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Everything posted by JohnNord

  1. This is old news that’s been around for weeks. I don’t put much stock into the rumors
  2. I would be fine with Darnold or Fitzpatrick as players. Given the cap situation, it does make me weary of donating so much money to a QB2.
  3. Aikman is ok. I don’t hate listening to him like a Collinsworth but I do think he’s that good either. What a fat contract for him
  4. I know the Bills value his versatility but I can’t see any way that the Bills keep Feliciano next season. His pro tag and level play just don’t mesh
  5. I would be thrilled if this was the FA class but it’s not really accurate. The Bills will be lucky if they can get 2 or 3 of these players. The players I would really like are Ogbah and Corbett. I would be thrilled if those two were our signings.
  6. That’s right… you have to think he’d be the fasted if he had
  7. They should start calling Star “Beane’s Folly” Worst contract in their regime
  8. I don’t know… is he really that much better than Dane Jackson? He seemed to be on the downside of his career the past few seasons.
  9. That was the problem right there… Ralph empowered the wrong person who made some terrible decisions for the franchise. The second half of the drought is largely on the shoulders of Brandon as well as Wilson
  10. Some great suggestions in this thread that will never happen. I think we all know what will happen this season. Instead of signing a big name in FA, Beane will take his chances on players that might be undervalued in FA for one reason or another but who *could* outplay their deal. He’ll also probably try to re-sign Tremaine Edmunds much to my disappointment This is the Beane philosophy of team building. You either end up with a player like Darryl Williams or a player like Trent Murphy or Vernon Butler. Rhodes is washed. Terrible CB and not that much better than Dane Jackson we don’t need Spain on this team. Douglas would be a nice addition
  11. Great job on a fun idea for a post. Most of the members and admin in here are pretty cool, so I don’t see anyone complaining about this topic. 1. I probably started following them closely in 1990. Team was on 🔥🔥🔥 2. Home playoff game versus Houston in 1988. Everyone in town was buzzing 3. Watching the Comeback 1992. Breaking the drought. 4. Thurman Thomas/Josh Allen 5. it’s the name of a former pro wrestler. I joined about a year ago and needed to come up with something fast. That’s what I picked
  12. It was an exaggeration…but the point stands. Over the past two drafts they have spent 3 out of 4 first and second round draft picks on defensive line and netted Epinesa, Rosseau, and Basham. I think AJ is a busted pick. I don’t think he’s be anything more than a JAG. The other two deserve more time, but still, I think the Bills could have drafted better than what they go in these 3. Also I’m not a fan of Edmunds. I don’t think he was a hit for a mid 1st rounder either.
  13. Beane did not draft White or Milano… I forgot about Johnson, he was a nice find. Phillips played well for about half a season, but otherwise his career has been mediocre. Still, even if he’s back with the team, he’s probably playing a rotational role. Bills will still look to upgrade
  14. Yeah but I came away with thinking he was pretty much against the short terms moves that we’ve seen from LAR and TB the past two seasons. Which is what some of us think the Bills need to do to get over the hump I don’t think he would be interested in trading a 3rd round pick to rent a player like Von Miller for half a season. That totally makes sense, but then again Miller was a big reason why the won the Super Bowl. The example they brought up was Stephon Diggs. They did trade a 1st and 3rd but Diggs was under contract for several seasons reasons at a reasonable salary. I think these are the moves that Beane will be looking to, rather than taking 1 year gambles on premiere players
  15. While I like the idea, I have concerns about this regime’s ability to draft defensive players. Their biggest hit to date is probably Ed Oliver. The rest of the picks on defense have either been meh, flops or undeveloped. Yes I’m including Edmunds in “meh.” They’ve invested a lot in defense in the draft and have gotten nothing.
  16. None but he’s joked about it before. I think he talked about it during the first interview. It was all related to language in his contract.
  17. As long as they are defensive line COACHES and no defensive line players, I don’t kind the Carolina connection!
  18. Beane sounds like a such a cool guy so I get why people love him. But it’s almost prohibited to say anything negative about him. He basically confirmed what most of suggested - he’s not a fan of trading 1-3 rounds picks for an established player unless on a short term deal. So you won’t see him go “all in” the way LAR and TB have done the past two seasons. He’s philosophically opposed to this idea. He also alluded to drafting more DL or OL. I’m all for getting better linemen for Josh but Beane’s picks on the defense line have been mostly unsuccessful. All these ideas sound practical but for anyone hoping for a “big swing” in 2022, don’t expect it to happen. I have a feeling the Bills replace departed players with new acquisitions that are going to perform at a similar level.
  19. I feel pretty confident that Allen has his best season in 2022
  20. What were their suggestions on the roster based on the cap?
  21. Who on the Bills defense is on the same level as Donald and Miller. It’s not all on Frazier. I think there’s been some poor draft picks and FA signings when it comes to defensive line
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