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Everything posted by marky

  1. Spoiled millionaires playing a child's game, paid for by bailed out owners, tell me I'm evil. I have to pay to see that. My neighborhood goes to murderous hell because arresting people for break-ins is racist. Ben Crump says 4 times the lethal dose of elephant tranquilizer is no big deal. He's welcome to take that amount, by the way. People who choose to live a life of crime die, the world burns, like they just exorcised some demon. All my fault. Got it. In my neighborhood, people can't sober up and leave their homes to supervise their kids, or earn money to pay bills. But if there's a fight, or a shooting, or a car wreck, you can't keep them away. That goes for everyone. Ever heard that story of the guy who worked abroad in the 1990s, and came back home today, and was shocked by the poverty he saw here in the USA? Nice world you are leaving behind.
  2. The game was brutal long before Jackie Robinson stepped up at bat, or Jesse Owens lined up at the starting line. Richard Sherman stares down Ty Cobb like he did Rex Ryan. To the people who know history, how do you think that's going to turn out? Do you really think race has anything to do with it whatsoever? Show an ounce of potential to play pro-bowl, you're spoiled. You have an agent before a driver's license, all paid by rich mean people, only rich today because of taxpayer bailouts. That's the absolute worse person to be commenting on this. Move next to an abandoned home that's broke into every night, then we can talk. I'm not telling you what to do, just so you know. When you chant "No justice, no peace", people more evil than you can ever imagine hear it, and it provokes them.
  3. ugh. Just what a QB or RB needs. Something different all the time.
  4. 2 back sets in the NFL. Yuck. Throw the ball, get a completion. For Smith, there's a trick to stay on-sides. Just clinch your fist differently for each snap count. You condition yourself with reinforced cues, and no one can tell. When you're exhausted and beat up bad, your IQ plummets. Pre-snap routine is important.
  5. Propped up celebrities by bailed out owners tell everyone what to do from palaces hundreds of miles away, making life worse for everyone. Burn down cities. OD in the street off elephant tranquilizer. Sure looks like you love this country to me Doc Rivers. Make a mistake. Punch or shoot your way out of it. Burn down cities. Only care about your own selfish needs. Ogres do that. I fault no one for driving the violent out of civilization and forcing cruel bullies to live under a bridge until they learn how to be a human.
  6. Bullies break other zero exception rules, terrorism, violence, drug dealing, and use "End Racism" as an excuse to take over. What's really going on? Generational. Glut of seniors and youths. No one in the middle in their prime earning years. Seniors need help, rightfully so. Unfortunately with the young, you have a lot of bad people who have yet to ruin themselves. World's a lot different when you discover you're on your own and no one really cares if you live or die. So I live in the ghetto. A lot goes unreported. Not little things. Gun shots, break ins, really dangerous things with cars, fights. Not reported. Flawed empiricism. Perimeter policing. The anti-racists don't want to help black people. They want to nullify everything they told people what to do a decade ago. Dump tech. Pump anarchy. Get ready for the ICU bill. Note to world. Huffing elephant tranquilizer and getting hit over the head puts you in the poor house if you survive.
  7. Right underneath the 32 OJ Simpson sign!
  8. Miami is having home fans. Is this the league trying to just make the Bills sick?
  9. Everyone gets humiliated. Too much for you? Stay in bed. How many people has Kraft humiliated, starting with the women in his sex shop? Sure. People love to do a 100 "jobs" a day. Stand for that. Take a knee for people who die for you, as you organize a revolt. Got it. One thing libertarians don't get, is the police limit violence against criminals. I work all my life to buy a few short years of quiet peace. One morning, a Korean sex house is in my back yard. What do you think is going to happen? I'll give you a clue. Real life Saw.
  10. That's the play action pass. That's an option. That's a switch. RPO is called as a run in the huddle. Everyone doesn't know anything else but run play and block accordingly. The #1 WR runs a full speed route on every run play. The QB on any run play throw to the WR. No signals or audibles or reads. A completion can still occur with tight coverage and good safety play. You need that every down. Specific tactics against the RPO? Long developing play. After 3 seconds, routes are done. Also you have the danger of illegal man downfield since they all think is run. RPO teams might compensate with the line on normal run plays. Win the game there. Since their #1 WR is running every play, rough him up. Play the catch when they're going to the ground and the rules are on your side. No PI and just make the ball move a little. I would do really bad stuff. Start the second team, who cares if they get kicked out? Other QB goes down, you win. Probably take the team away from ownership but it will work.
  11. That's the triple reed option. RPO is a designed run play, like a double double or zone run, but the WR runs a real route instead of two steps and girl block. If the QB feels it, like good steps and no pressure, he bombs it downfield. I would focus on letting the WR make the catch, and then punching his arms and hands as hard as I could so the ball moves when he hits the ground and the catch is disputed. When they block, I would jam and break their fingers so they can't catch later.
  12. Thank you Tre! Anyone ever given thought to pulling a Lance Armstrong? Get covid on purpose so you can beat the drug screen? That plasma boosting, and give it to the other team on media day.
  13. The Patriots won 3 Superbowls. Same QB, same HC who was also the GM. Nothing to prove. Their team identity was over a decade old. Jones was on an option year and showed up to work ODing on drugs. To win those 3 Superbowls, Bledsoe really held that team back. Changing plays in the huddle, making mistakes. They had a great roster because Bledsoe made them draft higher for over a decade. Bills are still proving themselves, building an identity. So far they have Josh Allen running downfield getting hit, and the defense keeping everything in front of them opportune to other team's mistakes. They need more players right now not less.
  14. - must take less hits <---
  15. Notice how the want of a "modern" QB only applies to certain league darlings? Still waiting on the officials to announce "Defense thought the quarterback was a runner" on Maholmes or Jackson or Wilson like they did to Tyrod. That's the flaw. It's about making money not the game.
  16. “If the Buffalo Bills’ defense has a weakness, where is it?" A lack of aggression. You can't let Watson slip that tackle in playoff OT. Rip his head off. Add an identity instead of just containing everything. Play to win even if it's not fair.
  17. Didn't someone the next year step on Watkin's foot and he was out for two weeks?
  18. Everyone was making fun of OJ. We kept his name up. That should count for something.
  19. Well we left OJ's name up. That should count for something.
  20. No such thing as a rebuild year in the NFL. One loss can be devastating. If they are weak, drive them into the ground and keep them there and not let them up for decades. Winning gives you the calls. Loosing is blood in the water and causes retirements and the owner to get bored and go somewhere else. It's not playing fair or doing what's right. Show up to win any way you can. Don't ride into Dodge City or Deadwood just to complain about being cheated.
  21. I remember McCoy's running style being relaxed, trying to make people miss inside the running lane. I think he complimented DeSean Jackson's center fielding. Buffalo while here they ran a lot of read option. Happy he got the ring. Thanks for the play for the Bills. I could imagine what those years would be like without him.
  22. I'm not a stats guy either. Can you make all the passes in the playbook? That's all the QB has to do. I want to see an offensive identity outside of the running QB. It's about going about against someone else big in the league and destroying them any way you can. That attracts talent. The idea of the modern QB is only for league darlings, people who make money selling magazines and commercial spots on late night network shows.
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