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SF Bills Fan

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Everything posted by SF Bills Fan

  1. I thought about your theory #1. They put on the coffin, but no body. That is why he got mad and broke up the coffin. All of the theories are plausible. Outside of #1 being the case, I think we are being led to believe that his dad is somehow resurrected. ---------------- Go Bills
  2. You are a brave man. The TV critic out her for the Chronicle loves it too and he is a cool guy, so I know it has to be good. Plus, Terri Hatcher is easy on the eyes. ----------- Go Bills
  3. Alos, hate to overanalyze, but it is clear that Jack wasn't hallucinating and that when he was near the fire, he heard and saw soemthing close by that led him to that waterfall. It sounded like the clinking of ice in a glass. Like when his dad lectured him. That was an eerie scene as a whole. Sorry for so much off topic, but this show is fascinating. I hope they don't mess it up. ------------- Go Bills
  4. Remember the doll found underwater at the falls? Did anyone else equate that with the woman that drowned at the beginning? I think way too much while I watch this show. ---------- Go Bills
  5. For those that liked the show the Office, with David Brent, he is doing a 2 hour special catching up with what the characters and what they are now doing. That show was hilarious. It will be on BBC America, not sure when. ------------- Go Bills
  6. Yeah, it's all women that tell me it's good. Even if I liked it and watched it, I'd never say on this board. ---------- Go Bills
  7. That coffin thing was creepy. This show is great. It's the only new show that is worth turning the TV on for. I've heard theat Desperate Housewives is also good, but it's not my cup of tea. Can't wait for next week and Lost again. ------------- Go Bills
  8. Lost is great. Creepy episode last night too. --------------- Go Bills
  9. I'd suspect the break-in was some neighborhood kids. You might want to check around. They knew you'd be gone, they took stuff that stupid kids who didn't know better would take. They are probably playing with the PS2 at a house somewhere on your block. -------------- Go Bills
  10. I'd be chalking this up as a win if I were a Baltimore fan. Until the Bills win a few games against quality opponents, we will be viewed as a pushover. We were close in most games this year, but good teams win those games. Were not a good team right now. I think we are improving, but it'll take more time. I don't want to sound overly down here, becasue I am optimistic with this team. They'll turn the corner and I thnk it'll be before the end of the season. --------------- Go Bills
  11. That is too bad, that was a great little spot out on Elmwood. I always was a fan of that place and Cole's. --------------- Go Bills
  12. The Patriots are good, we have to admit that terrible fact. I'd have put the '72 Phins higher. Who else was on the list? I'd imagine the Steelers, Niners and Cowboys were on there. What about the Bears Super Bowl team or the recent Rams? -------------------- Go Bills
  13. If so, I'm not surprised. I've been a bit undwerwhelmed by Sam this year. ------------ Go Bills
  14. Nightmare ends. We cover the spread and I'll be drunk and happy. --------------- Go Bills
  15. She could have extra toes no belly button and drool excessively when she has sex and I'd overlook it. -------------------- Go bills
  16. "That's it! I'm leaving the He-Man woman haters club!" ---------------- Go Bills
  17. I would do it if it were a way to sneak more booze into the stadium. Which is the only way I'm getting through these games at this point. ------------------- Go Bills
  18. If captured, they should cut off his manhood, then sauté it in front of him, then make him eat it. I'd like to see that on Al Jazeera TV. --------------- Go Bills
  19. San Francisco is up there and I'm not surprised. Many high risk groups doing high risk activities. ----------------- Go Bills
  20. I read Eberts review too. I think he is one of the best out there and this is one of his best reviews this year. He definitely gets this film. The part he describes is hilarious. I know of many peopel on this board that will love this flick. ----------------- Go Bills
  21. Saw it last night. Great humor and scary enough too. Very gory in parts. If you like satire with your blood and guts, this is your movie. ------------- Go Bills
  22. Ralph is the best.... RALPH: Miss Hoover? MISS HOOVER: Yes Ralph what is it? RALPH: My worm went in my mouth and I then ate it, can I have another one? MISS HOOVER: No Ralph there aren't anymore. Just try to sleep while the other children are learning RALPH: Oh boy Sleep! That's where I'm a Viking! --------------------- Go Bills
  23. You broke my wookie. ---------------------- Go Bills
  24. I was at Bills victory over the Bengals once. I think the final was 5-2. This must have been 1979? It was quite a contest. ------------------- Go Bills
  25. Fueled by the home crowd and Belichicks comments as well as outright desperation, I see our defense stopping these guys cold. Unfortunately, I see our offense sputtering too. Take the under on this one. We win 16-10 --------------------- Go Bills
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