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Everything posted by BornAgainBillsFan

  1. Yeah, after last week's game the ranking dropped to 26th.
  2. There's no way Clowney would come here. McDermott has the rep for not putting up with malingerers.
  3. I was upset that Beane didn't draft a punter last year. Now I'm really glad he didn't. And I have more proof that Beane and his crew are rock stars. Bojo's the perfect punter for the Bills. When he's got 70 yards or so to work with, he crushes it 60-65, pinning the other side deep. And when he punts from around mid-field, he crushes it 60-65 for a touchback. However, because of the latter, McD is more likely to go for it on 4th and short around midfield. PERFECT!!! So we need to keep him, if at all possible.
  4. The reason the coaches gave Moss more chances than Singletary during the latter part of the year was because Moss' more powerful running style gave him a better chance to eke out a few more yards behind the suspect run-blocking up front. So I'm okay with replacing Singletary and/or Moss this offseason. But unless we get a guy with the speed and power to succeed, regardless of the quality of run-blocking, we're right back in the same boat as this past year. The other way to go would be to improve the run-blocking, either with new personnel or better schemes!! Hopefully there will be offseason camps and 2 preseason games to work on that.
  5. Fair enough - I just wish they'd try it more often. Like just often enough for the opposing team to be caught off guard!
  6. Good call, BB. With 20+% of the cap going to Josh in 2 years (or less), we need to have 4-5 draft picks make the 53-man roster each and every year for the foreseeable future, with the positions being dependent on which cap casualty vets get jettisoned along the way. Having a great QB in today's NFL is both a blessing and a curse. What a way to live!
  7. I could be wrong, BE, but a quick Google troll makes me think you saw the obit for Norman N Cady, the father of Norman D Cady, the guy you're looking for. The link below gives some info on his current whereabouts, including a phone number: https://clustrmaps.com/person/Cady-1aj1l6
  8. Agreed. Once he learns that kicking the ball ABOVE the uprights leaves the good/no good call up to near-sighted (too nice?) refs, his FG game will be in good shape. I'd also like to see him perfect a kickoff that lands between the goal line and the 5. It's great that he can kick it out of the end zone at will, but why give the opponent a free start at the 25 every time? A surprise kick inside the 5 once in a while, pinning them inside the 10-15, could be a nice weapon at crucial times in games.
  9. That wasn't a comment on the trade. I'll always think it was a bargain for the Bills. But if we're talking about grading our 2020 draft (and not including Diggs in the equation), the "what might've been" 1st, 5th and 6th rounders need to be at least considered.
  10. And don't forget there were 5th and 6th round picks in the 2020 draft included in the Diggs deal. Two more chances for Beane & Co. to flex their late round muscles again!
  11. Just because he's likable, that doesn't mean it's not arrogance. If Brady says the exact same things, we start praying the words get lodged in his throat, and he dies of asphyxiation.
  12. Green Bay took Dillon in the 2nd round (#62). He was gone when Beane took Moss at #86. But every know-it-all I heard leading up to the draft had Dillon going 4th round-ish. So he might have been in the plans for the Bills. It's just someone else took a leap of faith.
  13. And at $920K next year, his production to cap hit ratio will come in handy. We're going to be relying on players like him for the foreseeable future.
  14. Haskins arm is nothing like Josh's. Bizarro means opposite. And I was talking about the difference in their work ethic.
  15. Haskins could be a good fit anywhere, if he was driven to work hard at his craft. He's the Bizarro Josh Allen!!
  16. I wonder how much Doug Moron would give to have the Bills HC job now??? Karma's a B word, ain't it?
  17. Thanks! I hope they play a lot of the 4-3 against KC (especially since they gashed us on the ground in Week 6!), because the all 3 LBs are playing great right now. Go Bills!
  18. He's one of those high energy cheerleader types. That lasts until the team finds out you're full of it.
  19. A lot of you are better at the Xs & Os than me, and I've been dying to ask somebody a question since Saturday's game. And this thread seems like a good one for it. I noticed for the first time on Saturday that Milano and Klein were on the field at the same time on multiple plays. Don't they both play weak side linebacker, which is why we haven't seen as much of Klein since Milano came back from injury? But Saturday, it was noticeable that the two of them + Edmonds were flying all over the field at the same time. Is this a recent thing because they've been planning to spring it on opponents in the playoffs? Or am I just misreading the whole thing?
  20. Dictionary brain /brān/ noun: brain; plural noun: brains 1. an organ of soft nervous tissue contained in the skull of vertebrates, functioning as the coordinating center of sensation and intellectual and nervous activity. SEE??? The word nerve is almost mentioned TWICE in the definition!! LOL I don't mean to make light of Mahomes' pinched brain, but the honks in KC started it.
  21. DAAAAAAAANE!!!!!! He makes plays every time he gets in a game. I'm praying he gets a chance at CB2 next year.
  22. I was actually hoping for a Sunday game this time. That way, if the surging Browns upset the lethargic Chiefs, our Bills would have a little added incentive of the AFC Championship in Buffalo going into this game. But then it would be the same case for the Ratbirds, since they're a higher seed than Cleveland, too. Oh well, it would be fun for us to know before, rather than have to wait another day.
  23. Garoppolo is a great GQ cover, but an average QB. Bring it on!
  24. I was supposed to pick one in the thread. But I think both could be useful.
  25. I know it's cheating, but I hope they activate both. And maybe Gilliam can play some FB?
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