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The Poojer

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Everything posted by The Poojer

  1. they broke a story about long time assistant coach bernie fine and sexual abuse, in the shadow of the penn state scandal...of the 4 people that came to light with allegations, 1 is in jail for similar offenses and admitted lying, another career criminal with no evidence and 2 brothers that seemed to be in it for the money...it was a mess and has since been dropped but cost bernie fine his reputation and livlihood...
  2. from his SU connections... Dick MacPherson, SU’s former coach and the man who coached Marrone during his playing days with the Orangemen: “Other than that, I don’t really know what to say. I don’t want to call this a blessing for anybody and I don’t want to call it a curse, either. I know I don’t want to see Doug go. I don’t think he went out looking for a job; I think the NFL came calling on him. And that’s a credit to Doug. http://www.syracuse....t_river_default
  3. someone pointed out earlier and i know its not a great stat or barometer but during Marrones tenure, SU tied with Oregon & Boise State for the most road wins in BCS level football...so there is some kind of measurement there...
  4. this just in...Syracuse announces Jim Boeheim to be named head football coach to accelerate catching Coach K for all time wins....
  5. as much as reading this thread all day has really annoyed me at times, i must thank all of you for getting me through a cold riddled sunday! i think we are all gonna grow to love this selection...
  6. be glad they don't...look what happened when they 'followed' Syracuse Basketball last year...
  7. hahahahahhaa...i am glad you cleared that up...you had me scratching my head...but i gotta tell you that is a pretty funny mis-interpretation....
  8. they were arguably 1 and 2
  9. yikes...where did that kind of response come from???
  10. haven't you been paying attention??? Brandon made this crony pick for marketing and ticket sales purposes only..it's all here in black and white...re-read this thread...
  11. crap you are correct..i knew the rule but in my head i was thinking after soph season he could come, but that is only 2 years removed...wow....gotta wait that long for that talent?????
  12. isn't south carolina style mustard based?
  13. if kelly goes back to oregon, i think he's the one with egg on his face...isn't this the second year kelly has done this? he may have a sweet deal at nike u where he will never want for money or power, but it'll catch up to him at some point
  14. yeah gainful employment...if you don't have a job currently and if you happen to be offered a coaching job, i'd consider that gainful employment...or do you think he is owed only another head coaching opportunity? lets see how it plays out before we start going back and forth...but i still wouldn't consider it an insult in any way shape or form....
  15. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! you owe me an apple juice....
  16. i heard tressel as well...thought that was very strange...
  17. i have often considered gainful employment in my chosen profession an insult to myself....
  18. wtf????
  19. sounds like shaeffer(sp?) is being considered for the SU HC position. Wouldn't mind Hackett but I think there are stronger candidates to be had.
  20. good stuff...what's your twitter name, i'd like to follow you...
  21. ahh...but if we bring in Lovie as DC/AHC we all of a sudden expand the fan base out to Chicago....see...its marketing brilliance!!!
  22. and lovie can bring urlacher with him...
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