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SF Bills Fan

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Everything posted by SF Bills Fan

  1. Maybe you want to retract your statement? http://www.cheerleader.com/Buffalo/Buff04Cal2.html
  2. The jury is returning a verdict: I'D HIT IT YOUR HONOR!
  3. Just getting the ship back on course here. http://www.bengals.com/cheerleaders/img/full/allisonl04.jpg Allison here is na account manager. That's what it says.
  4. This is proof that monsters do exist.
  5. We cross the river and we get Canada and good beer and hot strippers. You cross the river and you get Kentucky and a bunch of toothless hags. We win! Retreat to your double wide.
  6. Thank you. That will propel me through this day. I was looking for a boost. Thats it.
  7. Are people on the Atkins diet? I'm thinking we're low carb.
  8. I'll take hthe NHL, AAA ball and the NFL over MLB any day. Buffal ohas a good thing going. Out here, the A's (my team) struggle every year. The Bay Area is the epitome of the haves (Giants) and have nots- (A's)
  9. I'll stick with Triple A baseball and the Bisons. We'd be an immediate small market have-not if we went into MLB. The MLB salary and revenue structure doesn't favor cities like Buffalo.
  10. You know- selective memory. Last week, after the game, I went out to dinner with a girl I date. I can recall everything from the game last Sunday. Can't remember what either of us had for dinner or what we discussed. I'm sure I must have been a very fun date.
  11. No, this one wasn't until the 3rd or 4th (I think 4th) season. Their first Christmas episode was a take off of the Night Before Christmas and that was the 2nd season. It boggles my mind I know this stuff, yet, forget where the hell my car is parked on Monday mornings.
  12. That was usppossed to be Buffalo's team in the first place. A last minute deal sent them to Montreal in the late 60's.
  13. Festivus is great. The Simpsons episode where Bart trys to get a tattoo that says "Mother" as a Christmas gift to Marge and Homer gets no Christmas bonus so they go to the dog track to win gift money and money to get rid of the tattoo is a classic. That's the one where they get Santa's Little Helper. In case you all wondered where that dog got it's name. Also, Bart gets caught while getting the tattoo and pulled out of the shop so that the incomplete tattoo says "Moth".
  14. 61 and sunny in San Francisco. Goign to 50 tonight. Typical winter, except it is usually rainier. It's been a dry winter, maybe it will be nice for all those coming out here next week for the game. I'm looking forward to some Buffalo snow when I get back next week. Although, I recall, last year it was in the 60s one day. Some friends went and played gold at OP Country Club.
  15. Very accurate account here. When it came down to the final choices, it was us vs. Louisville. I've always been surprised Louisville doesn't have a major league team of some sort. It's like Richmond and how Columbus, OHand Memphis once were. I'd say they are a good candidate for the NBA. Not an NFL town in my opinion.
  16. This is the Mighty Warrior that was sent from Bengalsville to scare us? I was worried about the game, but, tonight I will sleep very well.
  17. That whistleblowing is going to ruin a good thing in a place where not too much is going on. He broke the code. Even if it was his job, he should have said nothing. "Boss there, was nothing to see there. The only reason to go there is to get directions to get away from there."
  18. I hate to admit it, but I haven't rooted harder for the Dolphins ever. They almost got Denver too. Denver is the scariest team we face in the running for a playoff spot. The Raiders did us a huge favor a few weeks back when they beat those guys by blocking that field goal. At the time, I didn't realize it.
  19. Isn't this guy from Buffalo? You can't get too mad. He speaks the truth mostly and it's good writing. As a native son, he knows Buffalo. I wish Bruce had shut his fat yap, but that was Bruce for you.
  20. She is fine with me. I'd hit it twice.
  21. I'll be there. It's been a while. First Blue is one me!
  22. The guy that organized this for McDonalds is the dad of buddy of mine that comes to the North Star out here. He owns some McDonalds in Buffalo. My friend just got tickets to fly back because M & T is havign a big party for at the stadium for them. The tickets go to area servicemen and their families. Good move, and a nice gesture. My guess is that those are seats would have normally gone to the Browns fans, but since this is a bad year, they aren't making the trip to fill the void. That won't be the case with the Steelers fans.
  23. Good story about that. My friend and former fraternity brother, Rob Cantrell was on the first season. We traveled around Thailand and he lived in my place for 6 months when he got back, just before he went to LA to be a comic. We'd sit around and he'd try out jokes he made up on me. He's a pretty whacked guy with an odd sense of humor. He was on the radio on a morning show here today. He is at a comedy club here all weekend. I recommend seeing him if you get a chance. He can be hilarious. He toured with Jay Mohr after the 1st season of Last Comic and does pretty big shows that involve acts like Dave Chapelle and Tenacious D.
  24. Miss Thursday the 2nd! Who loves you baby! SF Bills Fan, that's who.
  25. I'd take a threesome with Kate and the snob Shannon. For that matter, someone needs to give Shannon a good rogering just to shut her up.
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