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Who is Yuri?

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Everything posted by Who is Yuri?

  1. If only that were true ^, And Buddy Nix retired, because after he saw Tuel play, he knew he'd found the next Tom Brady, and just needed any old Bledsoe, EJ, to give him time to develop. What a brilliant cunning move.
  2. According to the pre-season stats, Tuel is the best quarterback on this team. I've liked his mistakes better than EJ's. Tuel should be starter, imo. No one else is brave enough to say it, so there.
  3. Jeff Tuel has twice as many touchdowns this preseason, a higher completion percentage, a higher quarterback rating, and gains twice as many yards as EJ per scramble. That's pretty decent competition already on the roster. Personally, I'd like to see Tuel given some time with the starters. I like the cut of his jib.
  4. Here is my Twitter analytic of the reporters covering the sale: tpm = tweets per month tpd = tweets per day Adam Benigni: Joined in February 2012, 3745 tweets, 125 tpm, 4 tpd John Kryk: Joined in April 2009, 8646 tweets, 135 tpm, 4.5 tpd John Wawrow: Joined in April 2009, 10,600 tweets, 166 tpm, 5.5 tpd Tim Graham: Joined in May 2009 19,400 tweets, 308 tpm 10.3 tpd For comparison, I looked up the stats of the 4 most followed Twitter accounts in the World Lady Gaga Joined in March 2008 5214 tweets 68 tpm 2.3 tpd Katy Perry Joined in February 2009 6010 tweets 91 tpm 3.0 tpd Barack Obama Joined in March 2007 12,300 tweets 138 tpm 4.6 tpd Justin Bieber Joined in March 2009 27,500 tweets 423 tpm 14.1 tpd
  5. Fair enough. I don't make too much of Kryk's 'familiar with Golisano's intentions' sourcing, it's just something I remember being covered by all of the Buffalo media outlets at the time. This was mid-July and Pegula had not confirmed that it was his intention to buy the Bills. Now Pegula's in, and Golisano has continued to be involved. We'll see if Golisano makes a final winning bid.
  6. There was a change in the perception of Golisano's intentions after John Kryk of the Toronto Sun blogged about Golisano being "in it to win it" in mid-July. So, I think the most likely explanation for Golisano's continued involvement in the bidding process thus far is not that he wants to drive up the price, but that he wants to own the team.
  7. Who says money can't buy friends?
  8. You know, for all of his other shortcomings, Saddam Hussein had an excellent mustache. I've got to think he missed his true calling in life. He probably would have been a great football coach.
  9. My guess is that the Wilson family trust would prefer that the Bills play in Ralph Wilson Stadium as long as possible. It's a living shrine to Ralph in the same way that Knox farm, and the Albright Knox are memorials to the greatest ever owner of the Sabres. If the First Niagara Center / HSBC Center / Marine Midland Arena were called the Knox Center, that arena would have more historical significance and credibility, in my opinion, and young fans, players, and visitors would never forget the founding father of that franchise. Speaking of a shiny new palace downtown, and abandoning the Ralph so soon after Mr. Wilson's passing might be construed as disrespectful to his memory by them closest to the man. Food for thought.
  10. I've got a third party candidate running a clean campaign on the Independence Party ticket. I don't want to say his name, for fear that Tim Graham will try to link him to Bon Jovi.
  11. Does that fit your narrative too, John? Against Pegula = For Bon Jovi? Much of the business community = Everybody in Buffalo? I guess when it's dumbed down like that, Terry's the only option. It's clear to me that Tim's crusading for Pegula, especially when he attempts to smear Kelly with this article.
  12. Tim Graham is a Pegula lobbyist. He's been attacking the other bidders and "reporting" how everybody in Buffalo would be behind Pegula for weeks now. He worships Terry's money. http://ferrall.radio.cbssports.com/2014/07/31/tim-graham-everybody-would-be-behind-terry-pegula/ http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/bon-jovi-letter-trump-bluster-apparently-violate-bills-nondisclosure-agreement-20140804 http://www.wgr550.com/pages/9034669.php?pid=421136
  13. The fans and media who have already turned on Jim Kelly remind me very much of the fans and media who turned on Pat Lafontaine.
  14. When is the last time that Tim Graham had a named source on record?
  15. You've found me out. Dang. Oh well. Back to Prague.
  16. 1. There was nothing in the article, however poorly written, or agenda-based, that wasn't absolutely true. Feel free to ignore it, for the sake of your own agenda. 2. I know that this typo was unintentional, but I hope it comes true.
  17. For your birthday today, I want them to announce Kelly or Golisano is the winner and Pegula is going to fund a downtown stadium himself. Bon Jovi will make an appearance so we can boo him.
  18. Well, Kelly needs my support now, so I am going to root for Team Kelly to win the bid. The rest of you flip-floppers can root for the other team.
  19. You guys are crazy. Graham was quoting a source that is NO LONGER INVOLVED in the process. Now you've got Jim Kelly, who by the way is a competing bidder, up on the podium with Pegula. It's not a two team game, Pegula vs Bon Jovi, Buffalo vs Toronto, Good vs Bad. If you are a fan of Kelly, why not back Kelly? He's probably a more viable bid than Bon Jovi.
  20. Let's say your Gramma (Ralph) has this really nice '82 Buick LeSabre (the Bills) that she's always said she would bequeath to you (the Trust). Your Uncle Mark (Erie County) has always done the maintenance (stadium renovations) on schedule for Grams , and the car's in great shape, you just don't want it. An '82 Buick LeSabre isn't your style. So you put the car up on Craigslist. You get a few phone calls and you meet a few people and show them the car. You're looking to get the most money you can, but all things being equal, you'd prefer to sell to someone who will take good care of it and keep everything original (in Buffalo). You get a few offers and they're all in the same ballpark range (900 million). They all say it's a great car, and that they'll take good care of it. To tell you the truth one guy (Bon Jovi), you're not so sure, but if he pays a little more, he can go ahead and pimp Grammas ride, for all you care. So you've got these few offers, and all of a sudden someone (the NFL) posts on Craigslist, RE: '82 Buick - NEEDS MAJOR WORK (a new stadium). So Uncle Mark posts all the invoices and the maintenance log and says, RE: '82 Buick - Needs major work?!! NO WAY! Phew! Thanks Uncle Mark. Why would you be getting pissed at Poloncarz? Why should he stay out of it?
  21. It turned on the phrase "damaging impacts to society." He probably could have shoehorned the Penn State Sandusky connection into that paragraph too. Maybe he's saving it for a follow-up article. Who knows.
  22. The one inaccuracy that I saw in the article, was that Jacobs worth was stated in trillions, rather than billions. That was the only inaccuracy that I noticed.
  23. Niagara Falls Reporter article from yesterday. Should probably be on the main TBD news board. http://www.niagarafallsreporter.com/Stories/2014/AUG12/bill.html
  24. In the interview I posted, Pegula claims the opposite - that it was a flat decision making process, that nobody has a monopoly on hockey knowledge, and that Regier was in constant communication with ownership and cleared all decisions with him beforehand. "I speak to Darcy more than I speak to my wife," he says.
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