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SF Bills Fan

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Everything posted by SF Bills Fan

  1. Unfortunately, Buffalo gets a bad rap from people that have never stepped foot in the city because they heard bad things. It is definitely damaging when morons like Rosenhaus perpetuate the bad press. We lose out on players like Gonzalez. But even worse, you lose out when people do not want to visit or do business in Buffalo because they hear silly comments from people like these idiots. It's too bad that these comments reach a big audience. There is positive press out there once in a while for people that are in the know. Check out the NY Times yesterday for a great article on Buffalo and the architecture.
  2. Then I see only one course of action. Bills fans from Buffalo must riot and burn Toronto to the ground.
  3. I am pissed this one will not be in Buffalo. Talk about a great day for revenge in our house, in the elements against the one team in our division that is at a disadvantage in snow. Super. The fans in Toronto better be loud. This is a blown opportunity. We should have given them the Niners.
  4. I always liked Novacek. One of the few guys on a team I hated. I'll can overlook this and I like his choice
  5. That was a good article. I agree we could sell the naming rights but out of towners might not realize that. All else is pretty on the money. Having been to a Premiership game, I know exactly what he means. Our drunk rowdiness is a walk in the park compared to their full on hooliganism.
  6. I'd just use this and flash "Keep the Bills Where They Belong!" at the end
  7. I bet Ralph finally gets in. Jones will not this year. It better not be the other way around.
  8. I know either the city or county of Oakland has to buy every unsold seat for Raiders games. Al is very shrewd
  9. I hate that commercial as much as the Dolphins
  10. This person probably would have surrendered when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor. I love the absurd.
  11. It used to be fun trading insults with their fans. But the Meth Wars have been unkind to their fan base. Too many lost minds and so many lost teeth. They are easy prey.
  12. Seriously. Buffadorks? This rivalry was so much cooler in the days before widespread meth use and highspeed internet access for every doublewide in Florida.
  13. Is this a real attempt at inciting us? Or a cry for help and a sad plea for more federal dollars toward education in Florida.
  14. To hell with him then. Go ahead and rot in KC. I hope he is aware of games like yesterday and doubts creep into his mind about his silly decision.
  15. I've always held that same weird belief that if we win the Superbowl, somehow, Buffalo will improve. I think at least we will lose the monkey on the back and our image will improve at least. It would be very very hard to justify taking the team away from Buffalo after they won a Superbowl and good feelings were running high all around. I almost feel that we have to win in the next 3 years.
  16. The "Atmosphere" ranking in Buffalo should be way higher. That is one major plus for Buffalo. I've been to Seattle- great stadium architecturally, not too much atmosphere. Why are the Jags so high? I guess atmosphere goes up when you can stretch your legs out on the empty seat in front of you. What's with all these wacky lists lately?
  17. I'd say the tone is very good natured and not too serious. This is not really insuting.
  18. Of course when Forbes puts out a list that we should be on, we are not on it. It's comical. Did the staff at Forbes get beaten up in Buffalo? http://finance.yahoo.com/real-estate/artic...-for-Homeowners
  19. Agreed- this guy has no credibility. The Niners are the glaring example.
  20. Buffalo always shows up on these lists. The idiot that put them on there has zero idea that Ralph Wilson Sadium has been updated. Rogers Centre is not "spiffier" and is too small, if anything. The listed maket size does not take into account Rochester. Someone should tell this a**hole to watch a Jags game and check out all the empty seats.
  21. my friends met #11 in Arizona at the game and she just emailed one of those photos to my buddy today.
  22. I didn't watch the game at my normal bar in San Francisco, the North Star. I watched at a big sports bar near Pac Bell. There was no sound. It seemed like all crowd shots contained a majority of Bills fans in them. Toward the end it was a dejected group. It was ugliness. It was cat juggling. I hate stadiums that have to create enthusiasm around minor things. In Buffalo, we know if we moved the chains and we cheer without prompting and wait for a TD to really go crazy. I'd bet they manufacture crowd noise in AZ.
  23. Normally I attend these games, but didn't make the trip to AZ this year. For mthe TV shots of the crowd, it looked like there were many Bills fans there. I recall the Sunday night game in Tempe many years ago when there appeared to be more Bills fans in the stadium than Cardinal fans.
  24. That guy had potential but could not keep his anger in check. He should have turned it loose on the field- he would have been good. He was handed too many 2nd chances and blew them all.
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