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Bob in STL

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Everything posted by Bob in STL

  1. Your right. We are so used to havinga poor OL and no QB that maybe we forget what its is like to play offense properly.
  2. Jim Leonard having a good day. I recall him being abused here. Then he went to the Ravens and many said he was only good because of the Raven defense. Now?
  3. I have been out of WNY since 1982. I go back about 4 times a year on average, more on some years. I attend at least two home games a year. I agree with your assessment. Most of the inferiority complex comes from within Buffalo. There is a lot of frustration there over the economy and a local government that can't do anything right. I love the WNY area a lot and would move back if the career plans allow it.
  4. Welcome. Nice post. I noticed the same thing about April, Fewell, and Kugler. I think our secondary coach did a good job too and expect him to be picked up by someone.
  5. Yes. Your right. This coaching search is kind of like watching the stock markets. You want to know what is going on but if you read and react to everything that is said on each day it will drive you crazy.
  6. No way in the top 3 because there are so many, but it was a poor decision for sure. I do know that losing Polian is the top #1. Running off Chuck Knox is also up there. Bringing in the Marv/ Brandon duet after Donahoe is another. Having no GM after Marv is yet another. Then there is the Butler fued, the attempt to not pay Wade Phillips, the Johnson/Flutie interference ... the list is long. We can spend hours on bad player decisions ... Trading Lamonica in the 60's, drafting Patulski, Rudd and Nelson in the 70s, not signing Rashad in 70's ... again a ponderous list. By the way ... all franchises have regrets like this. Hindsight is a beautiful thing. Go Bills!
  7. I will take top talent over a big name coach any day. The Bills of the 90's made Levy, thre Cowboys made JJ, etc. Look at Joe Gibbs second term with Washington .. he had few pro Bowlers compared to his glory days. These guys are all excellent coaches but you need the horses to win. The coach brings in the game planning, game management, team discipline and the attitude ... something Jauron fell short on, as did Greggo. Frazier has been on the shinning star list for a long time. If nix can bring in some players and Frazier will be fine.
  8. How about Berkshire Hathaway and it is worth much more than a billion. The Bills are not worth a billion, last estimates are ~$800k. I would not be surprised to find that many of the Board of Directors of huge corporations have board members in their late 60's and 70's. These "old people" are the bosses on the CEO.
  9. I guess I qualify for the "old man" club too. I recall 4 periods of sucess. 1. AFL Championship Years - Lou Saban I 2. OJ mid 70's years - Lou Saban II 3. Chuck Knox Years 4. Super Bowl Years under Polian and Butler I totally agree that the loss of top front office talent is a problem that falls directly at Ralph's feet. I cannot agree that the loss of the players you name as a major reason for our current situation or even Ralphs fault. Free agency is a fact of life and every team loses players due to the cap. For example, losing Pat Williams was indeed a big deal and was due to a regime change and the salary cap. Greer, while a good player and more like an average CB. I think Buddy Nix could be a good GM and I sure hope he can hire a good coach and more importantly, improve the talent on this team.
  10. I didn't see that in the games, at least not against starters. It was a tough situation and I agree that he has potential. I still want to draft a tackle early in the draft.
  11. I did not mean to slam you. But why do you slam people because they are old and why discredit their entire career? As an educator do you not see the wrong in that? Forward thinking? Proposing an idea that you already know cannot happen (public ownership in the NFL) is not forward thinking. That is wishful thinking and it provides no path forward. When you teach your business class by what measure are you determining the Bills to be a failure? This poorly run private company has been growing and making money for 50 years. Don't even tell me Ralph is lucky because other franchises and owners have failed in the NFL comparatively speaking.
  12. Gee, another I hate Ralph post. Granted, Ralph has made many mistakes but I why all the rants on old people in general? I am not an Al Davis fan but get off the "pathetic old codger" stuff. Try to be constructive. If you took time to do your homework you would have known that public ownership is NOT ALLOWED. Your shortsighted view that "the community" could organize anything of this magnitude is laughable. If you believe that the politicians of Western NY are the answer I can tell you I will take Ralph Wilson any day. Finally, if Ralph stays on as "majority owner and chairman of the board" as you state, then he basically has all the power anyway. Go back to school and study. Maybe someday you will be a small fraction as smart as the "old dinosaurs" you are criticizing.
  13. My vote for funniest post ever!
  14. If we are strating with the 60's then Billy Shaw, Tom Sestak and Jack Kemp. In that order. Shaw = NFL HoF Sestak = All Time AFL team Kemp = 2 AFL Championships. If overall then Jim Kelly, Bruce Smith and Therman Thomas as 1, 2, and 3.
  15. Perhaps he doesn't want to coach, just like he says.
  16. Stop making sense. It hurts.
  17. Does Aaron Rogers ring a bell?
  18. I thought you were "outa here"?
  19. Or, a coaching prospect could be thinking this: QB - Would like to have that "franchise guy" just like 25 other teams. I need to see if Edwards has anything (will discuss this with my OC). Fitz looks like a capable backup. Brohm is a nice prospect too. OL - Great talent on the interior with Wood, Levitre and Incognito ... but we need to address tackles as a priority. WR - they have an underutilized star in Evans. Need to get him the ball. TE - great prospect in Nelson. Shouman looks solid too. Defense - they played great despite many injuries. Need to improve at LB and that will help a lot. Can use more help on DL to fortify run defense. The secondary has excellent talent and depth! Kicking game is one of the best so there is talent there as well. Marketing is awesome. Great attendance and a passionate fan base despite a 10 year playoff drought. Weather - I have to build my team to take advantage of the weather and home field. This was sucessfully done by Polian and Levy ... let me look at what they did as a guide! A big OL and a power running game are needed to win in this division.
  20. Thanks. That was excellent. I really like Buffalo's weather from May to October. Now I know why.
  21. You are correct. It all starts with the draft. Our strong scouting system, and a GM and coach that are on the same page. Winning will cure all this neagtivity.
  22. His legacy, lets see how about this for starters: His work helping to establish the AFL, his roll in saving the Raiders and Patriots* by lending them money, his work with the league on revenue sharing and the CBA, his voting against every single teams relocation, his loyalty to the common fans and to small markets, his practicing what he preaches by leaving his team in Buffalo for 50 years, his refusal to join up with the likes the new gaurd NFL owners who put their own needs in front of those of the league or their fans. Oh and that legacy got him elected in the NFL Hall of Fame. So what have you done with your life so far?
  23. I don't know where you got this information, can you elaborate on that? If true this just goes to show the importance of a clear chain of command on football decisions. I have wondered for years why Modrak's first rounders have not been high impact, yet he seems to find good players in all the other rounds. His reputation over his long career suggests that his superiors might not have been following his recommendations. TM spends all of his time on player evaluation which is precisely why he did not move to Buffalo or take the GM job when Donahoe got canned. Tom Donahoe's ego and riverboat gambling style is already well documented. When he was GM/President he at least took all the hits for his teams performance and rightly so. Since his departure the Front Office has actually been worse because no one is accountable. Brandon, Levy, Jauron and Wilson ... you CANNOT run a team with four decision makers and no plan. Remember, Modrak just got added to the "Inner Circle" last year. What a joke. The draft is only one area that has been compromised by this failed organizational concept. Free agent signings were much better with TD at the helm then they were with the "Inner Circle" running things. The common denominator there is John Guy and he has already been quoted as saying that things aren't always what they seem. John Guy never made it into the "Inner Circle" and I am betting that between him and Modrak, Guy we wil be the sacrificial lamb.
  24. Just like Oher was not "worthy".
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