The issue was this guy has had multiple and recent late hits. Bears (followed by punch), Titans sideline plays on RB’s. Extremely late.. in addition to the choke on Brady. Then this on TL with a clear forearm. IMHO this one was the least egregious of the three. But it was cheap and looks like he could have adjusted. As far as QB’s sliding the only thing that can be done is to flag fake slides. But that brings more objective reffing which I think will be problematic. And we can all see KC getting no flag but let’s say the Raiders get it. It is a very challenging situation for D players. But I think for the most part they adjust and make the no hit. This guy, his coach, and the GM are becoming an embarrassment with the victim spin. The Texans have become a bit over the top on and off the field. And they have lost credibility.