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Everything posted by BornAgainBillsFan

  1. But then the owners would insist on an 18 game schedule. You down with that, Doc?
  2. Preseason games aren't for the fans. They're for the coaches (player evaluation) and owners ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$).
  3. Let just work on getting an NFL season in. Then we can fuss over this useless BS.
  4. I would. A six-month quarantine is a small price to pay when you're talking about making more in a year than the average American can make in 200 years. Then there's this: How sure are you of having a job next year if you sit out and the majority of your teammates don't? They may or may not have a problem with it. But I'd be willing to bet that the front office and coaching staff might be looking for more dedicated, "team" players.
  5. So you go to the Jets games to exult in their misery? BRILLIANT!!!!
  6. You don't want to know what I'd do for $10 mil a year. ? Players should do whatever it takes to keep the Money Train rolling.
  7. Terry and Kim may not find a legit sponsor until the pandemic is over. In the interim, they should name the stadium: Jim Kelly Field
  8. The only thing Josh has to prove to Mahomes will happen on January 24, 2021, during the AFC Championship game. If Josh goes through with this throwing contest/complete waste of time, it will only prove to me that he still doesn't have the mature, franchise QB mentality.
  9. Agreed. I love Lorenzo as much as anybody, both as a person and as a player. But in the NFL, you're either all-in, or you're not. And if you're not, it's best you stay retired. If he still wants to play, I'm all for it. But come back now. Endure/enjoy the full journey of the Bills ascent to greatness with his teammates, not pull a "Rosie Ruiz" (Google her, youngsters).
  10. It's all a ploy by those chicken $#!t Chiefs to tear Josh's rotator cuff, thereby ending their biggest threat in the AFC for several years. Next Pat'll be challenging Lamar to a 40 yard dash, in hopes of Jackson blowing a hamstring or two.
  11. The Golden State Warriors unveiled this design for their new basketball arena back in 2014. Why didn't Tushy jump on that one????
  12. Why on Earth would you allow a company to make payments over time for stadium name rights, like it's a toaster oven on layaway??? Announce that you'll take no less than $5 mil per year, with a minimum of 5 year term, and all of it paid in advance. Then let the bidding begin, and accept the best offer with a non-offensive name. Any company that can't swing that isn't ready to play in the NFL sandbox.
  13. I stand corrected. Nice stat grab, DCOrange. I just don't ever remember Dak putting his team on his back, and leading them to an impressive victory. Maybe he has from time to time, but not enough to stand out. I think Dak is asking for back pay, with this new deal. He's getting 4th round draft pick money these past few years, and now he wants some make-up pay for that. But he's forgetting that there were reasons why he was drafted in the 4th round.
  14. He had a good year last year statistically. The Cowboys were behind late in most games, and Dak padded the stats while the defense back-peddled in the 4th quarter. But his play also got them to that point, too. He's not terrible. He's a capable, average QB in the NFL. And he should accept that pay range.
  15. This^^^^^ Snyder can blow off everybody, EXCEPT the ones who are paying his bills!!
  16. This is the Dak story: Even average QBs think they deserve $40 mil per year now. There, now we can move on with our lives.
  17. Better not. That stuff'll kill ya quicker than covid.
  18. I know we've got nothing better to do than sit around and yammer about these things. But I'm getting tired of the constant "our guys are getting disrespected by the prognostigators" schtick. They were put on this Earth to be proven wrong. So let's prove them wrong. The End.
  19. Billl, I'm not familiar with the behind the scenes rules of capology. How would Jones' deal be dependent on Mahomes', given Mahomes was under contract for 2 more years?
  20. I'm not hoping you're wrong, P Riv. The owners may want to absorb the hit, in order to keep things as "business as usual" as possible. My main point was, with so many unknowns about this upcoming season, why do this deal now, if you're the Chiefs? Couldn't you wait until September, when the landscape would be a little clearer?
  21. Here's what Adam Shefter has to say on the subject: “We all wait to see when and if there will be football this season — and I think there will be — what form it will take. I think that everybody understands and recognizes that it could be, potentially, a little bit of a shortened season. Hopefully not, maybe not, but it could be. It certainly could be with no fans... “Now i want people to think about this going forward — because it is something that the NFL and the NFLPA soon is going to have to be thinking about — and that is if there are no fans in the stands this season that would equate essentially to about on average roughly $100 million less in revenue per team for each of the 32 NFL teams in the NFL. If we multiply that $100 million by the 32 we get $3.2 billion in lost revenue, and why is that a big deal? Because the Salary cap is based off the total revenue that comes in... “So if there is $3.2 billion in less revenue, which is a rough number... but well within the range that is expected and as other people pointed out there are other financial losses as well, we are looking, potentially, at the salary cap dropping in 2021 by $70 to $80 million.” You're right, P Riv, the majority of the revenue comes from the TV contracts, and the TV ratings will be sky high this year. But those deals are carved in stone. The NFL won't be getting more from the TV networks until the current deals have expired. EVERYTHING else will see a drop. Game day merchandising and concessions, parking revenue, and corporate sponsors will be decreased due to their revenue issues (and a lack of sufficient exposure, due to the inevitable cancellation of NFL events). Check back with me in 9 months. The cap will be reduced, at least for 2021, and possibly another year or 2 after that. It may not see the $200 million mark again until the next TV deals come into play, when the NFL can strong arm the networks into shelling out for the monster ratings they're going to get in the next few years.
  22. That's an incredible assumption right now. If this was last off season, I could see the Chiefs doing this deal. But now??? With the world in turmoil?? It's far more likely that the cap decreases, possibly multiple times, in the next few years, given the hit the owners are going to be taking at the gate + concession stands. At the very least, the Chiefs could've waited to see what the next few months will bring.
  23. He'll wait for an injury that makes some team desperate. Not to mention, he gets to miss out on training camp!
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