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Who is Yuri?

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Everything posted by Who is Yuri?

  1. No, no no! Pass the spleef, brah... On second thought, we should make him quarterback, with some coaching responsibilities. Ganja style!! What's our new mascot, then? The Buffalo Bongs?
  2. OMG! I thought Dan Marino was gay!
  3. What ever happened to Snap Bracelets?
  4. I guess I didn't realize that Stevie wanting QB competition, and Stevie working on his own game were mutually exclusive. I guess he better shut up, and he'll be a better football player, cause all good football players never speak.
  5. Big Time Tarnished. In the History Books, they cheated like Lance Armstrong.
  6. This might be reaching, but, it seems there is a polarity between those who think it is settling, and those who think it is riverboat gambling, to select Ryan Nassib with the 8th overall pick. I certainly wouldn't want to settle, when my life is so young, and I have so much to figure out, upon one quarterback. Why not go with what the experts used to think? On the other-hand, "Luck let a Gentleman see... How Nice a Lady you can be..."
  7. spygate. anyone mentioned?
  8. Listen up Russ! This is important! I need you to stop surfing this message board, and get back to doing your job.
  9. From Lethal Weapon: "I'm getting too old for this ****."
  10. i think pure running and cutting, my original point, though, NOT "being a running back" CJ is so obviously better that I wonder why anyone would argue with me. Have you not seen that he is faster than every defender? That couldn't be said about Barry, who did NOT outrun defenders, and had far more negative runs than CJ.
  11. CJ, to my eye, is the best runner of the football that I have ever seen. I was born in 1980, for reference, and watch 1-2 football games per week, since I can remember. CJ makes me laugh, he is so good at cutting and running. So I already think he is better than Barry.
  12. I wish there was a Spiller highlight package each week. Even on short runs, he makes moves that I immediately want to watch over and over (with my jaw on the floor).
  13. Carroll regrets fake punt (did not score touchdown).
  14. I Love Pete Carroll. I think that college players SHOULD be payed. Cheat, score, win, rinse, repeat, is what they call it, but I call it ass whoopin,' and that's what just happened. Go Hawks! Beat the Pats in the Superbowl, baby! Love me some fake punts and belly option!
  15. Manytimes, there are plays in which CJ makes a "highlight reel" gain for 5-10 yrds, not scoring a TD, or perhaps even a first down, but weaving a highlight worthy masterpiece in the process, no doubt. Why aren't they showing all of the runs where he makes miracles happen, in the course of a non TD? What's up with that? Are we keeping these highlights a secret for some reason? Sorry in advance if there's a brilliant and logical reason that these highlights aren't available to watch again, that someone smarter than this goofball would understand.
  16. He's better than Barry, imo.
  17. None of us will ever understand the true intricacies of situation, till Spiller comes out with his first biography, Spill the Beans, next Christmas.
  18. Wow! Cynicism is an art-form for Buffalonians apparently. Each poster trying to out negative the next. WTF's the Peace Bridge got to do with it, unless you've got self-esteem issues, try, try, and try again if you ever want to get anything in life. The proposed stadium would be in a beautiful, and currently disused portion of the city. There would be stumbling blocks, duh, but it's a great idea.
  19. Oh, you don't like Jerry Seinfeld. Point taken. More of a Tom Green fan, then?
  20. I didn't notice what you're talking about with regards to body language. The whole 2nd offensive unit seemed wild, or not in sync. I think that Young made some plays out of nothing, which was good. He also missed a pass or two, not counting the interceptions, which were the bad part.
  21. IMO, Fitz has better accuracy on high velocity, low tragectory passes. He can't put high touch on his passes like Rothlisberger, or similar lanky framed, large handed quarterbacks.
  22. Let me admit that I haven't read this thread, but the title, Onside Kick, deserves pause. Say I'm the kicker. The opposing team, for the most-part, is 10 yrds. away, spead out the 160ft width of the field. There are 10 players, and I see 6-8 ft. daylight between each player. As the kicker, I cannot aim at a group. I have to aim at a 6' tall target, than can move side to side, so the closer to his middle that I can aim, the better. This kick is from 10 yards, and for reference a soccer penalty kick is 12 yards. Basically, I am trying to hit a 5' post. Do I have the nerve? Let me admit, that I don't have the nerve to do that, just to avoid any needless worry by the Bills organization. I think it would only be possible if the ball were positioned on the tee differently, which would be a tell... but if I had the nerve, I just might try it!
  23. Let me qualify this statement, dear reader, by stating that I listened to more than half of last years games on the radio. For those games that I was able to watch on CBS, I sometimes over-broadcast the radio. Alas, I am not able to pick up FOX on the ears of my Rabbit. There are times when the national announcer is plainly worse than John and Mark, but there are times when John and Mark were to my clear and distinct ears, better. I posit that John and Mark are better than most national announcers, as a Bills fan.
  24. Sukay to start the season?! Let's not get carried away.
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