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SF Bills Fan

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Everything posted by SF Bills Fan

  1. So true. Does anyone have any interest in the NBA this year?
  2. Buffalo has supported and NBA team, I'm sure the ABA can work there. http://buffalo.bizjournals.com/buffalo/sto...tml?jst=b_ln_hl
  3. http://www.jacksonville.com/superbowl/pack.../bash_201.shtml
  4. Buffalo politicians don't see anything because they have their heads in their asses. Remember when Gorski was shocked when he heard the Bills might leave if they didn't get a better lease deal and was certain another team would fill the void? I'm convinced that most of these guys have rarely, if ever, left the area and traveled around the country or world (the trip you took back to Gdansk, Poland to see your mom's birthplace doesn't count). They still operate under the impression that Buffalo is one of the largest cities in the country. I think Greensboro, N.C. just passed Buffalo to bump us out of the top 50 metro areas in population. Way to go politicos. You guys are top notch. It's a miracle that they didn't give the Aud to Scientology. Let's just consider ourselves fortunate.
  5. I voted Reed. For now. But this is like giving Dicaprio that silly lifetime achievement award in film. Moulds has time ahead of him. Let's talk in 5 years.
  6. I've seen that place. They have a celebs only place as well. I've never considered the fact that they probably have a big base here in the Bay Area, but it would make sense given the wacky nature of many people here.
  7. Here is the site: http://www.scientology-buffalo.org/ I know they spent tons of money renovationg that building. I wouldn't be surprised if they are buying other buildings in the area. Lot's of Buffalo real estate is getting purchased and much of it is by out of state people or groups.
  8. It's possible a small gnome or even an evil spirit is in the leg. Go to the river, get some leeches and give yourself a good bleeding.
  9. It'd be like Logans Run excpet they wouldn't die.
  10. HAD a major handicap
  11. this is important stuff people. http://www.nfl.com/probowl/cheerleaders/nfc My vote goes to Laura in Carolina
  12. If it had been wookies instead of ewoks that would have ruled. God I sound like a geek.
  13. Thats a sad attempt to prove he isn't gay. Clay be gay and accept it and I'll accept your music sucks.
  14. The second one had a great chase scene involving the cargo carts on those tracks. The rest was throw away.
  15. I agree. It's a great trilogy too. The first and the third were good. Not a fan of the second one. What was up with the odd slave kid plot? That sucked. Then there is the Matrix. Exhibit A in how to wreck a good thing. Let's not forget the Dawn of the Dead trilogy. the first two were awesome. Day of the dead- not as good though. Romero just wrapped the fourth. I look forward to it. http://www.upcominghorrormovies.com/movies/twilight.php Also- the Bourne Identity and the Bourne Supremacy were very good. The third one should be good too.
  16. Interestign article.. http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0,1284,6...tw=wn_tophead_1
  17. One word. Ewoks.
  18. Not true. Lucas was able to remaster the originals. I own the box set and watch them all the time. They are great. Watch the attack on the Death Star with the new scenes and you will see the difference. Throughout the movie the effects are great. What you realize is how good the special effects were for the time. For that reason, Lucas gets all the respct in the world. On a side note- I drive by his new studio here in San Francisco every day. It's set to open soon. I have a buddy who is a bigwig with Lucasfilm there and I'm looking forward to getting an insiders tour. I'll give details after I see the complex.
  19. The original Star Wars was great. It's my favorite movie. The Empire Strikes Back was awesome too. But then, the Ewoks ruined the whole taco. My nod goes to the Lord of the Rings. It got better with each movie. The Return of the King was the best. Expectations were met and exceeded beyond my wildest dreams. I read the books many times and always wondered if it could be made into a film that captured the scope. And then the vision was realized fantastically. Bottom line- Peter Jackson was obsessed with making a great body of work. Somewhere along the line, Lucas got obsessed with making money and the art suffered.
  20. WTF? Might as well clone Bledose.
  21. Maybe she has cottage cheese butt? She looks pretty good from the front. The Girls of Fear Factor shoot was lame.
  22. Are there even cardinals in AZ?
  23. 15 years too late. Teri Polo looks good in the recent one. And she shows the whole 9 yards, unlike most celeb spreads. Bravo!
  24. Let's add mass murderer to the list of whatever troubles this guy had before. He'll wish he perished with the wreck. Good work assmonkey.
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