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SF Bills Fan

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Everything posted by SF Bills Fan

  1. This guy is worse. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_...s?urn=nfl,76925 "Week 11, Monday Night: Cleveland Browns @ Buffalo Bills Suck Probability: 56% The Browns have five games on in primetime, and I'm not upset about that, but I don't see it as a lock that they're going to be as good as they were last year. Derek Anderson's play declined as the season went on, as if defenses had figured something out about him. I'm not predicting they'll be bad, but it's possible. And the Bills ... well, they're the Bills." Your column sucks...well, because its your column.
  2. For the past 10 years I've read hundreds of desperate posts here along the lines of "the Bills are moving to _______________! We are doomed to lose them!". Not one person has produced evidence of any plan to move them. How did the information from these meetings get to you? P.S. I also hear the Isotopes are moving to Albuquerque.
  3. I played lacrosse for Tundo in '88, '89 at OP. He was the best guy you could know. Our assistant was Tommy Gardner who was killed in a car crash not too many years after I left OP. It was a terrible tragedy. Dan Elvin was football coach at OP then. Tundo took over in the early 90's I believe.
  4. I'd like to hear more about the Playboy party outside of any players you saw. What models were there and what kind of stuff was going on?
  5. Thurman would have had 500 yards that day. I do blame Kelly there. He wanted to be the hero.
  6. I can't watch that game. I've never watched it since I actually watched it live that day. I've only seen Norwood miss the kick about 1 million times in replay. Can't stand to even think of it. Can't wait to see that play get shown 1 thousand times this week. I remember Andre dropping a third and short pass over the middle that would have gone big had he got it. That was after the Giants had to punt after the safety. That play was terrible. I can remember it so clearly. I hate the period in between the Conference Championships and the Super Bowl. Every year those horrible memories get dragged out. If Reed gets in, I will be fine with it. But if he caught that one ball, everything could be so different.
  7. I remember this game. I was in college and watched it in the dorm TV room. I was the only one there. Reed made a clutch catch at one point that kept a crucial drive going. I remembr that we got to Everett quite a bit. They were exposed as a bad team. We were not favored to win. That was a game that really convinced me that the Bills were going to be good. The next year on MNF vs. the Jets, we killed them in NY (I think). That was when the national media really knew that the Bills were a serious contender. I think Thurman had over 200 yards that day. Seems like it could be yesterday. Great times.
  8. I think the talks are back on. I think someone is jumping the gun in Santa Clara with that sign.
  9. Agreed. I would imagine the majority of people here could care less if the Olympics came here or not. It would mean lots of traffic and money on venues that will never be used by anyone again or a small minority. The best proposal I heard was to use Stanford as the venue and build a new stadium, but they just got a new one. San Francisco does not need the Olympics to announce it's arrival to the world.
  10. The only problem is that this collapses the Olympic bid for SF. The mayor is really into moving forward with that. I think they should build a stadium down by PacBell, but that would make too much sense. It would also cost about 1 billion $$ and require lots of public money and that doesn't fly out here. See Oakland, A's and Fremont for reference.
  11. My hat goes off to the author. Funny stuff. I'd be insulted if we were good, but we are not and thats that. Now, I hope we win and shock everyone including this guy. But there is no need to get upset, though.
  12. stuckincincy- yeah that land is valuable and probably massively overpriced. Any land out here is. If they move to Santa Clara and the city tears that stadium down, there will be high rise condos all over the place. Although, I could see them building a lot of low income housing there too. the city would make a lot more than what they do in rent for the stadium now.
  13. I saw the banner headline when I got to the BART this morning and I was shocked at first, then I realized what was really going on. The city needs this as part of the Olympic bid. They lose the 49ers and the support and that is over. They are on the phone as I type this, I'll wager. I still think the A's will stay in Oakland. Another article in the Chronicle today exposed the folly of moving to the area of Fremont they are looking at. Again, it's all posturing. What next? The Sharks to Vacaville?
  14. I think this is a power play to get Newsom and the board to get serious about the stadium talks. It's a heavy handed one at that. The Yorks are a complete joke and have mismanaged the team into the ground here. The best thing that could happen would be for them to give up the team. Larry Ellison expressed interest at one point. Give it up now, York! I'm more upset about the A's going to Fremont. I'd have a really hard time getting to A's games. I'm not a 49er fan, but if they leave the Bay Area, I'd be concerned.
  15. Something tells me that guy is wearing Bills Zubaz.
  16. Might as well stamp Thurman's ticket in now. The Hall needs to get Ralph in ASAP. Tasker will get in someday as an acknowledgement representative for all special teams players.
  17. I heard the rumors on this building weeks ago and then saw the news today. This is fantastic and a long time coming. There are lots of nice projects going on downtown now. Buffalo is turning the corner and making a good comeback.
  18. I always liked Travis. At least he always showed up, it seemed. Unlike some of the guys there now.
  19. I blame the line. Those guys are a joke. The next draft has to address this. We haven't had a good line since the late 90's. If Marv wants to stick around he needs to get to work on that aspect. If JP has the time, he is fine.
  20. My 3 favorite team are the Bills, A's and Sabres. I have been back east the past two weekends and I'm not doing it a 3rd, otherwise this would be an epic weekend. I think the Bills and Sabres will win, the A's might be doomed.
  21. Favorites that I have been to: Wrigley Seahawk Stadium for obvious reasons: the Ralph and HSBC Stamford Bridge (Chealsea) London Churchill Downs Chicago Stadium (torn down) Want to go to: Lambeau Fenway the new Cardinals Stadium in AZ the new Wembley Stadium in London MSG
  22. Yeah- we are the Buffalo Banana Slugs with those things on. It would be nice to have them come out in the classics for tomorrows opener at home. .
  23. What a great win! It seemed like the Sabres were so much faster and better by the end. They imporoved as the game progressed. The Hurricanes looked slow and tired. We could have ended it several times in regulation near the end. What a great way to set the tone for the season.
  24. I agree with this. He does give us soem respect. We're not at the next level yet. The Bears could be Super Bowl bound. I anticipate a tough game, but I think the prediction is accurate. The Bears are where we want to be in two years. I think we are right on track.
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