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Who is Yuri?

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Everything posted by Who is Yuri?

  1. I'm a huge Tyrod fan, but forget your stupid pledge. Go join the media if you want to create wedge issues out of nothing with your divisive polls. Most people call it like they see it, and I resent having to pledge at your convenience. Who do you think you are?
  2. Fred, to my eyes, has been looking and talking like he's been roided up this pre-season. No source.
  3. Do you remember who gave you your first promotion? I'm just trying to elicit the same sort of empathy from you that he/she showed for you. You can't be for maximum corporate profits, and be against safety net programs.
  4. And you need to learn what it's like to work on the line, when nobody will work for you. It's called life experience. Steinbeck had it.
  5. It's more than just unions. Let me be clear, though, that unions were part of the problem back then, and that needs to change, if it hasn't already. Unions cannot be inflexible. The production methods, though, are the other side of the coin. Beyond the union politics, the production methods are the reason that we fell behind. A man on Toyota's line could say that his door was coming off a 16th of an inch. A man on GM's line was told to deal with it, because 20,000 goofy doors were already waiting to be mismatched. It makes a bigger difference when it's an engine part. This new trade agreement, though, with Asia - I hope it doesn't include automobiles.
  6. IKEA, the largest furniture company in the World, has some clever tax schemes that allow them to pay less in so-called "tax havens." If you take a critical look at their corporate structure, you might start to see the benefit to closing tax loopholes through increased regulation. I see it as a learning opportunity. Kind of like when Toyota beat GM. This is all happening in the EU. It's a learning opportunity. We can do things better, but, let's not forget that IKEA is kicking our ass. We learned and are still learning about circular manufacturing and just in time supply schemes from the Japanese. The same processes that allowed Toyota to beat GM, allowed IKEA to leap ahead of companies like Bush in Jamestown, NY. It's way more that just unions. Just pretend that unions aren't the devil, because there's a lot more to it. Circular manufacturing. Just in time. Guys on the line eating and talking with oversight. Being able to call the supplier to solve a problem. These are important advantages that the Japanese have/had on us. Under union control, the bosses and the grunts were different classes. In Japan, they are on the same team. In Japan there is more unity within the organization than there was in unionized GM, as just one example. Toyota was a meritocracy. GM was based upon seniority. Let's not pretend that we can't learn from other countries.
  7. See Trump. How many lawsuits does HE have going now. He is the defendant in so many that he must have felt the need to tip the balance in his favor by suing anybody and everybody as the plaintiff. The fraud that was committed by Trump University is going to take him down a big notch. I'm sorry to get off topic, though, because Trump isn't a Conservative.
  8. #feelthebern You should go re-read some things that you've written, Ann. Then ask yourself, if nobody cried moderator on you, then why are you crying moderator on them?
  9. You're right. I'm new here (since 2003). Tell me some more about your sadistic gay fetish. Where exactly, do you put your hand in the "sock puppet?" Did I cross some sort of line? Nope - you did, and I've been waiting here to kick your ass you sadistic freak.
  10. Donald is past it. I'm sorry, to a couple of you who take him seriously. Ben Carson is the candidate now. This is about the most Republican place that I am aware of, and, like, few of you came out for a candidate at all. Now it's decided, without your input, that Ben Carson is the candidate, in Iowa. What's up with that? We've got some major fringe going on up in here, besides the Hillary, Bernie, Trump, and (practically new) Carson threads. The Hillary thread is #1, but it's all anti-Hillary. This Donald thread, Jesus... The Bernie thread is a Locomotive. The Carson thread just getting started, yet he's tied with Trump in Vermont. I just think that Republicans need to get behind him or not, but I hear a lot of hemming and hawing. The clocks ticking.
  11. Sorry for taking so long to get back to you on the "tax evasion" point. I'm sure a great many Americans hire someone to prepare their taxes. Those persons with investments, foundations, families, and charities certainly don't mind it when a book-keeper, or accountant minimizes their tax burden. After-all, you didn't get to this point by being stupid with money. These people with money aren't bad people, and to accuse them of "tax evasion," as if it's something like a crime, is unfair. That being said, from my own bias (yes), of someone who is against corporate inversions, outsourcing, some free-trade agreements I think you understand, if not share where I am coming from with regards to wanting corporations to pay more real taxes. As you are an investor, if corporations are restricted from maximizing profits through the aforementioned ways, that would have an effect on your return on investment. However, without corporate inversions, outsourcing, and some free trade agreements, I do believe that this effect on your tax burden would be mitigated by reduced unemployment, food-stamps, and Medicaid costs. I believe that you cannot be FOR outsourcing jobs, paying starvation wages, de-regulation, and also be AGAINST safety net programs, That, to me is a recipe for radical revolution. However, I am sensitive to the fact that the rich should not be scapegoated at all for the position that we all find ourselves in. If I've given you the opposite impression, I apologize, and will be more careful with my words, and find the time to respond to you with good sense, and compassion, sir. But I'd also like capital gains to be taxed slightly higher, but not as much as income.
  12. Hello again Ann Coulter. You are so tough, you got really big balls, and are super pretty. Good like ice cream good.
  13. FWIW, I plucked that word, loophole, directly from Ben Carson. Why don't you take you finger off the trigger, and try to have a reasonable discussion?
  14. Will we all get along if the Bills are good?
  15. Look everybody! Ann Coulter is here!
  16. And, there was the bus he took from Buffalo to Scranton - Ground Force One.
  17. This unscandalous essay was in the news 3 months ago. This essay was written 10 years before I was born. Thats a 45 year old essay. If one youthful essay that clumbsily tries to make a feminist point is the only skeleton in Bernie's closet, after a political career of 35 plus years, then Bernie shouldn't be President. He should be Pope.
  18. He's likable to me. If he wants to close loopholes that allow for tax evasion by large corporations and incredibly wealthy individuals, that's fine too. I'll look into his views on healthcare... that health savings account is interesting.
  19. That's fine. Intelligent design. Awe and respect for God. The stance he takes on being a steward of the earth will be important to me. I'm encouraged by what he wrote about the environment in America the Beautiful.
  20. What's that? A Greatest Hits album? We deserve a fresh start. TYTT is counting on a rational debate, and it just isn't happening in a discussion about Trump. I want to learn more about conservative views on Dr. Carson.
  21. I'll not be baited into a discussion about Trump. So, what's this about Carson and Sanders being similar. Is there anything to that? Will Carson get the support of the Republican establishment?
  22. All that Trump talk has made that other thread a circus. Here we can have reasonable debates.
  23. Trump and Carson are neck and neck in Iowa. Who here can swallow their racism and back the good doctor? Lol.
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