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SF Bills Fan

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Everything posted by SF Bills Fan

  1. 28 Days Later was cool. There are several different endings to that, I haven't seen them though. They used the happy ending as the others are suppossed to be darker. I thought it would have been a better ending had that military jet turned around and shot them up, since there was suppossed to be a quarantine on. They did a great job at the beginning when they had the scenes of empty London. That movie was done with a small budget, but done well. They are doing a sequel to it about the aftermath and how they English go about rebuilding the country after the quarantine is lifted. I'm skeptical.
  2. Romero did a lot with a shoestring budget. Let's credit Tom Savini's makeup affects. I liked the effects from the remake. Ving Rahmes and Sarrah Polley are good actors, but let's admit that there was someting the original had over this one- that funny social commentary (intentional or not) with the zombies at the mall, wandering around while the muzak played. There was even a hare krishna. Also, the mall inhabitants vs. the bikers. That was missing. The one thing I really liked fro mthe remake was having Andy across the way and the chess match and "celebrity" shootdown. I liked the beginning of the remake better than the original, but that was mainly due to the fact that they had a better budget for the remake. This new one has a very good cast, so I think it will be good. They wouldn't sign on to a bad script. From what I understand, when the remake did well in theatres last year, they gave Romero more money, so the effects should be pretty good.
  3. The original Tim Burton movie wasn't bad. They went downhill from there. I didnt' even bother to see the last.
  4. The early word on this is that it is totally different from the others. The reviews have all been very good too. the lead actor is a good one, you might remember him from American Psycho.
  5. I'd rather see Star Wars again or Batman. The Smiths did huge business though. I wonder if it will sustain that?
  6. Shaun of the Dead will surprise you. It is actually more graphic that the DOTD remake but with humor too. I hope that this movie does well. It hasn't got a lot of press and comes out during a very busy time for big movies. Then again, the hardcore fans will find it and probably won't be distracted by movies like Jolie/Pitt one.
  7. I'll be there. Dawn of the Dead is one of my favorites. The original, not the remake (though the remake wasn't bad). Shaun of the Dead was a good one too, check that out.
  8. Ticketmaster is the biggest racket around. Remember when Pearl Jam tried to subvert the system? They did have a lot of problems with ticket delivery and things like that, so I guess the one plus to paying the charges is that you can count on the tickets getting to you.
  9. I like Weaver. He, Mr. Rooney an Mr. Wilson will carry the torch for us. Jacksonville will be in more trouble than Buffalo should a revenue sharing plan that benefits the small markets not happen.
  10. I saw Apocalypse Now Redux. The helicopter scene was incredible. I saw the Michael Jordan movie too. It was OK, I was never a huge fan. The end featured his coast to coast run to win the finals. That was an astounding play. I just wish he hadn't come out of retirement.
  11. Never heard of that. What was that about?
  12. Post a link to her photo and then we can all see to what degree of horriblenees we are talking here.
  13. I hope that is more of an Amtrak failure than a Bills failure.
  14. "Can you tell us about your dealings with the drug cartel?" "NO but I can tell you I plead the FIZ-IF!!!"
  15. I stayed at the Princeville too. Great place. That whole coast was awesome. I'd recommend a helicopter ride too.
  16. I would have guessed she be part of the show after they introduced her in the episode last season. You don't bring in someone like her just for a bit part.
  17. I've been to the big island and Kauai. I would totally recommend going to Kauai, it might be the most gorgeous island I've ever been to.
  18. You know that the networks wanted the Heat. They wanted the charisma of Shaq and Wade. Now they have the gritty Pistons and the Spurs. Good.
  19. I have no problem with Willis getting more money if he has a great year coming up. I think he was paid less because of the risk anyway. He will have proven his worth then.
  20. I don't care where he trains as long as it makes him better.
  21. Ha! Gold. One of my favorite movies.
  22. The old standing one is classic, but I see nothing wrong with the charging Buffalo logo. I think it's pretty cool. I think it would be better on white background, though.
  23. I appreciate Jone's entrpeuership and his desire to make money. This is business first and foremost. But the integrity of the league must be preserved. This would damage it. I say no deal.
  24. I like the new throwbacks. I'm guessing that we will eventually see these uniforms full time. I liked the old ones and I liked the uniforms from the Kelly era. I thin kthe new home uniforms are ok, but I do not like the new road uniforms. Those need to go away. Personally, I don't care what they wear, just get it done.
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