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SF Bills Fan

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Everything posted by SF Bills Fan

  1. I'd probably get the case to go along with it in order to prevent scratching. Agreed on the pricing. If it's more, I'll get the regular one and use the savings to downlaod all their songs.
  2. Anyone have it? What are your thoughts on this one. What do you like about it and what could be better? What is nice about the other iPods (assuming you own a different one rather than this one). I'm a huge U2 fan, so I'd view this as a collectors item too. thansk for your responses.
  3. I love this show. I haven't missed oen episode yet. Let me know if you have nay questiosn on things from last year.
  4. Very accurate assessment here. The truth can really hurt.
  5. Pittsburgh 42 NFC 3 (Won't matter who shows up).
  6. EOM
  7. From what I understand, it was not a case of poor attendance and fan support, that lost the Hornets. It was an owner that wanted a new publicly financed arena, when the city had built one not too long before. He thought it was already outdated. The city basically said good riddance. New Orleans had a new arena in place, so that is where he went. New Orleans is not a step up from Charlotte economically. If I were player, I'd rather be in New Orleans, though. That city is great. Charlotte is a nice city, it's just a little bland there.
  8. You said it all man, you said it all. May God, Bhudda, Allah or whoever controls how the football bounces bless this team. A tough plea considering how f'd up everything around the world is right now.
  9. Apology acceppted. I think were all a little nervous here. You are right- teams are out to beat whoever comes there way noa matter what the situation is. I'd expect nothing but a serious effort out of Indy. I hope Manning gets at least a half. I'll take a full quarter even.
  10. It was raining when I got back here Tuesday night and rained straight through until last night when it started to pour. People drive poorly in the rian here. worse than back east in the snow. There are big snows forecasted for the Sierra and all my friends going up for New Years will be faced with major travel problems. I know they are requiring chains in the major passes to Tahoe/Reno. The skiing will be great though. We have a nice let up on the rain right now, so Im going to try to take a run.
  11. Ha! So true. I hate the fact that we have to rely on Martz and his game plan and decisions.
  12. No, he was referring to me. And as for calling me an idiot- here is a tall glass of shut the !@#$ up. Take a big drink.
  13. Yeah, I want him to play. He can still be dangerous. Just give Jackson the workload. Faulk will get plenty of play time.
  14. Matrz is such a jackass, you never know. I'm relying on Holt, Bruce and Bulger. The Rams offense is loaded with weapons.
  15. Jackson seems to be a McGahee type of player- big speedy and physical. The Rams play better when he is in. It's a no brainer. Start that guy!
  16. Jackson was good Monday night. Let's hope he has a big game Sunday.
  17. Mannings words were encouraging. It all boils down to Dungy and his decisions. You are certainly right, no team goes in hoping to lose. Our best hope is that Manning goes big while in and racks up some TDs. I'm going to be a huge Manning/Harrison fan on Sunday.
  18. Yep, all of my eggs are in the Rams basket. Thats scares me to no end. I'm relying on the team speed of the Rams and their experience to carry the day. The Jets are having one of those lucky years, that bothers me. They are so overrated. We deserve their spot.
  19. in the first round and not the Bills. If they have thought of this (I'm sure they have), they might reconsider the finish strong strategy. Would you rather finish with a win and (potentially) face the Bills? Or a loss and face the Broncos. I'd take the later.
  20. We have to hope that the speedy receivers of the Rams overwhelms the Jets D. That's the best hope here. The Jet's have a good run D. they can stop Faulk and Jackson. The old adage is that the run opens the pass, but I think it'll be the opposite here. I like what I saw of Jackson on Monday. That guys got some power. Faulk isn't the same runner anymore. If Jackson plays well, they can win. The Rams also have a short week to prepare. That's not good. Luckily, it's in the dome in St. Louis. If this were in Jersey, no way Rams.
  21. It's encouraging to hear that.
  22. I had a good feeling about the Texans last week and they didn't disappoint. Way to go!
  23. The game against the Seahawks because it was on the road and the Seahawks were still respectable. The margin of victory and the fact that Willis had 4 touchdowns made me think something special was happening. Or maybe it was the case of beer I drank at the stadium. Either way, I knew we turned it around then.
  24. Thanks for the info. I'll just take a win and a loss by either team. If we get that double loss scenario, I'll be extremely pleased, but that is a real stretch. DCgirl, that is good analysis. I think that would be the ideal path. Going into Pitt is always scary, but Manning is more worrisome.
  25. What is the equation that gets us to play San Diego in the opening round? Would it be a Jets loss or a Denver loss or both? I hate to look past the Steelers, but I'm already considering the fact that I can get to San Diego should we make the playoffs.
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