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Everything posted by JohnNord

  1. This happens a lot with deep pass that are often underthrown. In terms of field position, in the best interest for a defense to knock it down. But nearly every DB will take the INT. In this situation, it didn’t really make a difference. If there was more time on the clock, I’d want him to know the ball down.
  2. If Star is “Mr. Undependable” AJ is “The Invisible Man.” You barely notice him on the field. The last time we saw AJ in action he was owned by WR on K’Neal Harry on Harris’s 63 yard TD run. I think he was inactive for a few weeks before getting COVID. The fact that AJ has been a healthy scratch on and off for 2 seasons is a terrible sign that he’s closer to a JAG than a solid starter
  3. Depends… you see a lot of names being tossed out there…Rodgers, Wilson, Watson, Mayfield, Tua…etc. Who knows if they are really available but it seems some big names “could” be available
  4. I think Pittsburgh is likely to find a good QB candidate only because of the reputation/stability of the organization and coach Tomlin
  5. Hall is the coach that I think Frazier or Daboll would considering bringing with them as their OC. If Daboll were to leave, I can see the OC position between to Hall and Dorsey
  6. If he can find a young offensive mind (Chad Hall?) to run his offense, and has a good starting QB, I think he can be a good HC in the NFL.
  7. Meh, I don’t think he’ll make much difference. There has been many times in the past when the defense has gotten thrashed on the ground with Mr. Dependable playing DT. At this point, he’s Harry’s backup
  8. If you’ve seen Edmunds blitz or take on blockers you know why this is not a good idea. He would suck
  9. Cody Ford or Jon Feliciano? Who would you rather have at guard? Both a bad at pass protection. Ford is better at run blocking. I might actually take Ford over Feliciano
  10. But let me guess…it’s only because McDermott beats up on bad teams right?
  11. He dropped a big pass and was given the McKenzie treatment but think he still has a roster spot
  12. I don’t know. Belichick does deserve credit for the way he tried to counter high-scoring offenses and smaller defenses in the NFL. He actually tried this last year with Cam Newton and failed badly because he didn’t have the talent. As far as Mac Jones, he definitely has played well this season - but they have surrounded with with a very good OL and running game and haven’t asked him to do very much. It’s hard to know what to expect from him in the future. Does he get better? Stay the same? Or decline? We’ve seen examples of all three scenarios over the years with rookie QBs
  13. This is the annoying thing about coverage of the Patriots. They start as a team with major questions. In the span of six weeks, they go from mediocre team to Super Bowl contender. Belichick goes from being the coach carried by Tom Brady to the genius who “zigged when everyone else zagged.” Mac Jones goes from being regarded as a rookie QB with a high ceiling to the second coming of Tom Brady. The 2021 Patriots are suddenly the 2001 Patriots . Now after two losses, they are back to a mediocre team again. If the Patriots somehow win a playoff game, I’m sure the 2001 Super Bowl hype will begin again. Let’s hope it doesn’t happen agains the Bills
  14. There’s a post titled “The McDermott Era Should End” that was quite popular for a few weeks
  15. MANY people here wanted McDermott gone and blamed him for everything wrong with the team
  16. I actually think Pederson is the right coach for the job. Hackett would be a train wreck and was actually fired as OC years earlier under Marrone. The one interesting candidate is Leftwhich IMO
  17. There is actually a tremendous amount of respect between Belichick and McDermott. According to former Bills Assistant GM Jim Monos, when the Bills signed McDermott Belichick called up the Pegulas and told them what a good hire they made. I do think that Belichick has been the measuring stick among NFL coaches. It probably was annoying for McDermott to play NE tough only to come up short. But the Fairburn’s “Belichick is in McDermott’s head” narrative was such bullsnit. Especially coming off a season where he swept NE
  18. The toughest one would be Houston over Tennessee. I could see actually see Cleveland beating Cincy
  19. I think modern journalism - especially in sports - has been more about hot takes and personalities to drive ratings, clicks and downloads. The job of a traditional sports writer has evolved more into what a columnist traditionally did, not only cover the event and tell stories but also interject their opinion into the storytelling. IMO the driver of this is the metrics used to evaluate online content. Specific work can now be quantified and obviously you’ll get more engagement with an extreme opinion than a more moderate one.
  20. Haha ok… I thought you were Matt Fairburn for a second
  21. He didn’t need to, he just told him to shut the F up while everyone in the locker room laughed at Sully. It was great
  22. Sully is kind of like a dinosaur but he understands that his job is to get people talking one way or another. He’s not different than a Colin Cowherd or Skip Bayless or Stephen A. Smith. He says stupid ***** to get people talking
  23. He’s not vaccinated which is a huge risk but at least he’s trying to wear a mask and distance himself. Still a major risk: https://horseshoeheroes.com/2021/09/02/colts-carson-wentz-unvaccinated-reveals-why/amp/
  24. This isn’t new. I’ve listened to the Buffalo Beat podcast for a few years and he started saying this during the 2019 season. I’ve never quite understood it. It sounds like something your friend would say while watching the game - not the headline to a nationally read publication.
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