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Bob in STL

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Everything posted by Bob in STL

  1. No thanks. This topic already has more coverage than it deserves.
  2. If he can play any tackle or guard position that is a real plus. Of course most with this amount of talent want LT for the big payday.
  3. The coats in questions were designed to fit over shoulder pads. They are given to players that are dressed in equipment and playing. The other players, including Oliver, all had team sweat shirt/hoodies, etc. Oliver is a star and apparently above certain rules? I don’t know him but that is how he is perceived here. Even if th e rule is dumb, even if he did not know the rule, his reaction was very poor. I would hope that most here would agree that sometimes in life we have to suck it up, even for something stupid.
  4. Not sure I agree that it’s the coaches fault but that is the way things are today. There was a time when a coach would not try to be so understanding after a player erupts at him on the sideline. Dumb rule or not. Oh well.
  5. Can he at least play the game before we decide if he made any growth?
  6. Honestly Wolf Blitzer does not count. He barely acknowledges he is from a Buffalo, but he will acknowledge Kenmore or Ken West High. He really knows nothing about Buffalo sports. I met him, not an engaging individual, on any level. I met Marv, Russert, Berman ... all way better than Wolf. Russert was most interesting. Former GM John Butler spent a long time talking football with me. What a great guy. Talked about free agent players, the draft, the fans, the city. Great guy.
  7. If we can improve on remainding 6 games with a strong finish of 4 - 2 after the bye, all with Allen at QB, I will consider the season a success. A 7-9 Record with Allen playing that many games would be nice. Our draft position will still allow us to get a top OT which are plentiful. Would also like like to see Dawkins, Teller, Zay, continue to improve on offense.
  8. The decision on who starts will be made next week. Bye week now.
  9. Wonder if the Bills ever had 3 penalties on one play. ??
  10. Great! Way to represent. Happy to see you guys rewarded with a great game too
  11. He could use a lift. So why not wish him well in his next endeavors?
  12. Best wishes to him in the future. He worked hard and he took his shot, there is no shame in that.
  13. I can tell you my response has nothing to do with someone "sharing a thought" that I agree with or not. I has more to do with introducing an idea that a bias exists and in turn project another bias. We are inundated with political stuff in our day to day lives, it would be nice to keep football out of it, but I do think I reacted stronger than I normally would do in case.
  14. Stop trying to stir up *****. The people who say he is a good guy obviously believe it and respect him. If they further believe that this true because he is a person of faith that is also their opinion. STOP trying to take individual peoples opinion and apply it all. STOP trying to create a problem on a sports board. Are you just trying to turn this into a white, male, Christian thing? Don't you get enough of this kind of stupid talk from the mass media news and now you have to bring it to the Bills board? Sensible people know people of other races and faiths that are great people too. Grow up and think for yourself.
  15. When Allen is ready he should play, and it should be this season. The plan to bring him along slowly is over. Barkley should not start unless Allen is not ready but Barkley should replace Peterman and Anderson. Next year, Barkley should be brought back to compete for the job.
  16. Barkley looked good. Outstanding considering the circumstances. Once Allen can beat him out for the starting position, Barkley can take his rightful spot as a backup and Peterman can be released, freeing up a roster spot for a more useful player.
  17. Teller looked good today and the Jets DL has been decent but lets not forget that the Jets are a Team that quit on their coach today. Some pretty funny comments but I get it, I hope Teller holds the job and does well.
  18. Judging by today the Jets are much worse. The Giants, Raiders and 49'ers are all bad. We are in the bottom 5.
  19. They are tanking for sure. no doubt. What do you call clearing almost all the high salaries by trade or by not signing veterans? Drafting a QB? Letting Tyrod go ... he was good for 6 to 8 wins. Some of this looks like bad management, and it is to point, but no doubt this is the blow up year. Next year they will spend a good portion of their significant cap space to add better players. They need two more good drafts, and two off seasons of good free agent pick ups to be a playoff team ... assuming they find a QB (as usual). BTW - I want them to play to win, but after this past off season they cannot convince me that is what they are doing.
  20. Build something like Jerry's stadium. go big or stay home.
  21. I would and so would most people. Unfortunately draft day decisions get make in the present, with the data you have at the time, to the plan you have at the time, with the people you have at the time, with no benefit of looking into the future for two years. I see the Bills problems finding a franchise QB to be caused by: 1. not enough QBs drafted, you have to keep drafting them until you find one, and its ok to be lucky but you have to draft them to get lucky 2. no stable coaching staff in place to develop one - you can't change regimes every 2 to 4 years and build a winner.
  22. And for all the fans that think that the mostly lousy product produced by the Bills and Sabres for the past 20 years justifies the lousy coverage provided by Bucky and Sully I submit the names Phil Ranallo, Larry Felser, and Jim Kelley. All true professionals and highly respected among their peers. Each if these men went through bad sports periods too, yet I looked forward to their columns every day. No comparison.
  23. Well since their performance was so stellar, and they are so widely respected in their field, I am sure they will have no trouble finding big jobs working for major news outlets or sports networks. Yet, for some reason, they are doing what ... an AM radio gig in Buffalo and posting their drivel on third rate internet sites.
  24. I never found Bucly or Sulky to be very good at covering Buffalo sports teams. The easiest thing to do is criticize, which they did in spades. The hardest thing to do is get breaking news and meaningful insights, which they almost never did. Time and time again the biggest Bills news would come from National media outlets and these two clowns played catch-up. Just because you are THE MEDIA doesn’t mean you don’t have to be good at your job. Good riddance. I don’t miss them and I avoid their second rate outlet.
  25. There are lots of quality LTs in this draft and we can trade back to get more picks and still get a very good one. We would love to see 5 picks in the first 3 round and a trade back could do it. And stop trading up and wasting picks. If we can accumulate a few prime picks we can get a quality O-lineman and a receiver. We also need a corner and depth at LB (Lorenzo will not last forever). With free agency we can address OL and WR as a priority.
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