together..Bob Mould is a really interesting character
  19. y'all weren't too thrilled with him teaming up with Nirvana...how about teaming up with Bob Mould? Granted its a year old, but any Hüsker Dü is good in my book...
  20. Maybe the best one yet! And that's saying a lot!
  21. the Younger is by far the better beer....i think it gets ignored because its so hard to come by whereas the Elder is the one they make more of for distribution... funny Beer advocate even puts it higher than the one in the original post....i like how the elder comes in slightly behind it...must be tough to have that problem as a brewer http://beeradvocate.com/lists/popular
  22. Russian River Pliny the Younger is often considered the best beer in america...but of course it is very subjective based on personal preference
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