Let me admit that I haven't read this thread, but the title, Onside Kick, deserves pause.
Say I'm the kicker. The opposing team, for the most-part, is 10 yrds. away, spead out the 160ft width of the field. There are 10 players, and I see 6-8 ft. daylight between each player. As the kicker, I cannot aim at a group. I have to aim at a 6' tall target, than can move side to side, so the closer to his middle that I can aim, the better. This kick is from 10 yards, and for reference a soccer penalty kick is 12 yards. Basically, I am trying to hit a 5' post. Do I have the nerve?
Let me admit, that I don't have the nerve to do that, just to avoid any needless worry by the Bills organization. I think it would only be possible if the ball were positioned on the tee differently, which would be a tell... but if I had the nerve, I just might try it!