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Everything posted by JohnNord

  1. I would agree. I don’t get the impression that the Bills will re-sign him unless they can get a short term deal and if you are Singletary you are going to want as big of a 2nd deal as possible. I believe Beane understands positional value of a RB and I can’t see him giving up significant money to re-sign
  2. If anything this tweet from Thad comes off as jealously. Since he is credentialed media he has to follow rules and protocols for everything from what details he can reveal about practice to putting in formal requests with the team for interviews. He likely has to mind his P’s and Q’s so as not to have any Sullivan-like hot takes that would piss off the team. He has to follow these rules, because if he loses his credentials for his station he likely loses his job. On top of this, there’s limitations of his coverage to the 10 minutes or so he gets for the sports segment on the news. An outlet like Cover 1 has complete freedom to say and do whatever they want. Yes they don’t get credentialed, but they can cover the team with open practice access, all 22 game footage and now player interviews. So Thad seems to be upset that he has to jump through the hoops set up by Bills PR, and it’s really not that big of an advantage
  3. I don’t have a problem with adults getting autographs though it’s not for me. But I like Bills merchandise so it might be cool to have something like an autographed football or helmet. With that being said, I wouldn’t be comfortable chasing down athletes and saying “could you sign this?” I don’t understand though the need for adults to get autographs at training camps. The thing is there are hundreds of people asking for autographs after practice from superstars like Josh or Von Miller. The players can only sign a handful of autographs. Why waste one of those opportunities on an adult when there so many kids waiting? It’s common courtesy. Just like when an adult fights off a group of kids going after a foul ball. Let one of the kids get that damn ball! Same here but I don’t think the average caller who will work for $20 has the improv skills to be as funny (or stupid) as this caller was, without being completely obvious What I can see happening is a call screener putting through a listener that has a ridiculous take just so Schopp can talk down to him.
  4. I believe that Joe is on vacation which would explain the lack of tweets on social media. The end of June/beginning of July is a slow period and most Bills beat writers, as well as NFL reporters, schedule vacations during this time. You can guarantee Joe B will be at Bills training camp
  5. Tyrod was clear a step above an EJ Manuel, Trent Edward or Todd Collins but he was who he was…a fringe starter/backup quarterback. He was a unique quarterback whose threat of running stressed a defense. But if you could contain him, he had some limitations as a passer. While there is a portion of the Bills fan base who don’t give Tyrod enough credit, there are also a portion who want to give him too much credit. I wouldn’t say he “ended the drought” more that any other player on the offense.
  6. Polian’s rep took a serious hit based on his assessment of Lamar Jackson as a draft prospect but still a very strong take here so let’s hope he’s spot on. Also he used an old timey “dyed in the wool” phrase that I’ve never hear before. It means genuine or uncompromising
  7. I don’t agree. The point about Kelly pressing after the fumble is absolutely correct. But he did play a very good first half. I’ll stand by the fact that Thurman lost this game for the Bills. Period. As far as swapping Kelly, I think you might make the argument that a different QB might be able to win SB25
  8. I love it man. Thanks for the insight. I do think that this Bills team was much more focused for SB28 than they were for anti of the other 3 Super Bowls. It was as if they felt the sense of urgency and also knew that it would take solid execution to beat a good Dallas team. IMO I think Thurman might have been feeling the most pressure due to his other 2 bad performances in the Super Bowl. I do feel he was conscious of that the fact that he was a non-factor when the team needed him most. He always regarded himself as the best RB but played with a chip on his shoulder and never thought he got the respect he deserved. I too go the sense that he gave up after that fumble and that the offense unraveled from there.
  9. The fact that Sammy was out drinking and doing drugs probably didn’t help his cause in Buffalo either. Eric Ciano was there in 2014, so this is just Sammy trying to make more excuses for his meh career. I am wondering if he is trying to blame the team trainer. IIRC Marrone wanted to get rid of Bud Carpenter was vetoed by Russ due to his relationship with Ralph and the old regime. He “retired” shortly after McDermott took and they fired his assistant trainer.
  10. Any other GM would be grilled in the media for trading a 1st round draft pick for a 7th. Belichick may be the GOAT as HC but he seems to have been making some terrible personal moves
  11. If you take a look at Rob Johnson when under pressure the comparisons will immediately stop
  12. Yeah pretty much. Like the other “insiders” he seemed to be a mouthpiece for agents and NFL teams but he wasn’t very good at it as a Schefter or Glazier. He was either played, had ***** sources, or just could not decipher real stories vs. spin. His reporting did lead to comical moments.
  13. I think he has some potential given his physical attributes but theres a reason he was a UDFA. The odds are probably against him but I’m hoping he catches on the PS and gets some time to develop
  14. Not saying he the loss is all on Farwell. I just don’t think he’s the scape goat some people are making him out to be. He was likely on the bubble as ST Coach before
  15. Erik Turner from Cover 1 was the first one to break the news that the touchback was the result of Farwell not getting the call into Bass. He said that there were already issues with Farwell’s coaching before that moment. So I don’t think Farwell is the scapegoat some people want to make him out to be. There clearly were issues and what happened in KC was the last straw
  16. I can’t remember the name but there was one reporter from NY who was on the Giants beat that said Dorsey was going to be the OC. His name escapes me but I can look it up.
  17. I don’t think so… Dorsey reportedly was close to signing with NYG as their OC w/ Daboll. They likely had to pay a little more to get Dorsey to stay. If the Bills were so unsure about him at OC that they had a backup plan, I think they let him walk. I they signed Brady because his stock was low from getting fired in Carolina. He probably wasn’t going to a find another OC position this season, so he took a lower position that would give him the best chance for a promotion. I don’t think Brady will be in Buffalo for long
  18. Right…it’s just weird because no one is reporting what position he has. My guess is that’s he’s going to be an editor as he previously taught copy editing at Buff St
  19. That’s his entire beat? Sports Arena reviews?
  20. What happened to Jon Vogl? He stepped down from the Sabres beat, is still with the Athletic, but has not announced his role. I’m guessing he’s working as an editor?
  21. So much for Whaley being the “front runner” eh boys?
  22. This post…wow. Something else. Yes Tua may improve but using comments from his coach and teammate in May OTA’’s means nothing. First off, did you expect them to day “Meh… Tua looked okay” Of course they are going to talk him up. Second, read how the Bills coaches and players talked about Nate Peterman in OTA’s in 2018…I rest my case
  23. My max out is 20-25 so 40 is pretty impressive
  24. I listened this whole interview… I can’t see how this wasn’t a shot at the team. It sounded like he was pissed about not starting and said “well they got what they deserved for not playing me.” I get that players are ultra competitive but being spiteful like that probably says something about his character. I’ll say that I don’t think Jon was realistic about his abilities. For the majority of his time in Buffalo he was average at best at guard. Many times he just wasn’t very good. I don’t mind that the Bills traded Bates for Feliciano. He seems to be the better, more athletic player at guard. Also he glanced over last season in Buffalo. The rumors were that he reported to camp 30 pounds lighter without telling the training staff which seemed to contribute to his slow start. Then when he got benched, he had a pretty bad attitude. He knew that he was a goner but from what I seemed to hear, there were issues with him and front office
  25. I think the whole “Josh doesn’t play well at home” argument was debunked after last years playoff game versus New England
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