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SF Bills Fan

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Everything posted by SF Bills Fan

  1. It's so odd to think that in any normal year, the HOF game would be this Thursday. I'm holding out hope we have a season but I'm not seeing how it will work right now. I know a few people that have had it bu now. Only one was very sick, the other felt like it was a bad flu and the majority felt nothing at all and didn't even know they had it. Such a weird illness.
  2. I'm not too optimistic on the season proceeding whether it never starts or starts and stops- I just can't see it working. And I am an optimist by nature.
  3. Delaware North would seem like a good candidate. Or back to Rich Stadium? Who else would want to spend any money to put their name on it? Duff's?
  4. Me and my buddies go every year and rent a boat and pull up on the beach. You can get access to the players and celebs- you are right there. Last year, I met Josh Allen, Flutie, Reich, Al Micheals. Saw Josh Allen and his lady out a few nights and they started to recognize us as the Bills fans in town. Both real nice people. We are taking this year off because of the COVID.
  5. Diggs and Brown will be a great 1-2 punch. Then you add Beasley. I think someone is open all day on this squad.
  6. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the concerns he is voicing. I agree 100%
  7. 24 is generous if judging amenities, number of bathrooms and concourse size and suites etc. New Era excels at game day experience outside and even though it is old, it still have great sight lines and perfect for football viewing. My bet is those help weight it higher.
  8. I went to the Thanksgiving game this year and the problem with those scoreboard like the big one at AT&T is that you end up just staring up at that and ignoring the on-field action. If you are going to do that, why be there? Stay home and watch it and save yourself paying $12 for a Coors light.
  9. I don't know how much active drilling they do. They paid cash for both teams, have no stadium debt and are appear to be in largely liquid position with cash. Unless they have grossly mismanaged investments, I can't see them taking a huge hit.
  10. This guy gets paid for writing. That’s hilarious and somewhat of a swindle.
  11. That is a great little collectors item. Kemp was a good man and a good politician and was respected all around Washington. Washington sorely needs people like him these days.
  12. Josh Allen had a similar problem and apologized and everyone moved in. It’s just stupid talk by a young guy. I don’t think it’ll cause him to get dropped. McDermott and Beane will have a talk with him and he’ll get his mulligan.
  13. I met OJ when I was maybe 3 or 4. One of the Bills coaches had a daughter that was my baby sitter so they arranged for a meeting. He put me on his shoulders and was the cool awesome guy everyone thought he was in the early 70s. That’s how I got this:
  14. I don't agree, but this doesn't get me bothered. It's all a bunch of speculation. I am convinced these media types have figured out how to drive traffic and one strategy is to slight the Bills in order to get the fan base all bothered so that they react. They know we will. It's an easy way get clicks.
  15. If you have not read the piece in Sports Illustrated about him, I'd encourage you to do so- very moving feature. It's not to hard to find with some digging on Google. Here is how it ends: "All who knew him remember him in different ways. The clan, as a family man. The football players, as a tough jock. Then there are those who knew Kalsu on that terrible hill. They have the most painful and poignant memories of him. Fotias has trouble talking about Kalsu, his voice soft and filled with sorrow. So does Renner. He walked over to Kalsu's body lying outside the bunker and peered into his motionless face. He would see that face for years. Now, however, "I can't see the face anymore," Renner says. "I can see his silhouette. I can't see a lot of their faces, only their silhouettes." Renner is having trouble getting out the words. They come in a whisper. "I've thought of him every Memorial Day," he says. "In my heart, I pay homage to him. And Johnson. They are all very important." He closes his eyes and bows his head and quietly weeps."
  16. I like statements such as the above, but will always remain wary.
  17. If she was wearing a Pats jersey then I would really take it as a sign.
  18. It does look a little like one of those robot carpet cleaners. All kidding aside, I like it. A stadium like that would look terribly out of place in Buffalo. If they do build downtown Buffalo in the future, I hope they use Lucas Oil in Indy as a model.
  19. Arrogant attitude based on past laurels. Pats are in decline and the Bills are on the rise and he knows it, but can’t come to grips and he has to pander to his readers. At season’s end dig this drivel up and throw it in his face.
  20. This is a laughable homer piece. The Jets could very easily start the season 0-8 and even go 0-10 if they can't beat Pats at home or the Dolphins. They could be a 4 win team at most. Despite the wishful thinking here, the Bills will handily beat them twice.
  21. He was a thorn in our side through the 70's but we had some great battles in the 80' and 90's. He was a true titan in the game.
  22. Roger looks like he is about to fall asleep on his recliner right now. He looks like he is trying to be "Everynman" and it is working. Tomorrow he will be eating a burrito and drinking a Bud light at some point. For a guy that makes 30 million his, basement looks like it could be in South Buffalo.
  23. The San Francisco Giants just laid off 1200 employees. Things are happening all over the sports world. The good news for the Pegulas is that if the NFL plays (and there is a good chance it will in some form), they will get TV revenue regardless of fans in the seats. That is a ton of money and will sustain things, I would bet, since that seems to be the cash cow. Many employees would likely be rehired.
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