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Who is Yuri?

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Everything posted by Who is Yuri?

  1. Goodwin's inactive this week. He came down with a cold.
  2. The plane got stuck at the terminal. Mario Williams carried it to the runway.
  3. These dudes know what I'm talkin' bout. Illegal immigrants rally at White House, thank Obama for deportation reprieve http://www.washingto...3340_story.html "CASA officials have predicted that up to 100,000 people in the area will obtain a three-year reprieve from deportation next year after applying to immigration officials."
  4. Congress better snap to it. No time to waste on the defensive, always reacting to Obama. Obama this, and Obama that. Time to take the reigns of government and pass bills into law. Do the !@#$ing job.
  5. Don't hurt yourself. We're all in agreement, now. Last nights declaration, or proclamation, if you will, was just a declaration. The deportation reprieves come when the aforementioned parents and promising young professionals register, pass a criminal background check, and are willing to pay their fair share of taxes. That's the nuts and bolts, boys, now one of you slick lawyer types just clean up the language, and we'll get this one in the books for the good old US of A! You can celebrate by rounding up the rest of them immigrants and put them on a boat to Patagonia. Bon Voyage.
  6. Oh jeebus, the vultures are circling. Maybe it's time to change my sig. Check out Eisenhower's platform. I love it. What happened to those Republicans? http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=25838 Article II, section 2. Did I miss something, or are you just pulling a Dale Jr. on me? "He shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States"
  7. It's will be a reprieve, if you want to parse words, but you're right, that the declaration was just a declaration (fiat declaration, haha, as in "I command," too rich) "So we’re going to offer the following deal: If you’ve with been in America more than five years. If you have children who are American citizens or illegal residents. If you register, pass a criminal background check and you’re willing to pay your fair share of taxes, you’ll be able to apply to stay in this country temporarily without fear of deportation. You can come out of the shadows and get right with the law. That’s what this deal is."
  8. Activist, progressive, conservative, far-right, far-left, Republican, Democrat. All these terms have lost their meaning to me. I think I'm an Eisenhower Republican, and that somehow puts me on the Far-Left wing of the Democratic Party.
  9. Knock. Knock. Executive action = reprieve, smartypants. I would have thought you knew that. It's funny, but I have a feeling that the POTUS has the technical expertise to get all 5 million individuals reprieved.
  10. You're trying to pin me down on the pardon. Reprieves or pardons. It's an executive action. If you're looking for the fine print details, ask one of DC Tom's lawyer friends.
  11. Caught you off guard? Now, I've got 'em on the run! Let me just cut and paste some of the speech, since it's relevant. "This deal does not apply to anyone who has come to this country recently. It does not apply to anyone who might come to America illegally in the future. It does not grant citizenship or the right to stay here permanently, or offer the same benefits that citizens receive. Only Congress can do that. All we’re saying is we’re not going to deport you." My opinion is that by registering these specific illegals, parents with kids, and promising young professionals, registering them, and setting them aside, he clears the ground for the sort of Eisenhower style mass round up and deportation that so many crave.
  12. We're up to our elbows in the Constitution here. Quoting real text. It's magnificent.
  13. go on... and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States...
  14. Get that garbage off the internet. It has nothing to do with what was said last night and is just baseless fearmongering. The illegals who report aren't going to get EITC, and if they commit fraud they'll be deported.
  15. "To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers" It's my understanding that the Executive Branch hasn't been given the tools for the immigration enforcement job at hand by the Legislative Branch and that opens the door to executive action. I'm not blaming Republicans, it's just that sometimes it's better to do something about a problem, than to do nothing and let it get worse. Executive actions are nothing new. I can't really predict the precedent this action might set, or that hypothetical, what if it were a Republican. I'm open to suggestion. LOL, Nanker.
  16. Come on now. Follow that thought to it's logical conclusion. You are saying that each state will have it's own Department of Immigration. Each state will have its own independent policy on immigration. So you'll have customs and immigration at each state border between states, because you've abolished the unifying system. November 20th is Revolution Day in Mexico. Viva la revolucion! Eh, compadre?
  17. I'm honored, but Gatorman's the real champ. I can't go nearly as many rounds as that clobberhead. Maybe I won a round. Check it out: That's me in the 88!
  18. You say it doesn't give him the authority. I say it doesn't deny him the authority. Immigration reform is an acute problem that Congress did nothing about. But I see your strategy. If he does nothing, attack him. If he does anything, attack him. Mock him. What sort of contribution is that, to our country? You may as well be Russian.
  19. You know, the thing that I like about the President's plan is that it directly addresses a problem, has a basis in reality, compensates temporarily for the inaction of Congress, and is well within the boundaries of the Constitutional Law. It's positive action. When I hear folks mockingly call the President of the United States, King, or Emperor, it makes me think that those folks have zero respect for the office, the Republic, or the Constitution. If you think I am being condescending, to nobodies who mock the President and hide behind the Constitution without any reference to the actual body of that document, you are right.
  20. Can you share where it denies him this power? Are you declaring my action of changing underpants most every day unconstitutional?
  21. I don't know if there is some sort of subtext going on here, but I work with a lot of black folks and I don't think that anyone sees Obama as the Second Coming, and I don't think that he sees himself in that role. He's just doing a job, and getting a little pissed off at the gridlock. Nobody is calling him an Emperor, except those who want to tear him down. It's that transparent.
  22. Where does the Constitution grant me the authority to change my underpants? And yet I take Executive Action most every day. What sort of Figure transcends existing law, or usurps the province of creating law, to create His own by fiat declaration? I do, everytime I peel a banana.
  23. Take it easy, and gear up for 2016, when we will elect a new "King." Why do you keep using that word, anyways? For dramatic effect? You can thump that Constitution on the lecturn all you want, but try opening it, and doing a little reading, if you want to be taken seriously. I'm sure that the Constitutional Lawyers advising the White House have the POTUS on the right side of the law. Love your country, don't tear it down.
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