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SF Bills Fan

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Everything posted by SF Bills Fan

  1. I hate to say it, but I'm pretty resigned to the fact that 10 years from now, that team will be somewhere other than Buffalo. The day is coming and I guarantee you there will be one hell of a fight from the fans and the politicians, but it won't be enough. In the past, I've been positive abut the situation there and the fact that they will stay, but I'm losing that feeling.
  2. amen. If the Bills leave the Buffalo, I will say goodbye to the NFL and never watch another game again. I would go out of my way to make sure I didn't hand over one dime to the league. I am certain there are many of my fellow fans that would do the same. I was pissed when the Browns left Cleveland and screwed over fans like my grandpa who was an original fan from back in the day.
  3. I've always thought that estate taxes are terrible. Why pay taxes on money that was already taxed? Bravo to Mr. Brown for his victory on that.
  4. I ike the idea of having ashes spread on the field before the Bills-Miami game. That would be awesome. I'd want to make sure that the ashes hit a few tailgates on the way in too. Even in death, I'd not want to miss a good party.
  5. Didn't some guy have a plane fly over the stadium a few years back and release his ashes? I think the Bills were actually practicing at the time. That's classic.
  6. Does anyone else feel uncomfortable with that? It make me cringe when I read things about that. See the article form the Buffalo Business Journal on today's Bills news to understand what I mean. I hate to think about the Bills moving, but it's morbid to discuss someone passing away like that. Would you like to pick up up newspaper and read an article that discussed your death? Not too cool. Thats my rant for today.
  7. Where's Breaking II- Electric Boogaloo?! I turn my back on this list.
  8. I think you are fairly accurate with the ranking. I would put the original Star Wars over the Empire, but it's close. Sith is in that league.
  9. I think that ommitting Jar-Jar (for the most part) and welcoming back Chewie was Lucas's way of saying "I'm sorry" for the mistake. Sorry, I'mm all over the map on my thoughts, I'm just throwing out stuff as it comes back to me or pops in my head.
  10. I think lots of troops showed up. Yoda and Obi Wan would have easily defeated the Emporer.
  11. Yoda took more than a few serious falls that probably would have killed your average green little gnome.
  12. It could do $200 million this weekend. I have a feeling this will give Titanic a serious run. I predict that it will go north of $500 million in the US alone. WhenI saw it last night, the kid to my right was on his 3rd showing, with the 4th planned for tonight.
  13. I think he still had one last chance at redemption (aside from the later films.) When Padme confronts him on the lava planet, he could have repented and said that he was clouded by Palpatine and so on and I think Padme and Obi-Wan would have forgiven and he and Obi-Wan could have gone off after Palpatine. Once he choked Padme, it was over, Obi-Wan knew he was gone and then, they had to fight.
  14. Yeah that was a great scene. The voice was the same (Awesome!), but the dialogue was not Darth like at all. It was still the young kid. Man, the first time I saw Star Wars when I was 7, I thought Darth Vader was a robot. Man, I can't believe what long road it's been since that time. I'd have never have dreamed that we'd get all this.
  15. Yeah, I think I would have gotten wise there, myself. Greivous was set up too as were the trade dudes. I think we all forgot the fact that Jar Jar was in for 1 second. I had forgotten he existed until that part. Bravo to Lucas for really bowing to the fans.
  16. Yeah, Dooku totally got played. Palpatine was a puppet master. How about Greivous and his 4 lightsabres? That was good shite man! Those two starships next to each other firing away at the beginning were awesome too. I'm just starting to replay all this in my head.
  17. OK. I can see where that is a very plausible theory. He did seem to be faking. But I think Windu had a brief opportunity to end it. Perhaps Palpatine was willing to take an all for broke risk that he would be saved by Anakin? Too bad Obi-Wan ddin't get a crack at Palpatine.
  18. I think you are confusing numbers vs balance. The Jedi aren't more powerful than the Sith in the prequils. There are more Jedi in terms of numbers, but the Sith has always been limited to two: A master and an apprentice. And Palpatine is stronger than any of the Jedi's in the prequil (as evidenced by him defeating Yoda at the end). Padme almost says that there is still good in him. That was a cool part. Big spolier Mace Windu actually defeats Palpatine. If it weren't for Anakin, Palpatine goes down right there. So I'm not sure if they are necessarily more powerful.
  19. A classic, from the Onion. ---------------------- Dolphins Evolve Opposable Thumbs HONOLULU, HAWAII - HONOLULU. In an announcement with grave implications for the primacy of the species of man, marine biologists at the Hawaii Oceanographic Institute reported Monday that dolphins, or family Delphinidae, have evolved opposable thumbs on their pectoral fins. "I believe I speak for the entire human race when I say, 'Holy sh--,'" said Oceanographic Institute director Dr. James Aoki, noting that the dolphin has a cranial capacity 40 percent greater than that of humans. "That's it for us monkeys."
  20. I think Obi-Wan would have forgiven Anakin right up to the point that he was talking with Padme before he strangled her. I think if she had talked sense into him and he had repented and told Obi-Wan he'd go kill the Emporer with him, Obi-Wan would have agreed. He was searchign for any way to forgive him. Once he strangled Padme, Obi-Wan knew he was gone. You wish it wnet the other way, but then we'd have no black mask and it'd be over. Am I overanalyzing? Probably, but I don't care!
  21. How about the surprise that Yoda springs on Obi-Wan about Qui-Jon? I almost forgot about that. That would explain Luke and Obi-Wan's interactions in the later films.
  22. I don't think he doesn't recall, I think he just discounts Leia because, clearly Obi Wan is a chauvinist pig.
  23. *****spoilers**** I agree. I don't think it is too intense for a younger child. If they showed the younglings get killed on camera, it would be. There is some chopping off of limbs and decapitatins, but they are not too gruesome.
  24. I think that the Empire Strikes Back will be the one that will seem so different now. Yoda and Obi-Wan didn't just run off. They were waiting patiently until the time was right. There was a plan. From a visual standpoint, it was interesting to see the ships and uniforms all starting to evolve into what we were familiar with from IV-VI.
  25. I thought it was brilliant. Now, I can't wait to watch a IV through VI again. It will be a different experience. Then I want to go see III ASAP. It had so much going on. It requires another immediate viewing. Bravo to Lucas- I loved this film.
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