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The Poojer

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Everything posted by The Poojer

  1. I recently dusted off my cassettes and cassette deck and listened to my off the radio taping of Live Aid, still an unbelievable event, and you are spot on about Madonna, and absolute bull with her appearance and career. She was so driven and such a chameleon, constantly reinventing herself. You'd probably never catch me at a Madonna concert, but major respect for her craft
  2. Immense talent in both the dancers and the compiler of that video, not normally a fan of that song, but i can make an exception that growl when she sings 'made up my mind' always got me.
  3. I just watched Maid, starring Margaret Qualley and her mom Andi McDowell. It's a 10 episode series and it friggin gripped me. It's a very powerful story dealing with domestic violence against women and those women's struggles to break the cycle. Highly recommend it, and it's not completely a downer, there are some really happy moments along the way
  4. It's common knowledge 😁🤣
  5. Yankee fan here, and Pete Rose isn't wrong, and i like Gallo, he's feast or famine and it's frustrating AF
  6. I'm gonna give you a pass on leaving, I was watching it and with the delay and the rain, not sure i could have enjoyed myself. Excellent write up. Loved the graphic they showed that of the 69 defensive snaps, we had 9 0r 10 and none had more than 50 snaps and all had at least 20. That's serious depth
  7. Collinsworth also called Josh Allen mediocre in his first 2 seasons. Inconsistent, jumpy, exciteable, sure, but he has never been mediocre while in a Buffalo uniform
  8. Great list so far, let me add a few to the list Andy Taylor Barney Fife Michael Scott
  9. Just got back from an annual weekend with 11 elementary/middle/high school friends in Denver. We're a very close group 40-50 years later
  10. I mentioned it above but i am loving The Morning Show, it's a good watch(and not only for the serious eye candy)
  11. Saw the 210# figure and kind of cringed. Hopefully he can add some bulk
  12. Love these guys
  13. they are on ESPN2 for a parallel and alternate MNF feed, they watch the game and provide commentary, insight and guest zoom appearances.
  14. Personally I was so offended, i couldn't get to sleep last nite /Sarcasm. I do like Peyton and Eli on MNF, they just need to work out the zoom lag glitches. They both bring some good stuff to the table, and the fact that they can act like the brothers they are makes it that much better
  15. I'm about 6 episodes into the Morning Show, i am really enjoying it a lot. Just got done with the las vegas episode where you get some really good background information.
  16. she's earned all the ribbing she gets, but Miley Cyrus when she's on point has such an amazingly powerful voice. She did her covid backyard series and some of her performances were jaw dropping.
  17. Just saw they gave the kids the bat so he could have his picture taken with it. Your point still stands!
  18. Even I won't/can't make a pig face joke about her. Smoke show extraordinare!
  19. Jesus, that's a hell of a llineup. We have pigeons here in philly saturday, but i have to miss it as i will be in denver. Tauk and Hiss are both solid as well
  20. Just finished Clarkson's Farm on Amazon prime. Jeremy Clarkson is such a good presenter, and this show is no different. Awesome show!!
  21. Killers just announced a warm up show at the old electric factory in Philly in advance of the firefly fest. I love this trend!
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