only possible dissent i saw was with the Dear Jerry Show at Merryweather...the core 4 were all there with their various side projects, they all joined each other on stage with their sets at some point EXCEPT for Phil, thought it was weird, but then a few weeks later they were at Fare Thee Well together....who knows. I am glad they all seem to be showing up at Terrapin to play at various times
I had heard that Phil backed out due to some health concerns and wanted to really stick around Terrapin and just do his thing when he felt like it without the pressure of having to tour.
Despite my previous complaint it turns out it wasn't horrible. Was able to check 3 of the 4 dates I chose. Decided upon Hershey Park GA tix, under $40 per without added fees
F*ck Ticketmaster. Just logged in 40+ minutes after tix verified fan tix went on sale. 2000+ in front of me. They literally have one job to do. And they have the balls to charge a “convenience fee”
If anyone hasn't suggested it yet, Loudermilk on Prime is really good. One of the Farrelly Brothers is the creator, it's about a guy, Ron Livingston, who is an alcoholic/addict group's a very enjoyable show so far
I try and do 3-5 miles 5 times a week, i like to find new trails or parks and just start walking...did one sunday morning at a nature preserve near the philadelphia to see a ton of wildlife, it was a very easy trail, best thing about it was i had no idea what the distance of the loop was...turned out to be 6 miles but it went by in a flash
same thing here in Philly, they are playing Citizens Bank Park instead of the amphitheater across the river in Camden, not sure how a ball field with translate to a dead show...the lawn is so much fun to hang out it.
General Public seats haven't gone on sale yet....if anything that is verified fan pre-sale scalping...once general public tickets go on sale, lawn will be 39 like other years. Fear not
Why? Both non scholarship players that are immediate starters. I see no downside, especially if we assume it's big Jim's final run.
Never mind, reread what you typed. I get it. Jimmy is looking for a start, not a competition to start