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SF Bills Fan

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Everything posted by SF Bills Fan

  1. I don't like those songs either. I'd be happy with a halftime show featuring only Orion.
  2. They added the Chili Peppers too, so it's not all bad. Bruno Mars is not terrible, though. Of all the bands my daughter likes, he is tolerable. I'd still like to see the Foo Fighters or Mettallica in the near futur.
  3. This is a total surprise. Never considered him a candidate. I assumed he'd be an HC somewhere again.
  4. I'd happily take Wade back. He is a very good DC. Is there bad blood with him and Wilson?
  5. Cleveland needs a coach and probably won't care about hair.
  6. I'm going to go with Denver and Seattle. I think Seattle is the best team in the NFL and Denver will be tough in Denver. If it were in New England I'd pick NE.
  7. I don't like any other AFC teams. I used to root for whoever is playing Miami, but now it is NE.I like the Pack and the Saints for NFC teams. I'll root for the Seahawks as well.
  8. I liked Wade. He was our last successful coach. If there was no forward lateral in Tennessee who knows what could have been.
  9. This was a great weekend. The Colts- Chiefs was a classic. Today at Lambeau was how football is to be played. Outside in the winter- a gritty game. I agree- this weeekend showed how important the QB is. All games were won by very good or - in Brees case- an elite guy. I kept thinking over and over that the Bills are far away.
  10. Dalton is mediocre. He has flashes of brilliance. That game said it all. Rivers is a leader and Dalton is not. Cincinnati got to playoffs with their defense.
  11. I was at both Raiders games and the Jets game. I recall the Jets game very well as the stadium had a lot of snow in the seats, but it was brilliantly sunny. That was the coldest I have ever been. It felt like someone shot my toes off with a shotgun.
  12. I've been on this board for a long time and I recall Lori and I used to hang out with the Dean at the Northstar for games before he moved away from San Francisco. Pardon my cluelessness here, but what happened to these guys?
  13. There was actual interaction? That is odd. I think they are told to tune out and never react to the stands.
  14. I didn't even watch that one. the two that really bothered me this year were the Steelers and the Bucs. Both winnable and they didn't show. For me, the whole Toronto atmosphere with the silly Bon Jovi rumors and the talk of Bills moving and a loss in front of a small and indifferent crowd was enough. I have a place in Florida about an hour and a half south of Jacksonville and a few weeks back, I was actually entertaining going to the game. If they win out, there will be some salvation. Otherwise, this will be a long off season.
  15. I lost interest after the Falcons game. That cost the Bills any shot at the postseason. Given last weeks game, I think the players did too. I had some early excitement, but this season has been pretty disappointing.
  16. Very tragic events. The overall tone of the article is bleak. I think his overall portrayal of the atmosphere is pretty on the money. It is what it is.
  17. He had a good column about the Toronto series last week as well.
  18. Sounds like you hit some cool spots. Bar Bill wings are awesome.
  19. EJ missed most of preseason and a good chunk of the regular season. He is still behind. We will know much more next year. From the what I've seen I'd say I'm cautiously optimistic.
  20. Toronto would be a terrible stand alone market if the Bills moved permanently there. And I mean standalone in that, zero people from Buffalo and Rochester would be traveling up there to pay big ticket prices to watch a team that was "stolen" away. The Bills in Toronto series, if anything, has exposed Toronto as a lukewarm, at best, NFL market. I think you would have a hard time attracting free agents there and combine that with a fan base that doesn't have the passion for the team like the fans in Buffalo do and I would see a football wasteland. Somone in the toronto media this week media (I'm too lazy right now) to go back and look up who) in Toronto mentioned 25k to 50k PSLs to build a new stadium in Toronto. Uh uh. I can't see people ponying up that much. I could see people doing that for a second NHL team and arena in Mississauga. Best scenario is a new stadium in the Niagara area (American side) to make it easier for the hardcore Canadian fans to get to the game, with ownership by someone (not named Bon Jovi) based in Buffalo with a second game (at most) given to Toronto with reasonable ticket prices to lure the hardcore Buffalo fans north a few times a year.
  21. I'd be happy with 8-8 in this rebuilding year. I thought we would beat Pitt. That ones smarts.
  22. This a long shot- but if he did somehow get the Bills, I would be concerned he would move them. He is a smart business guy and a move would increase the value. I'd rather see Golisano or Jacobs step up. Golisano being my top choice- he has the cash and would never move the team. He has big league ownership experience with the sabres too.
  23. The butt fumble will haunt the Sanchez and the Jets forever. A butt fumble in Buffalo makes no noise. In NYC, a butt fumble is immortal. It may have killed Sanchez's career.
  24. Some great names there. The only "lock" I see is Polian- they may as well cast his bust right now.
  25. I think that Syracuse is a dividing line. The fan base is divided with the Bills, Jets and Giants. As you keep progressing west that obviously switches to firmly Bills territory at Rochester and so on. I would guess that Syracuse would take an interest in whatever of those three is doing best at that time. During the Bills heyday, I bet there were more mid state Bills fans. I was born in Syracuse, but have been back very few times, so I really don;t know.
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