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The Poojer

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Everything posted by The Poojer

  1. I can understand that, but honestly if you can get through 1-3 episodes i think you'd find the humor. The characters are great. I'm already up to season 5 and i started from scratch on sunday. I'm really enjoying it
  2. If it hasn't been mentioned in this thread, consider this a recommendation, if it has been mentioned, consider this an endorsement. Letterkenny on hulu, it's a very quirky canadian sitcom that is just so damned funny. I blew threw the first 2 seasons yesterday and had some very hearty guffaws. Enjoy. Pitter patter
  3. Honestly, i'm of the belief that you eat what tastes good to you, drink what you enjoy and don't worry about what others think, but ranch and wings ??
  4. we have a place that does an amazing garlic and rosemary wing, but regardless of the flavor, ranch is never acceptable. If you don't like bleu cheese it's incumbant upon you to put your big boy/girl pants and eat it with bleu cheese
  5. that's pretty funny and she's pretty hot
  6. So Syracuse played and won the last full game of the ACC tourney, perhaps the last full game of Wednesday night....does that make Syracuse ACC AND National Champions????
  7. Les Stroud is an absolute bad ass. Bear Grylls is as well, but to your point, Les seemingly does it completely on his own
  8. my 'go to' line is "I'm hung like a light switch" which could answer several questions
  9. I like your comparison to Anchor Bar. I did the same thing but used Pat's and Geno's for Cheesesteaks in Philly. Those are the touristy places, the better ones are dotted all across the area. Your right, it is a different hot, i also went with Hot and any more would have me wriggling on the ground. I was warned to dial it back a level for what i would normally do, which almost led me to go medium, but i braved the hot and was glad i did
  10. It's so weird. I love the band-aid (peat) profile of scotch.
  11. Primos is pretty damned good. Great rolls which really enhances the hoagie. their diablo series are my jawn. Let me add Hardees to the list. Not sure if they are up in NY, i know we don't have them very close to the philly area, but i love hardees, never been to their alter ego Carls Jr, but i imagine its the same I was in Nashville this weekend and had 100% intent to go to Hattie B's. Then someone said "No, to to princes". then i read things online and wound up a bit north of the city at a place called Moores Spicy Chicken in a very non-descript strip plaza. Without a frame of reference, i was very happy with my decision
  12. for the 10th straight year i was able to get my Pliny The Younger allottment
  13. It's Delco, it always stinks there!!! ?
  14. my current favorite other than the girl runner in the salmon top in the Dwayne Wade/Gabrielle Union(another one i could add to the list) gatorade commercial https://www.ispot.tv/ad/ZHP0/burger-king-5-for-4-just-4
  15. Dolezay and Sidibe commit some of the STUPIDEST fouls i've ever seen....i know the refs can be questionable at times but damn these 2 can play some stupid defense
  16. They both have pig faces
  17. Tough loss tonight. Losing Hughes and boeheim defended so well. Guerrier is still very raw but he's getting more comfortable out there and kept the team in it. Girard is nails but needs to get that 3 through the net. Solid game from Edwards again. Hate moral victories but this one could have been over early
  18. there really shouldn't be too much brain matter for you to worry about
  19. I wouldn't watch as i hated that character...he annoyed the pi$$ out of me....the one part of the show i didn't like
  20. they are pre-empting soap operas so you have that crowd of yentas who can't seem to figure out the remote
  21. maintain order, that's about it and you see how well they do that. Add them to the weather forecaster and mlb hitter jobs where you can be wrong 70% of the time and still be considered awesome at their job
  22. it's been said by others in this and other threads on this board, I appreciate everyone giving their summaries of what is going on, both sides. I am not one to sit down and watch and read all this for myself so i rely on the synopsis' i read here. Whether i agree with your stance or not, i find these re-caps fascinating. keep them coming.
  23. While i agree with the message he is conveying, the dangerous part is when he says that people are depending on congress to do things for 'us'......good lord, that's a scary way to live your life
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