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The Poojer

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Everything posted by The Poojer

  1. So you've only been around here since last Wednesday??? And hell yeah I would!
  2. A more accurate equivalent would be that car dealer being afraid of customers under 21
  3. So is there any financial compensation for him now or is a future deal just that...no $$ til later
  4. That is terribly insensitive of you. Its the career path she chose. We need more regulations on kids...look what they are doing to this poor teacher!
  5. i love pro basketball...i hope this doesn't detract from the nbdl, but at the same time maybe it will keep some players here on us soil rather than forcing some to go overseas, although i doubt the aba money will even be close to the overseas teams...i look forward to this. I do agree they could have come up with a better name..some off the wall/obscure reference to the buffalo region
  6. WOW....that is majorly messed up....
  7. boeheim says it might be something that can be resolved...lets keep our fingers crossed http://www.syracuse.com/orangebasketball/index.ssf/2013/01/jim_boeheim_says_james_souther.html#incart_m-rpt-2
  8. And WAAAAY hotter...'specially in her capris...
  9. pretty funny stuff http://youtu.be/2NCDYjHtEcU
  10. not nearly enough....
  11. let me add...i had a lot of congestion, i got the wal-mart brand(equate) day/night cold pills...the night pills gave me the BEST, most relaxing nights sleep i have gotten in a very long time....and at $2.88 it is a great bargain....get better soon everyone...
  12. i am not at all a soccer fan...but holy crap!
  13. not to make light of the flu, as it really sucks, but it reminded me of one of the funnier prank calls from the Stern Show....(probably NSFW) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvEAS--VYbA
  14. 41 really hard years....yikes
  15. Did I just here then say Giselle Brady before the punt???
  16. Did miss California really answer that euthanasia is a type of vaccine?
  17. They are OK...but they take an hour to drink...but the pickle juice is optional...
  18. I like em...they are entertaining and plus they lend some insight and nuances to the game. They are fun shows.
  19. I like this idea...but any way we can get ms. Webb in a bikini gratuitously incorporated
  20. Holy crap..are they playing shout??? :-)
  21. Manning is crazy good...damn!
  22. These kids aren't doing much different than I was doing in college. Hopefully its not a season ender...but my 'source' :-) tells me otherwise. Nice to see life from Coleman, Grant & Cooney. Tough stretch ahead.
  23. Did they just play the shout song after that TD???
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