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The Poojer

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Everything posted by The Poojer

  1. I prefer this
  2. i am on my local buy nothing and yard sale groups on facebook, i have gotten some serious deals. One person's trash...... in fact, picking up a computer monitor today for free, almost got a 46" LED from the same person but someone else beat me to the punch
  3. Syracuse gets hosed again
  4. I'm a social guy. I rarely say no to invites to hang out which again is indicative of a problem. But my biggest social fear is missing out. Did I mention that I am 3 years from 60? This has been my "burden" for 50 years
  5. I don't need to be preached to, I know I probably drink more than is healthy. I'm really just trying to figure out my interactions with others which very well could be 100% on me. I just find it hard to believe that I'm the only one who feels this way. I feel like I'm the one that smooths things over so everyone can interact. Trust me, I completely understand that it might be me and my drinking habits. But somehow I'm able to disassociate myself to think I'm looking at others. This could very well be me trying to rationalize my existence
  6. Uber bit**es!!!!
  7. I had 4 total all day, granted somewhat high octane craft beer. It wasn't that much and it was the same as my one buddy
  8. Thanks for the responses so far. I was just thinking out loud when I typed it. It’s been a thought for a while and felt if I “said it out out “ I might be able to make sense in my head. Just late night ramblings I suppose. Sad as it may sound, this site often offers me more than any counseling sessions that I’ve paid for. Probably has a lot to do with semi anonymity this place has
  9. More like McDreamy ?
  10. i'm also the type of person that would never bash or speak ill of my ex-wife, never talk about 'sexual exploits' of girls i'd date way back in the 80's when i attempted to date. perhaps i've just never learned to 'guy'. Maybe the problem is all me and not others
  11. we're all 40's to 50's. My question probably boils down to my concern that i am nor reacting like everyone else around me. I tend to always have been like that. Maybe i just subconsciously am able to control it. It just has really started to hit me as odd. and no, i don't think i am becoming cranky...i think i am still pretty accepting of the young sh*ts that walk among me
  12. I'm ready for the onslaught of replies, but it's really something I have been wondering about
  13. I love my beer and I drink good beer any chance I can, no matter time of day, quantity etc.... That being said, I tend to be always relatively in control and can hang for hours. Sure I get buzzed. Lately I notice, people hanging with me get sloppy really quickly, slurring speech, repeating stories, acting out of control etc... I'm mid-upper 50's and I NEVER get to this point. I don't slow down drinking, usually. I just think I have something inside that self regulates me to avoid going that far. I love my wide circle of friends but sometimes I really just can't take it. Am I immune to the effects of alcohol, do I just have more self control than I think I have? It's kinda frustrating because I want to continue to hang out, but sometimes it's just too much for me. EiL, I don't need a lecture. I'm just kinda trying to figure it out. I figure this group is a lot cheaper than a therapist that's going to charge me to tell me what I already know: I need to lose weight and cut back on drinking
  14. in some basement Biden is quickly looking for other VP options
  15. just so ahead of their time and so damned good. Music holds up as well today as it did back then
  16. Let there be songs, to fill the air!
  17. https://nypost.com/2020/08/07/naked-man-caught-chasing-boar-that-stole-his-laptop/
  18. had to rewind a couple of those several times....they made me laugh ?
  19. Not a fan of hers but i'd watch her porn stuff
  20. I rowed crew up through 8th grade, about that time i also peaked at 5-10, got to Liverpool HS where the crew team were 6-5 and above. Figured my future was in drinking....i think i chose wisely
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