Fred Flintsone, Peter Griffin, Roger from American Dad, Phoebe Bouffay(sp), Rachel Green & Monica Geller
i keep going to Mac's Tavern in old city, philly hoping to run into some of the Always Sunny crew, but no luck...
can't see why shows that you are prepared, what if some scofflaw tried to steal one of those march of dimes mints from the could use the handcuffs to detain the cad while the authorities showed up to clear up the situation. Chicks love that boy scout mentality in a guy.
philly actually looks like a good time, but no way in hell would i ever go looking the way i i am irish, i'm hung like a friggin' light switch
in no way making any dad suffered it for years, had a procedure done last year to alleviate the pain and discomfort...took a couple months off of golf but is now back to links pain free and difference was 72 he's painfree for the first time in years....granted he's not going up against football players...
jesus...does the retatta thread act like saying betelgeuse(or biggie smalls) 3 times????? we could have opened up a can of worms that shouldnt have been opened
i need something to fill in my tv show seasons of shameless and being human begin this weekend, but i have to wait a week between those episodes...this will be a nice saturday/sunday couch fest....
holy crap...i am already on page 9 of that masterpiece and if i don't see TD being blamed for rettata taking an hour to prepare, i am gonna be disappointed...he already took the fall for throwing a cup at BF so i am hoping the best is yet to come....