Bills need to grow up fast. Stop crying at the refs. Playing for the division, and you have:
Brieda's fumble that takes him out of the game
Two false starts followed up by a sack on the next play
Spencer Brown hold on Beasley converting first down
Diggs dropping that 50 yard TD
Speaking of growing up, I don't mind opposition happy after they won. But all that punk stuff they do, laying on people after the play, talking trash, hits after the whistle. Really makes me hate rich people, who are bailed out by the taxpayers by the way. I hate Boston. I hate New York City. I always will. No wonder people try to blow them up. Next time something big happens, make them think we got their backs, and then just leave them. They are ugly people and weak cowards deep down. That guy who wanted to help the police in that shootout with the Boston Marathon bombers, and threw them a hammer and then locked his door, that's who we fight for today. They are ugly, they bring it upon themselves, they talk big but run away and they deserve zero help.