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SF Bills Fan

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Everything posted by SF Bills Fan

  1. A good chance for everyone that missed it the first time to jump on the bandwagon.
  2. Lynly is my favorite too. She looks awesome, and she is in MENSA. Wow, a good head on the shoulders to boot. Some lucky guy gets to come home to that.
  3. Check out this squad: http://www.chargers.com/chargergirls/squad.cfm It's safe for work- unfortunately.
  4. I hope when Bills fans go to other boards that they keep the smack to a minimum and talk intelligent football. I know I have seen some posts that make me wince. I've seen good posts by some of the regulars on this board.
  5. At least they are limiting the smack talk to their board and not bringing it here. You at least have to appreciate that.
  6. Anyone remeber when Bo Jackson had the hip pointer that ended things for good? It kind of looked like that was what happened at first. I was pretty concerned. I saw the future of the team lying there, it could have been devastating.
  7. That was a very scary few minutes. Good timing for us with the Niners game. I say rest him and get him 100% for Pitt.
  8. So true. I'll be very pleased if they can win out, even if they don't make the playoffs because that ius one heck of an achievement. Then you have to believe that very good things will be ahead of us next year. I am certain that this team has a bright future. When you see the young guys like Evan and McGahee producing like they are, you've got to believe.
  9. Nobody wants us to get anywhere near the playoffs. We could do some serious damage to the favored teams. If we did get in, I think we'd pull and upset or two. If we played New England again, it would be a very interesting game. Just thinking about that possibility gets me going. I'd love to march into Foxboro and take those guys out. But, I'm getting ahead here. Let's get San Francisco and then see where things are.
  10. They didn't do a bad job against us the 2nd week of the season, I saw that firsthand. Their D can be tough, especially with big Ted and when Sapp decides to show up. You are right, they won't mail it in.
  11. Oakland has improved. They played a great game in Denver a few weeks back and they have played well (even though they have lost) since then. If they play tough for pride, who knows? Collins has been playing some good football recently. Maybe I'll even have to cross the Bay and cheer on the Raiders that day.
  12. Yeah, on Primetime, Tommy Jackson and (of course) Boomer were all excited about the Bills. He pulled out the "nobody circles the wagons..." and Tommy Jackson said next year we will be a playoff team for sure. I think they are really hoping we get there. I guess i'm just being pessimistic because it'll be easier for me to swallow missing the playoffs if I don't get to excited here. I will be on the houston bandwagon all week.
  13. Houston is one of those Jekyl and Hyde teams. They can be really tough or they can get wiped out. They did beat Jax already and it was a decisive win. I wish the game was in Houston, I think Jacksonville is not an easy place for teams to play.
  14. You are 100% right. He totally does. I was so psyched when it appeared to be a Green Bay touchdown and then that guy just took it right out of his hands. Jacksonville is having one of those years where all the bounces go their way.
  15. That Green Bay game was crucial. I can't believe they were able to pull it off. That team just finds ways to win (as we well know). I was really hoping for a Brett Farve led comeback that just didn't happen. Jax has Houston and Oakland and both are very winnable games. I see us getting ahead of Denver and Baltimore and losing out to the Jets and Jax. I really hope I'm wrong. If we win out, then I think this team deserves a playoff spot.
  16. Her favorite TV show is the Simpsons and movie is the Lord of the Rings. And she likes poles. Check out her swimsuit photo. I'd marry Amanda.
  17. The Eagles have by far, the best swimsuit calendar I've seen. It makes me proud and thankful to be an American when I view it.
  18. Yeah the Eagles are the best. How could I forget? http://www.philadelphiaeagles.com/cheerlea...rBio.jsp?id=797 We might have a winner here though: http://www.miamidolphins.com/cheerleaders/...er_lauren_m.asp
  19. Come on, we've been down that road already. I submit for your approval: http://www.miamidolphins.com/cheerleaders/...er_lauren_d.asp I think the Dolphins might win the overall award.
  20. I do believe in Santa! http://wws.buccaneers.com/av/photoview.asp...ay/IG4D7518.jpg
  21. http://www.cheerleader.com/Tampa/Tampa05Cal4.html
  22. Classic: Mother: Navin, it's your birthday, and it's time you knew. You're not our natural-born child. Navin:I'm not? You mean I'm gonna STAY this color? The good news is, I may have some extra money coming in soon as I've found some extra work. My friend Patty promised me a b**w job.
  23. We should send money and help to the families of the guys that got killed. I don't know where you get addresses. The Buffalo area has a very high number. Tim Russert mentioned this on Meet the Press.
  24. Check out the Tampa squad. My eyes burst into flames. http://www.buccaneers.com/cheerleaders/teamphoto.aspx OMG http://www.buccaneers.com/av/photoview.asp...ay/IG4D6582.jpg
  25. This is fun, I could do this all day. Exhibit A: http://cachewww.patriots.com/cheerleaders/...y_detail&f=5310
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