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Who is Yuri?

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Everything posted by Who is Yuri?

  1. Yup, those same Mayans who bet 50 Spanish Galliiards on Buffalo in the famous Comeback Game. The receipts of the betting transaction were written in perfectly clear Mayan, but, alas, the Spaniards burnt all sacred Mayan texts, including this and many others than we would find enlightening as Bills fans.
  2. I can't fret about these concerns, Sirs. I had rather that coach Chan Gailey, is indeed very concerned. Since one's mutual concern was prompted by Chan's quoted concern, it seems Chan is in control of the situation. I do not need to intervene... for once!
  3. Hate to be the first to say it, but Ryan Fitzpatrick may sling guns better than Jim Kelly, by the end of next season.
  4. Oh, I must be smarter than him, then.
  5. The thing about Easley, is that my highest expectation is for him to be the next Eric Moulds. Eric Moulds was fast and strong and dominant by his third year. Easley, however, has been setback, and back again, so I'm hoping he will make the team and make an impact here and there this year, then put it all together next year. He's obviously not plug and play ready to dominate already.
  6. Well said. We seem to have lots of players like that now. Something new in the Gatorade?
  7. Utter Simplicity Numbers do not lie, of course, numbers are incapable of lying, because they are not human. Numbers are not human. Fit's career numbers are average, so the average for every other quarterback = Fitz's numbers. Hmm, it would be a miracle if his numbers were actually the average. Maybe I should be arsed to look it up some day. He played well for 4 weeks, yeah, yeah, and he wasn't Aaron Rogers, right, and that's all there is to it, or not. He is rag-armed, but he can throw the ball on a rope when he needs to, and can throw 60+ yrds, on film. He's not a decent QB. Your opinion, but mine is different.
  8. When I read the transcript, I didn't get as round an impression as I did watching the video, so thanks SJBF for the heads up. Watching him speak, I got the impression that he isn't defensive about who he is or where he is at, and that he accepts his role as a backup, now. That said, he's been on top, and some of the eye rolling motion that he gives, makes me believe that he still has glory in the back of his mind. He's still hungry, but he seems to realize that he has to do work personally. From the sound and looks of it, Buffalo is a great situation for Vince Young at this point in his career, and could prove to be a stepping stone to bigger and better things for him personally, if not for Buffalo as a team. I have a lot of sympathy for him, because I've learned over the years that what you put into a job is what you will get out of a job, and the fact that Vince is working hard and doing his best now, without his ego getting in the way, should serve him well in the future.
  9. Diva thread. Or maybe he/she is trolling. Or they have body image issues. What 'evs.
  10. Love the pick. Love the video of him kicking it out of the stadium and destroying kick returners. However, , Nix blew it by not selecting him in an earlier round. Four words: asleep on the job.
  11. No, he meant Levi Brown the former Bill. Former Future Tom Brady. I really liked the dude. He's definitely got a good arm, and makes some creative throws.
  12. Good lord, the Pats just keep getting worse! Jones and Hightower were players that weren't even on my radar. Bellicheck must be on drugs! What are they thinking?!
  13. I'm sorry that someone was killed, but pot had very little to do with it. It's just a plant for God's sake. Repeat to yourself, it's just a plant. It's just a plant. Property values are down because everyone knows that a house in the neighborhood is growing pot? You must be joking, because if everybody knows, then why aren't they doing anything but complaining. Property values going down is more serious business than pot growing. You would think that if someone lost even, $2,000 property value, they would call the place in. I think that pot problems are being confused with people problems. That's from someone who doesn't smoke pot.
  14. THC and the remnants that they test for get stored in fat cells. I wouldn't assume that he blew off the test. If he were dehydrated, having just worked out, and burned fat, then he would have shown positive, even if it were more than two weeks before. If he were super hydrated, then he might have smoked the day before, and tested negative. He wasn't blatantly disregarding the test, imo.
  15. Border Patrol is awesome. Bill Collectors sit in cubicles and call on telephones, generally, unless you've got a WWE type of imagination. "The Deer Hunters" "The Niagara Escarpement" "The Erie Octopus" (8 arms to grab and swallow the opposition)
  16. If he were to go to jail for the offense, for a year, it would cost about $100,000 to taxpayers. Cops consider pot a sign, though, that the person might be breaking other laws. The cops I know have smoked, and driven drunk, ironically.
  17. They didn't want to go through the trouble of an MRI? He was injured by Stevie's low block. Stevie mentioned on his WGR weekly show that he's not a dirty player but he's taught to block that way. Stevie owned the fact that he injured Berry. Take that for what it's worth.
  18. Ivan the Terrible / Tom Donahoe. Increasingly delusional and paranoid. Ditto. Leon Trotsky / Ted Nolan. Led Red Army to improbably victories and was eventually exiled. Led Sabres to improbable... not dead, yet. Bruce Smith - Josef Stalin. Bad things, man! Bad things!
  19. Justin Rogers looks like a great punt returner too, in addition to being decent against smaller receivers in coverage.
  20. You get by with personal attacks because of your name. And you use your name, don't you?
  21. Why would a Bills fan wish success to the Eagles? He wished Bell health, and Bell will make money, so can't we begrudge Bell the other vagaries for pride's sake, since he snubbed us?
  22. Nice hit SDS. OPs link is sleepin' with the fishes.
  23. He's certainly not shy of cameras and microphones.
  24. Doper or Boozer. Could make an interesting poll topic.
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