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Who is Yuri?

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Everything posted by Who is Yuri?

  1. I think Neil was within his right to say that Trump didn't get permission to play "Rockin' in the Free World." It's more of a Bernie song anyway. Ah, hell. I am Socialist.
  2. Pegula isn't trying to build his wealth overtly through this article about Kim. Well done, Kim. Kim, I hope that you can put some solar panels on the roof of the new parking lot as a nice gesture to the future of the Buffalo Community.
  3. They are a piece in the puzzle, but, aside from one multi-use parking ramp, I don't see the point in giving them sole credit for revitalizing Buffalo. A lot of people have been working at this for a long time. Credit where credit is due, though. Well done, Kim.
  4. How would you deal with it in a restaurant? Do you cater an event to a candidate you don't like? It would probably depend, but I wonder what you think. Neil Young is his own guy, but his influence is big on kids of hippies, and those kids are starting to have kids of their own. I'm working on the theory that we all get influenced by our parents at some point, (or the parents of our friends).
  5. As good as advertised: I'm going to start deferring to you too. Personally, I don't think it's wise to call climate change human caused. A lot of the reactions that we are experiencing, like the melting of perma-frost in Siberia, etc, and release of methane are catalyzed by humans but not caused by humans. We're just a part of the reaction, not the sole cause, is how I read it. If we can provide strong incentives for energy companies to provide clean energy without demonizing the history that we all helped to create, of fossil fuel dependency, then we can move on in the quickest, most effective, and painless way imaginable. There doesn't need to be a massive purge of the existing energy providers to move forward, is what I'm saying,
  6. So, she was Pegula's secretary, or something?
  7. The adopted father, Ralph Kerr. He's an oil/gas shill, right? It's a match made in underground shale.
  8. Michael Brown comes to mind. Stole some cigarillos, pushed the clerk out of the way, and walked down the middle of the street. It could be a height and weight thing, to police, more than it's a race thing. I doubt that a big-ass skinhead gets favorable treatment if he behaves in the exact same manner as Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. I like this video. I don't know if I like the dude making it. He's not Nelson Mandela, but neither is Michael Brown.
  9. Boys' State '97. Semper Fi. Hoorah.
  10. As much as I respect your opinion, kind man, this is a discussion about chemistry, biology, and earth science. A house built upon the sand will not stand. You'll have to dial it down a grade or few to effectively answer the basic questions that are being posed with carbon dioxide and methane being released into the atmosphere at the current rate.
  11. Word on the street is that you're the hombre to talk to about these oil spills. It's funny how nobody makes a stink about massive NG leaks. I'd imagine you have a thing or two to say about climate change. On that second point, do you see the oil companies re-branding as "energy providers?" Is there any impetus to move towards clean energy within the industry, or would that sort of change take government intervention in the current market? Your expertise, as it was advertised, is duly noted.
  12. I agree that the rank and file Democrats are so invested in what looks good for themselves (head up their own asses) to have a clue about what's really happening in the lives of Ordinary (in the best sense of the word, think Bills fans) Americans. It's an alternate reality that many of the Dem. pundits, Hollywood Libs., and mega-rich activists are living in. I'm going to listen to some Neil Young, man. "Ordinary People" I hear Bernie's been rockin' the Neil at his rally's, ever since Neil came out for Bernie and denounced Trump.
  13. I liken it to the war on poverty. Spokesmen get all fired up woth roghteous anger only to ensure the payroll expands in their bloated ineffective and redundant anti-povery agencies. The folks who get the most Twitter and Media-outraged at income inequality or political incorrectness or a host of other issues are really self-serving attention seekers. I think there's some truth to that.
  14. The term "political correctness" bothers me. It reminds me of Soviet dictates. If individuals are being systematically destroyed for not following the parties line of thinking, that's a problem to me, mostly if the line is being set and enforced by a dominant political party. That said, a person shouldn't expect to be applauded for everything that he or she says.
  15. No thanks. I'm going to turn in early. You factor those things, or not, and I'll nitpick it to death, or not, in the morning. Don't let any of the hardliners know - I hope you enjoy your evening, good sir.
  16. I've tried to be friendly. I've tried to learn the culture. That's a compliment around here, right? You're an idiot too, buddy.
  17. This has probably already been said, but I too think that EJ could use some time with the starters in Game 4 of preseason, so that there's no chance of Taylor getting injured before Week 1. If EJ plays lights out, and suddenly shows everybody how great he is, that's wonderful.
  18. Tyrod's got the goods and will deliver. I'm 65% confident, and that's coming from a Bills fan. I've been burned before. This guy's the one. We're going to have a long future together. I'm 65% certain.
  19. And you are generous and kind man. And clearly well educated.
  20. I don't think Warren would commit to a ticket so early. Who will Trump tap? Donald Jr.? Ivanka? Surely not Palin.
  21. Right. Like the government subsidies we give to the oil companies. And the CEO's bonuses. And the environmental disasters.
  22. How many people here are FOR FREE, giving their input, criticisms, and advice? Raise your hands. How many post from work? Let's see the hands. (quite a few, quite a few) And how many are disability, unemployment, or Social Security? Raise em up. (not bad, not bad) Thank you very much. I just want to find out the sources that are subsidizing these posts. For the record, I only post on my free time, and I support Bernie Sanders 100% If you can't follow my logic, than maybe you should have had the benefit of a free University education. The times they are a changin'. For the better. Excelsior!
  23. Should no education be gov. funded? Should public schooling be abolished?
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