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SF Bills Fan

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Everything posted by SF Bills Fan

  1. I will be there indeed. Check out some photos from the Bills-Raiders game last year. A guy from the board made the trip out and we all went to the game. I think you might recognize the friendly confines of the Northstar here. We'll be planning another Bills party this year as the Bills are once again returning to the east bay. www.keshler.com I'll be hitting happy hour at the Northstar very shortly. I need to hang the flags for the season.
  2. You ever have a Beck's Dark. That's good stuff.
  3. I love PBR. I drink it all the time. I'd drink it Sunday, but the deal on Labatts is too good, plus they ice it for hours prior to game time and it's so cold. The Guiness is merely to trick my stomach and head into thinking I'm drinking ice coffee or something until it's too late and the buzz is back (it's tough on an early Sunday out here). My liver is long gone at this point. Some other organ took over when it left me so I still live.
  4. At the Bills Backers bar in San Francisco, we drink Labatts. the owner of the bar knows his stuff. I usually start with a few Guiness, then make the switch at the start of the 2nd qtr.
  5. Make sure you are officially fired to get that unemployment. Then take a some time off and look for another job while the govy checks roll in. Maybe even travel to a Bills game or two.
  6. I'm right in the middle of Raider territory right now and there are many Raider fans in my office. Lots of nervous but optimistic people. I'm definitely a Raider fan today.
  7. The city of NO will be unable to support the NFL in the future. That team has to move. Benson is a rat, but I now see no other choice. I think they were going anyway. It's good timing in that they are forced to go now bad timing that it was the hurricane that did it. Hopefully, thye go to LA and we can shut the door on that city stealing the Bills of any other team (Chargers). They most likely will stay in San Antonio.
  8. I agree. And if Benson tried to move, he would be the ultimate rat.
  9. His comments are in the original article in the first post. I just thought people might like to see the geek that made them.
  10. If I lived in NO, I would fear that this is a permanent loss. That team was seriously considering a move before and the hurricane may have facilitated that.
  11. Here is a link with a picture of that asshat Meehan. http://communications.torontomls.net/newst...-2006/index.htm Addnendum "The reason Meehan doesn't get laid is because he is Meehan." The part of the article I really like is: "Buffalo's Elmwood district, near the downtown core -- the city's attempt at Yorkville-like setting..." Yes, Buffalonians were so envious of Toronto's Yorkville (?), we ran out and attempted our own. And it is not up to Toronto snuff. If Buffalo is so bad, Toronto should go and relocate next to Detroit.
  12. I was really looking forward to the game in NO this year. Probably will skip San Antonio, though I hear it's not a bad place to visit. My uncle runs the Alamodome and I'll find out what is going on there.
  13. http://www.cnn.com/2005/TECH/08/15/hybrid.tinkerers.ap/
  14. Just get a hybrid and say goodbye to oil company slavery altogether. You know they were not pleased when that article came out talking about how someone converted their hybrid to get 230 mpg.
  15. Gas prices have been so high out here in the Bay Area for years, there isn't too much room to go before we get to the point where the dissatisfied rumbling makes people take action. We haven't reached the serious pain level yet. Too many wealthy people can still afford $3.30 a gallon out here. Gas prices nationally have been so artificially propped up for the past few months that there isn't too much farther to go up now that something has really happened to cause a spike. If you want to hurt the oil companies, you don't pick one day and not buy gas, that makes no sense. You pick one specific company and boycott them. Like Chevron or Shell and then go out of your way not to buy gas from them. If one company feels the pain they will squeal and the industry as a whole will react.
  16. Buffalo is a small market team if you look at it as just the city itself. When you factor in Rochester and the Ontario, then we have a much bigger fan base to draw from than many other cities. Then we are right up there with some of the teams considered to be medium markets like Seattle and Atlanta. We are at a much bigger advantage than Jax and New Orleans and some other teams that don't have the regional advantage. Guys like JJ and Snyder don't realize the sacrifice that the old line owners made so that all of the owners could field a team, be competitive and make money. If JJ wants a war, that is fine, he can run smaller teams out of the league and we can go to a 10 team league with NY, Chicago, New England, Detroit, Dallas, Houston, Philly, Washington, San Francisco and add in LA. Then the next TV contract will be for much less as people lose interest in most other parts of the country. Economically, the league will be unbalanced because of a lack of a cap and LA will play NY for the Super Bowl every year while Jerry wonders what went wrong.
  17. Jerry is 100% correct here. The new rules will favor offense and we really needed Satan this year and we chose not to keep him. That signaled to me that we weren't going to be serious and contend this year.
  18. I hate groups like this. You can pretty much imagine what the meeting went like when the group was put together. A bunch of music suits and marketing people throwing out ideas- "We need a black guy for credibility on the raps. We'll need a hot woman.... with more edge than Steffani. Let's get an asian! None has an asian! It doesn't matter who the 4th is. They all gotta be able to dance. Now, get that producer that did N'Syncs last and throw together the first single. I want heavy rotation in the big markets in a month. Let's go!"
  19. These people should not be getting book deals or making money off of this.
  20. I like Duffs, but I don't have Anchor's often, so it isn't fair to rate one or the other. I really like the ones at Gabriel's Gate.
  21. The Chargers and the Eagles always seem to be loaded. The Cowboys are usually overrated. I haven't done my team by team evaluations yet, but I will and get back with my top picks.
  22. Is the San Diego Bills Backer Group planning anything for the game down there this year? Has anyone bought any tickets for a large group? I will be coming down with a big group from San Francisco and I was wondering if we could get involved with the Bills Backers group there. thanks
  23. My friend Chris who lives in San Diego is prominently featured in that photo. He is near the bottom, left-center his face is right in front of the upraised arm in the red jacket. That photo is huge in that bar and his head is huge on the wall and we always joke about that when we go through the airport.
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