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SF Bills Fan

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Everything posted by SF Bills Fan

  1. Here is a link: http://www.mckinleysinn.com/hotel.htm
  2. Isn't this onld? Anyway, this list is horrible. Trey at 73? Yuck.
  3. You beat me to it. The remake of The Thing was great. Way better than the original.
  4. I do the same thing. Last time a got it, I itched it until it bled. It sounds awful, but it isn't. It feels great too. Then make sure you clean it off really well. Then, I poured rubbing alcohol all over it afterwards. Stung a bit, but that went away quick. Let it breathe too, don't bandage it right away. Let it scab over. It clears up just like a cut. Way way better than sitting around for over a week in agony itching and not being able to sleep. And there is no scarring. Obviously, if you have it on your face, you can't do that.
  5. Who cares! At least you won't know if you brought home an ugly girl.
  6. Wasn't Snyder the guy that charged $10 to see training camp practices? I'd like to punch this little broadcast mule in the nose. It's not about greed, he's missed the point.
  7. I don't see too much hatred. There is some real and intelligent debate. 1 Redskins fan who is an idiot. I've seen worse from national sportswriters.
  8. I never had a good feeling about that boat. Even with the music and the first line when they asked what they were doing so far out, I knew they were in trouble. And the conversation got real short quick, so you knew they were creeps. They looked like fisherman imo (of course, they aren't).
  9. Very plausible. Also, the raft was on fire, but it didn't appear to be sinking yet. They can't kill off Michael, because he is too valuable to the "get Walt back" plot that will kick off next season.
  10. My major question- how the hell is Jin, Michael and Sawyer going to get back? You know they will, but how? But if anyone doesn't it will be Jin. He gave up the watch to Michael and he is probably going to end up saving Sawyers life (I thought it was clear that Sawyer was merely wounded). Jin has made his atonement, so to speak, he can move on. Sawyers face when he was watching the guys on he other boat was great. He wanted to kill them all- badly. He's my favorite character, hands down, so I insist that he must not be killed.
  11. I knew shooting the the flare was a mistake. Not a waste, but I thought that whatever showed up would be hostile.
  12. I'm a Chelsea fan, Liverpool knocked them out of the Champions, I was pissed. they wrecked what would have been a great year with the Premiership and Champions.
  13. I've been there a few times. I don't care much for Nassau or the Atlantis. I like the neighboring island of Eluethra. It's gorgeous and the small island at it's tip is really cool. It's called Harbor Island. I totally recommend going and staying there. It's a quieter place, more for relaxing and it has great hotels and restaurants. Here are some guides: http://www.harbourislandguide.com/ http://conceptfarmer.com/bahamaspics/
  14. I'm hoping that he has already had talks with The Jacobs or Rich family. Maybe even has a handshake deal in place. The Jacobs are the people that I think will ultimately own the team. They own the Bruins and Delaware North is in the sports concession business. Plus Jeremy Jacobs already tried to buy an NFL team once, so we know he is interested.
  15. I think NY would be a horrible choice for the Olympics right now. The state cannot afford to pay for this stadium. 2-3 billion dollars for a stadium is a sick joke. They should at least build it somewhere where the real estate is cheaper. This is out of control.
  16. Michael Jackson wears pajama bottoms and lipstick to court and then there is Phil with the hair. What the ***k? Way to make a mockery of the legal system.
  17. I agree, I think she looks good. I'd hit. I'd hit it from the land, the sea, maybe even the air.
  18. Thsi CBA situation is getting me nervous. I had no idea that it was a serious as it is. Sounds like the future of the league as we know it (and maybe the Bills) is at stake. Bob Dicesare's article mentions how this ties in directly with the CBA. On a side note- if the Jets get this stadium, the average Joe that supports the Jets will not be able to go to games. That will be one expensive ticket.
  19. Van was classic. Give Murph some time and he'll do alright. Is the Pill still his sidekick on air?
  20. Yeah the old original AFL owners were labeled "The Foolish Club". Ha! look who got the last laugh.
  21. No sweat, I'll not call you a friend of the IRS. Question for anyone that might know- didn't the Senate pass a bill to get rid of the estate tax? Where does this thing stand now? I know Bush is oppossed to estate taxes.
  22. If the league goes down because of the lack of a salary cap, it will be becasue of Dan Snyder Bob McNair and some of the younger guys that have no concept of the fact that the league got as popoular as it did becuase Wellington Mara and some of the old school big market guys made sacrifices to allow it to survive and thrive. I wonder how Paul Allen feels about this situation? My guess is that he is a team player kind of guy and would do wha its best for the league. It's going to end up being a fight with Ralph and the old schoolers vs. Snyder and his gang.
  23. Green Bay, Buffalo, New Orleans and Jacksonville asre the smallest markets. New Orleans is in serious jeapordy at this point. In my opinion, Buffalo is actually a mid-sized market when you factor in Rochetser, the southern tier and Ontario. That's a big fan base. I hope the NFL suits view it as such when the time comes.
  24. I would wage a one man war against the new owner, team and city. I'm not sure what I'd do, but it would be very bad.
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