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Who is Yuri?

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Everything posted by Who is Yuri?

  1. Tyrod convinced me tonight. I don't need to see more in preseason. I'm looking forward to the regular season.
  2. Taylor does have the magic. Deonte Thompson should have caught a couple more fro Tyrod. T-Mobile won the job. For sure. Good for EJ. He'll make a great backup. Frank Reich humility, he has.
  3. EJ can't compete with T-Mobile. Taylor was on fire. Even his misses were pretty. EJ was good. He'll make a good backup.
  4. Well bomb my !@#$ing bunkers! You want a piece of this, Dim Junk Pillock?
  5. Is this Global Warming Hoax thread the place where educated people go when they must discreetly fart of belch? RRRgh. PLLLlpt.
  6. An anchor baby killed my daddy.
  7. Slightly off topic in a debate about the next president: Trump Want to hear the back story to The Apprentice? Stay glued to the set, troglodytes. TV is... whoah.
  8. A Bernie Sanders Event, like this ongoing one, draws the biggest crowds. It's where the Big Tent Party holds its carnival. It's where fringe activists come to be heard. And it's where trolls come to get attention. Republicans, Conservatives, Tea Partiers, you are welcome. It's not a thousand dollar per plate party, so BYOB or M.
  9. Well, waste in government, but the DoD first, until you unveiled your plan to audit the entire gov't. Now that I've educated myself better on the issue, I'm wondering if we shouldn't abolish the Government Accountability Office first to avoid redundancy.
  10. Roughly equivalent dollars is what the graph represents. You make an interesting point, though. So what does that spending get you? Is it worth it? The rest of the world would never combine against us. If aliens invaded we'd stand the best chance. Not to make light of the issue you raised, we could spend a lot less and still be the most formidable country militarily on Planet Earth.
  11. That's truly amazing. There are 11 major developed nations that have more than double the USA's net median wealth per adult. Australia, Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Norway, Switzerland, and the UK. Five cpuntries triple us: Australia, Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Holy smokes. Very interesting lybob. Look at the UK. https://fullfact.org/sites/fullfact.org/files/spending%20pie.png
  12. I think I've made it fairly clear that my focus is upon waste. You are right. Too much waste does not equal too much spending. That's a false equivalency. However, if waste goes down, so does spending. Then why did you post the military spending graph? Because, if the US military spending is the rough equivalent of every other nations' spending combined, that, feel free to disagree is overkill, like shooting bullets into a dead enemy - wasteful.
  13. Too much: to a higher degree than is desirable, permissible, or possible. Are you gearing up for a semantic dispute? Or do you think that our current rate of military spending is too low or just right? Answer me. And while you're at it, define semantic dispute. There could be younger folks in our readership who have never heard of that term. Maybe our competing plans are not mutually exclusive. I could wait for the results of your audit before addressing the fraud and waste in the DoD. I'm also not opposed to examining other departments for gross inefficiencies. You've won me over.
  14. I won't try to put words in your mouth, because that's a cheap trick, so I'm asking, do you think something should be done about tax shelters? Or are you advocating a race to the lowest tax rate, in competition with these tax shelters? Or, something else? Glad you agree with me about the DoD.
  15. If you've lost the plot, that's entirely OK. Here is some remedial reading so that you can understand why we have been discussing government waste. But before we get to that, you should know that, if your country is in debt, decreasing spending is one way to balance your budget. The other way is to increase revenue. Got it?
  16. So, I want you to go out and register Democrat, if you haven't already, and vote for the one candidate brave and serious enough to stand up to the Military Industrial Complex. Tell your friends too! You've basically given the readers a choice between my plan to immediately cut military fraud and waste, or your plan to throw more taxpayer money at the problem. Well, perhaps my arguments are childishly simplistic. We spend too much on the military. That's the first place that I would look for fraud and waste. If you don't like where this is heading, tell your compadres to stop asking leading questions.
  17. The point of the chart is to illustrate that the United States spends almost as much on its "defense," as the rest of the world combined. That would make it fairly obvious to the average voter that military spending deserves serious attention when it comes to waste in government. I'd also save the taxpayer the expense of the detailed audit that Chef has wastefully proposed upthread. Next question.
  18. As per your request, here is the rest of the spending:
  19. I know, it's a useful method. Yes, we should cut fraud and waste in government. On that we can agree. I'd start with the Department of Defense. Where would you start?
  20. Chef, I really don't know a lot about hiding money in tax havens, but it does seem like loopholes could be closed, either through mandatory financial disclosure, or by laws against overseas shell companies, and corporate inversions. Conservatives talk about returning America to Greatness. http://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2014/jul/22/tax-havens-avoidance-pay-taxes-walgreens-google-microsoft "At its post-WWII peak in 1952, the corporate tax generated 32.1% of all federal tax revenue. In that same year the individual tax accounted for 42.2% of federal revenue, and the payroll tax accounted for 9.7% of revenue. Today, the corporate tax accounts for 8.9% of federal tax revenue, whereas the individual and payroll taxes generate 41.5% and 40.0%, respectively, of federal revenue." Secondly, the reason you would tax capital gains the same as work would be to increase tax revenue. This is a way to increase taxes on the very wealthy. Under Bush I, the rate was Capital Gains tax rate was 31%. Really, I get the whole Socratic Method trick to pick apart any proposal, but I have the day off and taxes are such an exciting topic. So there's some fodder for the grist mill.
  21. I think, in hindsight, she made a mistake. I don't have a problem with other's calling it "stupid." Unfortunately, for her, admitting to the mistake would bust her campaign faster than the drip, drip. I don't think she could recover by just admitting the mistake, using a personal server. This doesn't bode well for her at all. I'm not an entrenched Dem. I don't read HuffPost, but I think this benefits Bernie Sanders most of all. For every voter Hillary loses, Bernie gains a voter, so long as Joe Biden can stay out of the race.
  22. In response to Rob's House's question.Well, that's how I would get my hands on Buffett's money, Go easy on me buddy. I'm just a prospect here to learn. Sure, I blurt some silly things out sometimes, like the stuff about Buffett's Secretary, but I'm learning. Here's a Sanders tax plan from 2013. Stop large corporations from stashing their profits in the Cayman Islands and other offshore tax havens to avoid paying U.S. taxes. Legislation already introduced by Sanders would raise more than $590 billion over the next decade.Establish a Wall Street speculation fee to ensure that large financial institutions pay their fair share in taxes. A speculation fee of 0.03 percent on the sale of credit default swaps, derivatives, options, futures, and large amounts of stock would reduce gambling on Wall Street, encourage the financial sector to invest in the productive economy, and reduce the deficit by $352 billion over 10 years. End tax breaks and subsidies for big oil, gas and coal companies to reduce the deficit by more than $113 billion over the next 10 years. The five largest oil companies in the United States have made more than $1 trillion in profits over the past decade. Exxon Mobil is now the most profitable corporation in the world. Large, profitable fossil fuel companies do not need a tax break.Tax capital gains and dividends the same as work. Taxing capital gains and dividends the same way that we tax work would raise more than $500 billion over the next decade. The top marginal income tax for working is 39.6 percent, but the top tax rate on corporate dividends and capital gains is only 20.
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