he 'allegedly' mentioned his dead girlfriend twice after he found out on december 6th that it may have all been a hoax....
ncaa is looking into whether a tutor wrote part of a term paper....i wonder how they prove or disprove...regardless he isn't traveling to louisville
Simple answer...no...tickets for all games are the same price per section. Because of demand for 'premium games' they may limit or restrict those individual games to mini packages. But at the beginning of the season they are all the price. The open market is a whole other story(stub hub)
To be fair...a friend of mine died 5-6 years ago. His wife kept his Facebook page active and she regularly posts updates of their kids 'to him'. Heck I even post birthday wishes 'to him' every year.
Irregardless of how this plays out I think its quite obvious our POTUS needs to look at tougher regulations on fake girlfriends... look how it is affecting so many!
i thought there were...and i thought they id'd the girl who says she had no idea her image was being used..but now that i think about it...the one picture i remember seeing in the article was her and a relative....