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SF Bills Fan

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Everything posted by SF Bills Fan

  1. The A's have been talking about moving south to San Jose for a while, but this lease was a stop gap. I know they got a 500k drop in rent per year. I think the Oakland city council tried to play hardball and then Selig said they could move, if the deal was not done immediately. Suddenly, the deal was done. Oakland has offered land for a stadium, but the A's are not interested. I don't know all the terms, but I would assume the A's can break it if need be. I don't think there will be a new stadium for either the A's or the Raiders and that is why I see the A's to San Jose someday and the Raiders to LA.
  2. Dublin would also be a headache to get to and I'm trying to envision where in Dublin a stadium would go.
  3. Getting to Levi would be a burden for Oakland fans. It's already going to be tough enough for Niner fans in San Francisco. A stadium near the current site of Candlestick would have been feasIble to share.
  4. I saw this article in the SF Chronicle today. These are the first official public rumblings from Raiders officials about a new stadium. http://www.sfgate.co...ite-5607825.php There is no way that the Raiders will get a new stadium in Oakland and there is no way that they will get the Coliseum torn down in 2 years. The A's just signed a 10 year deal there. They are starting to make the noise so that when they get the official "no", they can use that as a catalyst to move to LA. Why is this relevant to us? Because this will make any LA group they may want to bid think twice. If they overbid on the Bills with the intention to eventually move to LA, they may find that they are beat to the punch. There cannot be two AFC teams in the LA market. I predict the Raiders and Rams will both be there in 3-4 years.
  5. My only concern is some deep pocket LA group wildly overbidding.
  6. I agree- all signs point to him. When you take into account the prohibitive structure of the lease, the cash needed- I see no other real serious bidder. I think it is his for the taking.
  7. Ladies and gentleman- welcome to Love Canal Stadium- home of the Buffalo Bills. We remind you to please refrain from drinking out of the water fountains more than once per game.
  8. Very good point there. But, with our luck, they will build in Niagara Falls on another Indian burial ground.
  9. After the news of Kiko, i know we are truly cursed. I'm not worried about any outside groups wanting to buy the team. Why would they want this cursed team? It is like buying a very expensive and very haunted house.
  10. Tasker was a great player and a leader and and part of the core of a team loaded with HOF talent. He was usefull in so many ways but I definitely feel he changed what special teams was all about. I recall that Parcells held special drill prior to the super bowl that were called "Tasker Drill" specially designed to marginalized him. That speaks volumes about how highly valuable he was and respected. He was succesful despite the odds against a guy of that stature excelling. Tenacity drove him. He made other guys better. He made plays that would break open games. He will always be in the list of my favorite Bills. The HOF will not come calling, put if they ever put a special teamers wing in Cantin he woukd be the main exhibit.
  11. I'm thinking 8-8 or 9-7. 3-13 is silly
  12. This thing will be leakier than the Titanic after the iceberg strike. I am certain we will know exactly how it is going. If it is looking bad, watch the politicians start making threats. If you hear them start that, it is time to worry.
  13. The only logical thing to do would be to sell the Sabres to someone in Hamilton so he can buy the Bills. but if we build a stadium in Hamilton, then what? Same market again!
  14. I think the Goo Goo Dolls should buy the Argos and move them to Cheektowaga. See how Toronto likes the threat of losing their team to singers.
  15. Agreed, he can put up the cash to outbid, if need be. I think that lease, political power players and the extremely wealthy people willing to put up the money will prevent anyone from the outside from even trying. I think my confidence level in the Bills staying is now at 99.9999% with a small margin in reserve in case an asteroid hits the city.
  16. I have a hunch that this means a new stadium will be downtown in the stretch near the casino and a stone's throw from his new hotel and part of a large entertainment complex.
  17. This is tremendous news. Unless there is some group that comes out of nowhere and wildly overbids (like Ballmer), he will be the owner.
  18. Not enough cash. Golisano and Trump could outbid him. No threat. So we have the Twinkie King of the Midwest and a Twinkie rocker as threats. We are safe.
  19. I'm still not certain he would be involved unless things were extremely dire. I think he is willing to let Golisano take a crack at it.
  20. No. Game over man. (it's more effective if you picture that being said like Bill Paxton in Aliens)
  21. Very blurry... I don't see distinct shapes... no spaceships or robots....I'm out.
  22. Too bad we can't get him to come back as GM. He was the architect of the golden era.
  23. The scary thing is, there could be a guy like Ballmer that is willing to way over bid for the Bills and not be worried about the 400 million buy out or a new stadium. They can justify it by reasoning that an NFL team in LA will be a 2 billion value in less than a decade. I think it unlikely, but this type of move makes one think. This talk of Sergei Brin may not be too far fetched.
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