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Bob in STL

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Everything posted by Bob in STL

  1. You don't care if Schobel retires? Do you watch the games? Kelsey had a good year. Maybe they want to give him a look in the 3-4? If they could get a 5th for him, as you suggest, then why release him now?
  2. I lived on West and School Street. Across from PS 18. Delaware Park was fantastic. I think it still is. Last year I went by there. That whole area has not changed too much.
  3. I would trade for Earl Campbell.
  4. You beat me to it. April's STs were bad in St. Louis for these reasons: 1. no emphasis on ST in the drafting 2. no starters allowed on ST 3. Very little practice time and game planning provided by Martz. I will bet that Detriot meets at least two of the 3 criteria above. The original point is not valid at all. If DeHaven wants to work with Kwan then so be it.
  5. Thats the Burger joint I am alluding to in my original note. I lived on the West side as a kid. That Henry's was known as "Ernie's".
  6. Thank you for the sane version of what happened. Polian did not quit because he did not like Linda Bogden. That is folklore for TSW.
  7. Who says sons would be any more competent to run a business than daughters? Ralph's daughters are old (one is dead) but here is some news for you ... there are more young women admitted to college today than men and that ratio is widening. Universities all over the country have been converting male dorms to female. Look at ACT and SAT scores of high school girls versus boys in the last 10 years. The girls are outperforming the boys. I read about this phenomenon about 20 years ago while in London, England. The Brits were very concerned about it. Now it is here.
  8. Bills fans are smart. They just need to make a few solid FA moves and another strong draft. Play on the field will sell tickets.
  9. No night at Gabels was ever complete without stopping at the original Mighty Taco which was a short stagger down the street on Hertel.
  10. All I will say is that they were much more tolerant back in those days then they would be today.
  11. Agree on that. He seems excited and energized. Can't wait for opening day.
  12. Well your analogy could be interpreted this way. Ralph is the doctor. Buffalo is the town. The fans are the patients. Ralph stays in town, just like the doctor. Ralph turns down other and greater opportunities, just like the doctor. Ralph is recognized in the town as a hero, just like the doctor ... except in your world Ralph is a bad guy because why? He doesn't win enough? He lacks the benefit of 20-20 hindsight that you possess? He has made mistakes? He is old? Some of the above? All of the above?
  13. Good news if true. Same thing can happen to Buffalo when Ralph is ready.
  14. Wrong on so many levels.
  15. I can recall Precinct 7, on Colvin near Hertel. Unfortunately I spent a little bit of time in there after a night of partying at Gabels.
  16. Yes, Main Street is correct. I have to dig deep into the grey matter but I remember it. I was first thinking of Henry's Hamburgers on the West Side. Several of the 60's era Bills settled in the area. I also recall that Tom Sestak and Paul McGuire had a steak place called ... Sestak and McGuires.
  17. You have got to be kidding? Please press the sarcasm button next time.
  18. Really. Some broken trees compare to the devastation of Katrina. Calling Ralph a blood sucker. The writer should be fined for stupidity.
  19. So true. I never liked the fact that TD and Greggo dismissed the Bills winning tradition. Greggo was an extension of the arrogant TD. No wonder why TD loved the way he interviewed. Greggo bragged about how his defense was #1, while the Bills defense under Wade was rated #2. Big deal. TD was thought to be an inspired chioce and after he failed he found it convenient to blame Ralph. No wonder why the Rooney's picked Cowher over TD in Pitts burgh. So what is TD doing these days? He has not been hired as a GM by anyone else.
  20. Opening game - good weather, partying with friends while still staying sober, and winning the game for a change.
  21. Why switch to the 3-4 when we have so many needs? Seems like this adds to the already sizable task of improving the talent on this team.
  22. How many people questioned Payton under Parcells and then as a HC with New Orleans? I don't know if Modkins is good or not but I like the way Chan is complimenting his experience with some youth. Lets give him a chance.
  23. This guy is a hack and his article is trash. He doesn not cite any of Ralphs real tactical errors and he fails to mention how he backs up his support for small markets. The Sabres a model for small markets? Look at the help they get from Canada. Two playoff appearances in 7 years and that was more luck than anything Golosano did. His best moves were staying with Regier and Ruff ... something that Ralph would be criticized for in today's NFL.
  24. Overall he was over rated and over hyped. Over.
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