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SF Bills Fan

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Everything posted by SF Bills Fan

  1. I'd like to take a trip there and maybe see the Bills play the Titans next time that happens. I'm not a fan of country music either, but I would check that museaum out. When the Bills played the Seahawks in Seattle last year, I went to the Music Experience and that was really cool.
  2. They put a bunch of money into RWS not too long ago. Given the track record for getting major projects done around WNY, this is laughable. The city and county are in fiscal straights. Where would these $$ come from? Then again, I can't wait to drive across the new Peace bridge and take my seat at this stadium and then maybe go and do some gambling at the downtown casino followed by trip to a the fancy new $750 million outer harbor that is sure to be constructed. Just fill in the potholes and figure out a way to get RWS stadium traffic alleviated and I will be pleasantly surprised.
  3. How did you like Nashville? Was there a lot to do downtown?
  4. I'm going to Iceland for a week in June. We'll be there for the summer solstice and a few big festivals. I heard it 's a blast and the women are pretty good stuff. Going with a a group of guys from Buffalo.
  5. It's funny to picture Tiger Woods driving over and picking up the clubs for him.
  6. Right you are, it's not easy remebering all those battles in that campaign. My uncle fought in the Pacific and said his worst memories were in the Phillipines, on the island of Leyte. That is where the famous image of General MacArthur wading ashore was made. On an interesting note about that moment, I read that there was a dock all set up for his arrival. The boat with General MacArthur pulled up to that first, so that he could get off. MacArthur had a flair for the dramatic and realized the image of him actually wading ashore woudl be more powerful, so he instructed the boat to pull away from the dock and let him off in the tide so he could wade in with that steely look on his face.
  7. Yeah, I recall they alluded to that event. I think one of those guys felt slighted because theirflag plant wasn't recorded as the "official" event. There were peopel on-hand that weren't sure if that flag was first or not, so there is controversey.
  8. That is really cool. They had a special about that event on TV sometime ago. They speculated as to whether it was real or staged for the newsmedia. Who cares I say? This is an iconic moment in US history and one of the biggest symbols of America. Why question it or try to diminish it's significance? I think they tried to locate all the guys that were involved, but I can't remember specifics. Fill us in with what you know here, this is very interesting history.
  9. That was my immediate thought too. I think we are dealing with some irresponsible behavior with both parties here. If it wasn't a disease, it could've been a baby she walked away with.
  10. "We scored once, then again, then again and suddenly Rich stadium turned into Woodstock and the summer of love (without the nudity or brown acid!). Strangers were deeply embracing like long lost friends. High fives were had up and down rows. Nobody would sit and nobody would yell at you to sit down. To this day I have never experienced anything like the emotions I felt that magical day. Even when the game went to OT there was no doubt that our Bills were going to prevail. I remeber the OT interception like it was yesterday. When Christy came on to kick the game winning fg it was euphoria like you can not imagine. Stunned excitement was what it felt like to me." When it went to OT, I knew there was no way they would be denied. You could feel it even before that point too. The 4th down TD to Reed to make it 35-31 was when I just knew that something extraordinary was going to happen. The feeling in the stadium after the kick in OT was unlike anything I've ever experienced at a sporting event. The stands were by no means full (especially in the upper deck) and people were running up and down high fiving everyone and jumping over seats to get to friends. I started spotting people I knew all over and place and most had smuggled in booze of some sort and a party pretty much started up. I think we lingered there for a while- maybe an hour? Everyone refusing to leave just to make certain that what happened was indeed real. Surreal is the only way to describe it. There was a feeling of euphoria hanging over the stadium, everyone was drunk and giddy. The only way we can recapture that would be a Super Bowl win.
  11. The Thin Red Line was set on Okinawa, right? I was watching Midway last night, the 70's movie with Henry Fonda and Charlton Heston and I think someone could do a good job with that battle too. It would be hard to get a studio to back it after Pearl Harbor turned out to be a disappointment.
  12. It better be a strike. If not... that's a bad omen.
  13. Beer is the oen saving grace there. Add beer and I could even go to the zoo and watch hippos get it on all day.
  14. Golf fans are an odd group. I couldn't imagine a bigger waste of money (and time) than paying for a ticket and not one person is going to get hit. I just can't get excited over golf. If they made it so there was some way that they had to scramble around the holes being chased by something (possibly a werewolf?) , then I might be interested. It's like the America's Cup. Sailing? Unless it's at the brink of Niagara Falls, I'm not watching.
  15. Yep- it is gone. Last tiem I was up was 3-4 years ago. I went to Pure Platinum. It just didn't have the same feel as the GTR did. Maybe it was because I didn't leave Canada with a burning sensation.
  16. I had a great fake ID when I was 16 that said I was 19. It was a true ticket to paradise. We were always heading up to the GTR. GTR was cheaper, easier to get into and the women were a little on the raunchier side. Sometimes we'd go to Maxines.
  17. The German teams all draw well, from what I understand. It's the only real receptive market for the NFL in Europe.
  18. I was there with my friend Matt. Upper deck, Houston side about 5 rows from the top at the 50. We discussed leaving after the half, if things didn't go well (and they didn't, at first, as we all know). We had driven 5 hours that weekend from college, in Ohio, so we figured we had made the trip and we wouldn't see another game that year and decided to stay. One of the best decisions I've ever been involved with. I carried the ticket stub in my wallet as good luck for years, then got paranoid I'd lose it. Still have it in a drawer at home, I take it out from time to time and look at it in order to recharge my luck.
  19. Ha. You beat me to it. I almost posted that story in response as another example of a person I would like strangled. About a week ago, she shows up at a hotel in England at 2am and they didn't have the red carpet and candles out, so she was driven around for hours while her handlers and the hotel located the stuff they needed. Then she coould eneter the hotel. I hate her, I hate her, I hate her.
  20. He thinks he is a messiah. I agree, Benny must die. When I hear of behavior like that. I get gripped by the rage virus liek in 28 Days Later. That cash comes from poor people that think they got "cured" by him and then die penniless of whatever disease it is they have.
  21. Bottom line here... Im not being cold hearted but why does this country need all the friggin drama? The media is just out of control with this stuff and the common person just feeds off the crap. And everyone is looking to profit off anothers suffering. 292441[/snapback] I agree 100% with you. I'm sick of this whole thing. These people need to worry about their own lives and the things they can actually control. There is no reason to take on the extra grief here. I hate this "watch me be emotional" attitude and culture. Last year it was Laci Peterson, then this. What story is up next for the media to overkill?
  22. Well, we got HSBC and the improvements to RWS from the state. That was approaching $200 million.
  23. Battlestar is great. I watched the old series when I was little, and I remeber liking it, but it was pretty cheesy. This one is a lot more gritty and the acting is very good especially Edward James Olmos as Adama. BTW- He might be the first hispanic in TV space. The special effects are top notch. I usually am not home on Friday at 10pm, but they replay it on Monday too. I've seen every episode. Lost, 24 and Battlestar are the only shows I regularly watch.
  24. Joe Klecko of the Jets.
  25. Can't wait. This one looks great.
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