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SF Bills Fan

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Everything posted by SF Bills Fan

  1. This would be so great. Reeves would be assistant OC with a lot of clout and input
  2. This would be so great. Reeves would be assistant OC with a lot of clout and input
  3. I think this is a strong possibility. Given Chan's strength at developing QB's this would make a lot of sense.
  4. This just doesn't seem to be an imaginative hire when the situation really calls for a fresh approach. I just don't think we have upgraded from what we just got rid of. It is so uninspired. Budday Nix and Chan Gailey might have been exciting 20 years ago.
  5. Might as well just give up football.
  6. Here is the last entry for him in Wikipedia: (2008-present) Gailey was hired on January 16, 2008 to become the offensive coordinator of the Kansas City Chiefs. Gailey inherited a Chiefs offense that ranked at the bottom of the league in almost every category the previous season.[13] He was demoted after three pre-season games in 2009 and relieved of playcalling duties by head coach Todd Haley.[14] Any one else feeling underwhelmed here? Why not Rich Kotite or Bud Carson?
  7. It is very odd that the Bay Area media has said zero on this. Not a peep outside of a little blurb Saturday that just reported on the story being reported. They would normally say something. The football writers out here are all in touch and well connected and respected around the league. They would say something. Also, here is the Stanford site: http://www.gostanford.com/sports/m-footbl/...ootbl-body.html Not one word about this. Don't you think that if an NFL team came calling and tried to poach your HC it would merit some notice or comment? This just seems very odd.
  8. The Jets look tough. I could see them getting by the Colts. Oddly, I'm alright with it. The Jets are not a team of stars. They are the wedding crashers. They are just getting it done with good solid football. People hate Rex Ryan, but he is a good coach. He has got the kind of enthusiasm I hope the next Bills coach has.
  9. I don't think high paid NFL palyers would go for Leach's style. He uses humiliation to teach lessons and that works in college but not at a level where guys are paid millions and are used to getting coddled to a degree.
  10. I had no idea he was interviewed. I live in the Bay Area and that kind of thing would have made the news out here. It must have been super down low. I wonder if it wasn't just an invite to interview? Harbaugh might have made a good coach. He get his day i nthe NFL if he keeps up his current record of success. I do agree that his decision to stay speaks volumes of his character. He didn't pull a Kiffin or a Saban. I liked him when he played in the NFL and he is well regarded out here in the Bay Area for how he turned Stanford around.
  11. Grimm still might not want to interview with us, but I think we may not necessarily want him.
  12. Some guys might be worried that if they take the job and fail, they will hurt their long term chances. My thinking is that some of these guys have to relaize that you might never get another shot at the top. This is your one shot at the golden ticket. The guy that comes in and proves to be a success will be a king in Buffalo and have great opportunities in the future.
  13. Does Cowher figure into this in any way?
  14. Agreed. If the Cowboys lose, Wade is a goner. Jerry has had plenty of patience with him, as much patience as Jerry is capable of at least. Jerry has to be a little nervous seeing Shannahan in DC and I bet he is starting to consider what other options are out there. Belichick will never get fired anytime soon or probably never. Kraft would look like an ungrateful idiot if he tried it. Reid has survived and I think will make it through even with a Philly loss tomorrow. Outside of Wade, I see everyone as being safe.
  15. I am starting to believe that there is some deal that is in place to keep the team right where it is. Whether it is Jim Kelly and a group of deep pockets or the Jacobs. I just think that Ralph Wilson doesn't like to talk about it anymore than you or I would like to publicly talk about life after we pass on. The way Jim Kelly talks confidently about the team going nowhere and is really starting to get much more vocal in his opinions leads me to believe he knows something. I am sure any deal is being kept under strict lock and key. Just musing, of course.
  16. Agreed. Given Ralph's wacky ways he may have hired Al Pacino based on Any Given Sunday .
  17. I'm amassing a bunch of booze to drink myself to death or merely happy oblivion.
  18. The only people spoken to were Fewell, Shanny, Frazier and Cowher, right? So scratch Fewell most likely and Shanny. I bet it's Frazier then.
  19. I'd feel better if Schumer were a billionaire that wanted to own a team in WNY, but this is exactly what I suspected when I saw the idiotic article yesterday. The LA people might want to target teams that want to move or need to move. The Bills are neither. If Ralph wanted the Bills to be in LA, he would take them there himself and realize the jump in value. As it is, he is happy to keep them in Buffalo where they enjoy great support and make money playing in a stadium that has ZERO debt load. These LA guys are desperate to buy a team from a smaller market that does not cost as much, because they will need to pay off the debt on that stadium and if they are forced to pony up for expansion team, it will be over a billion for the team alone. They might no be able to pay that much for a stadium and team. Good luck LA a**holes. You are not getting the Bills.
  20. Come on people. Stop with the sensitivity. It was funny but not ha ha funny.
  21. In the latest Sporting News, Joe DeLamielleure says that this is the guy he wants the Bills to take. He says he is the next Big Ben.
  22. Even better is that they hope to announce the team that is moving just prior to or at the same time as the Super Bowl on the 7th. That is right...they plan to buy the Bills within a month.
  23. OK- they will not not move to LA.
  24. Because you say it doesn't mean it will happen. The Bills will not move to LA.
  25. I agree completely. Why could they not wait until they completed the season?
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