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SF Bills Fan

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Everything posted by SF Bills Fan

  1. Buffalo's nightlife is fine and there are plenty of places to go close by like the Casino in Niagara or Toronto if you want to change it up too. I don't even think TO drinks or parties much. When he was here in San Francisco, I never head of him doing anything. I think he may welcome a quieter scene for a change.
  2. There are so many cheapshots being taken and it's all the same old tired crap that gets trotted out year after year by sportswriters (who are usually not the brightest bulbs in the newsroom anyway). Just let it go and forget about it. I'd say wait until the season starts and if we kick ass with T.O. then throw it in their faces.
  3. What was that thing all about again? I recall something fishy happened or might not have. There were all kinds of rumors. Does anyone remember the details?
  4. Yeah and "don't forget to pack heat and some blunts."
  5. If Marshawn gets it I bet there are epic parties there with T.O.
  6. You can already hear the shots. Something to the effect that Owens was finally exiled to Siberia aka Buffalo and so forth. Screw it I don't care- we'll get the last word.
  7. I would love to have T.O. on this team. Who wouldn't want a guy of his calibre? At this point I'll take the baggage because maybe he would pump life into this franchise. We are irrelevant right now. You want to take this team to the next level- T.O. does that immediately. I've always admired our pursuit of character, but character hasn't done jack. I'll take Marshawn's troubles and T.O. and a Super Bowl por favor.
  8. Compared to last year where there was a pedestrian hit and an actual crime, this seems minor. I'm also curious as to why the cops found any probable cause to approach these guys. My guess is that this will turn into a misdemeanor and a fine.
  9. That is a great article. It's crazy is how it confirms our paranoid fears about outside forces working against us. Can you imagine Buffalo without the NHL? This article was written when Buffalo was a bigger city. How could a major city that was a hockey hotbed be overloooked? It shows how much of a poorly and shortsighted operation it was that a**holes like Jim Norris were in control, ensuring that their interests were taken care of, but the league suffered. The NHL is still struggling to be anything but an afterthought and they can thank sh**heads like Norris. Glad they took his name off the division. Buffalo should build a statue of John Norris on the the waterfront getting pee'd on by a Sabre.
  10. They could be the Shmoos and play anywhere that wanted an NFL game that weekend.
  11. Finally something to celebrate. And the Hall of Fame game to boot.
  12. Th Houston comeback game is easily the winner.
  13. The Bears in '85 were great. My complaint with them is that they should have won more than one. But that year, they were awesome.
  14. Not so much inept as irrelevant. We are in the league, we play the games and that is about it. Nothing of note.
  15. If we are not in within 3 years, we are not in for a long time, if ever. How many 3 year plans will we go on before we just become the Cardinals (oh... wait). Speaking of, I am sick to death of the fact that a team that had little support for decades suddenly gets a shot at greatness. If they win, it will only be a sick joke. It's like in the NHL and teams like Carolina, Tampa and Anaheim all collecting cups. What the!? Buffalo is cursed. What cosmic entity got so pissed off that we keep getting denied?
  16. Thurman could have had 300 yards that day. When Parcells got sick of seeing Thurman run by, he would have had to stack the line, then we pass to Reed. We got outcoached and too bad for us, Kelly called his number more than he did Thurman's.
  17. His analysis of the candidtaes is pretty spot on. Even with his past good deeds, I think Ralph recently has ruffled feathers with his crying poor all the time. Reed will probably never get in. We needed a Super Bowl win with a great "Lynn Swan type performance" for him to get in. Reed never made a huge impact in the Super Bowl and the one time he would have had a signature play- in the 1st Super Bowl game, he dropped a crucial 3rd and 3 pass over the midddle (after we get the kick with the safetly) that would have gone huge and helped put the game away.
  18. I was way more upset seeing him in a Dolphins uniform.
  19. He looks like a donkey and he is from New Jersey. I'd be bitter too.
  20. Ha! Detroit is last here too.
  21. I don't really think that Nate is slighting buffalo. He didn't come out and say he didn't like it there. Rob Johnson trashed Buffalo big time when he left. I don't think that is Nate's intent here. I would say that playing for Buffalo is a great thing for NFL'ers that are family men. The young guys with millions feel limited for sure.
  22. Cool! Bills flags are easy to come by these days. Especially in the greater Fayetteville area.
  23. Like we have the wings, I always figured they had the BBQ ribs.
  24. I love when people get so worked up like that. In the act of trying to strike out and destroy someone else's experience, they actually wreck their own fun time. And they look silly. It's the eqivalent of the neighborhood busy body that sits at the window for hours and calls the cops when the see someone step on their lawn.
  25. I've always wanted to go to a Chiefs game. I've heard that Buffalo and KC are similar experiences. How was the tailgating? I hear that they are right up there with Buffalo.
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