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The Poojer

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Everything posted by The Poojer

  1. "2 Down, 4 to go" -- John Cleese
  2. gotta get the kids used to disappointment at a young age, i think she's doing that kid a big solid!!!!
  3. Seems pretty sexist to me
  4. hmmmmm https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008297251490&lst=607359615%3A100008297251490%3A1579635173&sk=timeline
  5. Let's get this back on track
  6. I'm all for helping people out when they need it, but if they are in need of that much assistance, they should bring someone to help them instead of relying on people/strangers to do it for them. It's difficult enough dragging yourself to the gym(poor choice of words perhaps), but to have the extra task of being someone's personal assistant adds to that drudgery....i don't think it makes you a bad person at all. Heck, if i go out for a beer and am not feeling particularly sociable, i make it a point to sit away from people so as to not get caught up in chit chat....sometimes i just want to have a beer in peace.
  7. they were going to use ASL instead of subtitles but ASL requires both hands and well, you know
  8. what a beautiful animal
  9. Just finished it. I was expecting much worse. The leadup to the first incident forced me to turn it off as I didn't want to start my day with that in my head. That leadup is the worst part by far. Past that it just tells the story of a seriously messed up individual. It was worth the watch
  10. i dress as a local female socialite and talk to the secretaries at a local company for hours on end. I don't work there, but i feel that they are getting really annoyed with me
  11. awww...i miss that surly little midget actor prick
  12. What's a secretary????
  13. i've always found her super attractive
  14. while it was a bit refreshing to hear, keep in mind the speech was on the teleprompter and probably completely vetted before hand, so my guess it was a bit of tongue in cheek on his part trying to make it look like he cares.
  15. i saw that 'missed tackle' play as the perfect example of Newton's 3rd Law of Motion. 2 players coming from different sides hit a relatively stationary target almost one right after the other....milano forces watson to then run into the other player and basically leaves Watson upright.
  16. I was going to specifically call you out and shame you, but i decided to be nice :-)
  17. I'll keep this thread going instead of starting a new thread. I am deep into the first season of "Good Girls". It is very entertaining and not just because of Christina Hendrick's. It's going to be fun to see how this show progresses.
  18. Buddy of mine was the mascot in the mid to late 80s. His claim to fame is that he can chug a beer while doing a headstand.
  19. Not sure about blasphemy, varsity is good and I might be aging myself but always preferred Acropolis over varsity.
  20. This chick from the GrubHub commercial. Something about her https://www.ispot.tv/ad/oWo7/grubhub-perks-song-by-lizzo
  21. I love that one of the first things he did when he got to NY was to get a haircut and a shave to keep that tradition going https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/28326586/gerrit-cole-joins-stars-cut-their-hair-shaved-become-yankees
  22. I've been hitting Ctrl + F5 since sunday waiting for this...i can't read any recaps until yours is posted......ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
  23. There's hot, then there's that commercial. It always stops me dead in my tracks ♥️
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