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The Poojer

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Everything posted by The Poojer

  1. Why? Both non scholarship players that are immediate starters. I see no downside, especially if we assume it's big Jim's final run
  2. Sidibe is coming back. That's good news
  3. Major Tom countdown, not the final countdown
  4. This would be fantastic...as much as i love GMac and Autry et al, I don't think they are ready to be HC at this level. They need a few more years, or some mid level schools and hopefully have the desire to come back if the opportunity ever presented itself
  5. I think this belongs in this thread, it certainly gave me a good laugh😂🤣
  6. I think his time is due, but i also think he's earned the privilege to coach Buddy and possibly Jimmy, then he can bow out gracefully. I am ok with that because i think both of his boys are highly talented players and do not hurt this program one bit by being on the team. Anyone saying Boeheim isn't elite is fuc**ng crazy. 15 coaches with multiple NCAA championships is a BS comparison....9 of the 15 are boehiem contemporaries, 3 of those i've never heard of and the rest are mid 20th century. Boehiem brings top 20 talent to a school that is in the snowiest large metropolitan area in the country, syracuse is a place that syracuse people can't wait to leave yet he gets blue chip recruits time and time again. He's approaching 80(?) and he still leads a bunch of no-bodies to the final 16 teams in the country. There is absolutely no argument against him being an elite coach. is he a prick, sure, but not elite....f-no
  7. There has also been a lot of non traditional top 25 schools start showing up. The NCAA tournament is showing that non-power schools can make runs which in turn brings in "better" recruits. Duke, Kentucky and Carolina didn't make the tournament this year (albeit a very unorthodox year). Boeheim still coaches the hell out of his players. Unfortunately social media is a huge factor in putting ideas in kids heads leading to transfer or pros
  8. Keep in mind, Jimmy and Buddy may or may not take up a scholarship spot,
  9. Not by Houston's defense...that was brutal
  10. Dated a chick a couple years ago who's ex was the VERY loosely based character played by john candy...guy is kind of a dick and really bears zero resemblance to John Candy at all. Movie takes on a completely new perspective now
  11. too many to list, but let me add "A League Of Their Own" to the list
  12. Unorthodox meters? Dead??? https://youtu.be/COq2ednXtvU
  13. I'm still pissed about it...teams have committed far worse offenses and basically get a slap on the wrist
  14. No liquor or beer glass emoji's there....i call BS
  15. I love Buddy, but I'm not sure if he's NBA caliber, and if he is he needs to stop with the smiling after hitting buckets, he'll get constant hard fouls at the next level
  16. i didn't realize it was a series of series'.....now i am excited to check out the other seasons
  17. proud owner of .0019 bitcoins
  18. I'm 5 episodes into Last Chance U on Netflix....really really really good watch
  19. One of my favorite scenes from Parks and Rec
  20. It seems he wants out as well, hopefully it was more about Krueger than the team, but i don't know if he's long for the city....
  21. I don't follow it either, but good lord the sabres have been bad for so long now. Wonder if Beane & McDermott know anything about hockey
  22. i wonder who she was banging on the car this is the story that just keeps on giving
  23. Not sure if it's been mentioned, but finally watched the Bee Gee's doc on HBO Max. It was awesome. I never realized how big they were even having grown up in that era. Cool insights into what made the sounds and the songs
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