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Who is Yuri?

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Everything posted by Who is Yuri?

  1. You've got to take your time with a woman. Expect an answer near bed-time.
  2. I'm more of a find your own woman's ass man, myself.
  3. You think they didn't ask?! If she feels that she can wheel her own bag, then she is not a bimbo. Doesn't look like one, BTW.
  4. GIVE HER ALL SHE'S GOT SCOTTIE! Otherwise this MB is going to CRASH!
  5. I'm expecting something, when I get back from the bathroom.
  6. If by she, you mean "it," then I get where you're coming from (no pun intended). My hand, too, gets dissatisfied if it has nothing to occupy itself during these nervous times.
  7. Anyone else looking at real-estate in the area worth over 1m dollars for the first time in their life?
  8. Expecting Nix to start the press conference at 4:01, quipping "sorry, we're late." I know we're in spaz-mode, so don't take this post to mean that a conference has already been scheduled.
  9. It's been night and day, since they signed on as the flagship station. Nice job WGR. It's great for general morale to hear more positivity on the radio.
  10. I've been trying to listen to WECK only. I listen to NPR in the morning, for the news, O'Loughlin is good, and have to wait until 4 for Brad. It's been good for me. WGR is so mind numbingly stupid, I feel better overall not listening. I certainly don't tune in for the mid afternoon frat-boys Colin or Rome. To each his own, but listening to WGR550 makes me want to send hate mail to them, and in this day, and climate, I'm worried that they would report me to the FBI, or sign me up for junk mail. I feel much more sane and informed with WECK. If they had local non-corporate programming from 1-4pm I would listen.
  11. I don't post here often and probably won't follow up on this, but this topic brought me out of the shadows for a moment. The best way to get them off the air is to e-mail or write to the companies that advertise during their show. Just state that you refuse to use their product or service because of their association with Schopp and the Bulldog, and that you'll be telling your friends and family to do the same. That'll be more effective than writing WGR directly, and you can just use the same e-mail for all the different companies.
  12. This is good. Remember... Willis even said that he is motivated by people LIKING him. Also... His brother said that he is motivated by NAYSAYERS. All we need to do is to NOT like him, make it known, and say publicly that he will rush for 300 yards against US. It is his BIRTHRIGHT (expect him to flop sideways on the 3rd and 2).
  13. This is why I am not so concerned with those photos in the Baltimore Sun of Willis doing sprints: it is because, in football, there will be 11 men coming in the opposite direction that Willis is sprinting, and at some point he will have to make a decision (his brain's not that good [crumple]).
  14. So if I say something that I'm not sure about I try to validate my claims. I don't spout a ton of nonsense out of my butt like some do in life. Spouting nonsense out of your butt is normal; spouting it out of your mouth is McGahee.
  15. Great use of parentheses, Falstaff. I think that Marv's moves towards low-key high-character players will bring like minded Bills fans out of the woodwork. We are essentially low-key. We strive to be high-character. As long as these players can grind out wins, I think this strategy will be good for us.
  16. Early 2nd: Leonard Mid-second trade: Pittman 3rd back: Thomas
  17. He most definitely changed it to Overmyheadanddrowningfast, because that's really hard to hack around, but easy to remember for him.
  18. Self-conscious? Colin Cowherd? Isn't he the opener for Jim Rome? That's like Pantera opening up for an Axel Rose solo project. You need to find something better that to listen to Colin Cowherd. He's just another Rush Limbaugh (sensationalist).
  19. Mularkey had ambition in that he hoped to someday make the playoffs. But he didn't know how. Marv has ambition to win the Superbowl, and has an idea how. Conclusion: it is not such a bad thing that Mularkey is gone, whether or not Marv decides to head coach. It's better with Marv. It is, and don't let others tell you otherwise, before you investigate their motives.
  20. 3. has a 80 year old GM using cliches 4. has not made the playoffs for 6 years Now I feel better!! 566200[/snapback] This isn't fair to Marv as a speaker. Did you hear him say "better execution?" Did he say "light a spark?" From the blasted Patriots on down, Mularkeyès statements have long ago become clichès. Marv is speaking original, absolutely perfect and honest english. At least give him credit for that. His speaking ability is without peer and he never uses clichès. He is the best speaker in the NFL, to the point where he is beyond criticism. Don't tell me either that he can't tell a lie, (jingling change, laughing out loud) because he is an honest person, and that honesty is a virtue. We ought to cherish it, but some people suck too much.
  21. You know that J.P.'s biggest problem is reading defenses, really! On the one hand, reading instinct is a matter of talent, but I think that it translates to experience. You know that Losman has been reading great books lately, e.g. East of Eden (find the quote last summer on your own). I wonder to what degree reading a defence critically relates to critical reading? Well, I hope that J.P. tackles The Grapes of Wrath this summer, because it will give him experience and perspective in reading... and I think it might translate as well as it did for Marv...
  22. The thing about Marv, though, is that he would never let Mularkey feel that he is on shakey ground. That sort of pressure wouldn't help Mularkey, and Marv knows that. And Marv knows what job he signed up for, so expect Marv to try to help MM to the utmost. And Mularkey will be able to make an objective decision about the quarterback position!
  23. That was Randolph Central Highschool's Cardinals. They were State Champions this year with an undefeated record, and dominated each and every opponent. Thank you aliens! Go to Hell Donahoe!
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